Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 311

Because he was forced to join Konoha, he decided to betray the village?

Kakashi is completely incapable of understanding Alan's thinking, thoughts and logic.

After all, in the eyes of most children and villagers in Konoha, being a ninja is definitely something to be proud of.

Alan's forehead guard, which symbolized his identity as a ninja, could be melted without the slightest hesitation just now, and his contempt and disdain for Shinobu-mura, he realized that the other party was not lying, but slapped him. I despised the profession of ninja in my heart, and even filled it with disgust.

You must know that even if you are a rebel, you will not lose your forehead easily, but will choose to slash a knife on the logo representing the village above.

Because in their minds, although they betrayed the village, they are still proud of being a ninja.

Just when Kakashi was about to say something, a silhouette with white hair suddenly fell from the sky and attacked Alan sitting on the canopy chair directly.


There is no doubt that this guy is none other than Jiraiya who just came over from the other side of Wooden Leaf Village.

Unfortunately, before the blue chakra ball hit the target, a cloud of white freezing air exploded under his feet, and at the same time, countless vines wrapped around his knees at a very fast speed. Below the calf.

Frost Trap!

The next second...

An arrow flashing terrifying aura pierced through the air, engulfing Jiraiya with a bang.

When the dazzling firelight and current completely disappeared, he finally showed his battered and exhausted appearance, as well as a surprised and astonished expression on his face.

"Really! You Konoha people can't be honest and wait for the end of the fight between Orochimaru and Sandai Hokage?" Alan complained helplessly.

"Jiraiya-sama! Be careful! His kaleidoscope writing wheel eye ability is sure to hit! So whether it is a stand-in technique or any other ninjutsu, it will lose its effect in an instant." Kakashi He hurriedly opened his mouth to remind.

"It must be hit? No wonder!"

Jilai also glanced at his body, which was severely burned by flames, explosions, and lightning, and suddenly realized nodded.

If he hadn't channeled out of the stomach of the big toad in Yansu just now, he would probably be dead by now.

That's right!

The toad immortal, one of the dignified three ninjas, almost died by an arrow.

Aware of this, Jiraiya quickly adjusted his attitude, and lifts the head asked in a very cautious tone: "What do you want to do to Konoha?"

" Don't do anything! I just want to leave, that's all. Of course, when I leave, I will take some things with me, such as the life of the three generations of Hokage and Danzo." Alan blunt gave the answer.

"You want to kill old fogey and Danzo?" Jiraiya was obviously startled.

Because of the three generations of Hokage and Danzo, they are almost the two most powerful people in the high-level Konoha.

If they die, then there is a huge power vacuum.

"en! That's right! And I can also tell you that Danzo is dead. My wooden escape ability and kaleidoscope writing wheel eye are thanks to him. Maybe you don't know it yet. In order to gain more power, Danzo secretly transplanted the cells of the first Hokage, as well as a large number of Uchiha clan's writing wheels. Perhaps for this village, his death is not only a bad thing, it may be a Good thing. In the same way, the three generations of Hokage should obediently and honestly lie in the coffin and make way for the later youngster."

When throwing out this heavy news, Alan's tone was naked and indifferent. Unabashed mockery.

He really wanted to know how much the guy who called himself "hero" in front of him knew about the dark side of Konoha, and what kind of attitude he had.

"You killed Danzo?!" Jiraiya's expression changed slightly.

Alan lightly nodded, and took out the test tube containing the water-stop kaleidoscope writing wheel from his pocket, and shook it in front of everyone: "See this? It's why Danzo keeps using it. The secret that bandages cover his eyes. For his own selfishness, he even slaughtered the entire Uchiha clan, even the elderly, women and children. Could it be that this is the legendary will of fire?"


The sighed, helpless, didn't try to justify Danzo or Sandai Hokage.

After all, he didn't like these things, so he decided to leave the village and wander around.

But in any case, he would never allow anyone to hurt Konoha, so without saying a word, he channeled the two toads, Fukasaku and Shima, immortal, obviously preparing to enter immortal mode as a last-ditch effort.

"Are you so eager to die? Or do you think the trifling immortal mode can outnumber the arrows I'm sure to hit?" Alan asked meaningfully.

"No! Neither! Because you are too dangerous, so I must leave you, otherwise it will bring endless disasters to the village. Although Konoha has many unsatisfactory, even dark The place, but it is still my home, the place I love so much. I will never allow anyone to destroy it."

After saying that, Jiraiya gave the two toads immortal a wink. .

It didn't take long for him to enter immortal mode by extracting a lot of natural energy.

“immortal art—thousands of needles!”

Under the action of Immortal Technique chakra, a large amount of hair flew over like a gust of wind and rain, creating the entire wooden dungeon. The trees are all covered in it.

If it is replaced by someone else, it is very likely that you will need to use avatars, or other defensive ninjutsu to resist, otherwise you will be instantly shot into a sieve.

But Alan is motionless, letting these tenacious hairs, sharper than a needle, hit him.

To be precise, it hits the protective chi around the body.

To know his current strength, let alone some hairs that have been reinforced by chakra, he will not be damaged in the slightest by the concentrated bombardment of large-caliber artillery.

"Little Jiraiya, who is he?" Immortal Fukasaku couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know! But he has the Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye of the Uchiha family, and also has the Mudun of the first Hokage. These two alone are enough trouble." Zilai also quickly explained. .

"Kaleidoscope Shaker and Mu Dun?!"

Shima Immortal was also shocked by the news, and hurriedly turned his attention to Alan, and sure enough he saw the pair of three arrows pointing outwards A spreading kaleidoscope.

In addition to the tree that grew out of thin air from the center of the arena, it was almost certain that what was said was true.

"Two immortals! Please help me! Don't let this dangerous guy leave easily! Otherwise, he will definitely turn Heaven and Earth upside down in the entire ninja world!" Zilai also said in a tone sincere request. 、

After all, his immortal mode is not perfect, so when performing some Immortal Technique, he must get the assistance of the two old toads around him.

"Got it!"

"Child's dad, be careful, I always feel that something is wrong."

Shima and Fukasaku were the two speakers. The preparation for ninjutsu is completed.

The next second...

One of them used the wind escape, the other used the fire escape, and Jiraiya spewed a lot of oil from his mouth.

"immortal art - Goemon!"

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