Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 312


The terrifying flames engulfed the entire arena!

Compared with the chakra extracted from cells, the natural ability is undoubtedly more abundant, and it also has more destructive power.

The high temperature flame of thousands of degrees Celsius destroyed almost everything, even the stones melted into hot lava.

But when the flames gradually dissipated, Alan was still sitting motionless on the tree, and even the tree itself was not damaged in the slightest.

Not only that, but a large amount of light blue and translucent unknown liquid shrouded around the tree, constantly exuding a biting chill all around.

Transformation Psychic Ability - Air Liquide.

"What kind of ability is this? It can actually block the immortal art - Goemon! Some kind of ice escaping blood?"

Jiraiya's eyes widened in disbelief Facts you see with your own eyes.

"Be careful! The enemy's ability is very strange! It's not even ninjutsu at all!" Shima reminded with a solemn expression.

"I know! That's why it's troublesome!" Zi Lai also rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

Just when he was about to use another Immortal Technique, Alan suddenly stretched out a finger and said, "The first time! I forgive you! But it's better not to have a second time. .Because my patience is not unlimited! If you are making any attack, I will start to counterattack. And once I counterattack, the entire Leaf Village will be turned into ruins. This is not an exaggeration to describe, just An apt description."


Jilai also stopped everything he was doing in an instant.

At this moment, he finally realized that, except for the moment of the sneak attack, the other party did not respond to his attack.

"Very good! It seems that you finally realized this. Don't forget, these eyes can control the tailed beast. Just imagine, if I release nine tails and one tail at the same time now, the whole wooden What will the leaves look like?" Alan faintly smiled threateningly.

"Damn! Kakashi, get Naruto out of here!"

Thinking of the horrific scene of two tailed beasts ravaging at the same time, Jiraiya couldn't help but fight on the spot Chilled, and at the same time gave orders to Kakashi beside him.


The latter is also a person who has experienced the Nine-Tails Rebellion. He is very aware of the terrifying of the tailed beast. He completely ignored Naruto's protest and punched him directly. Stunned, carried on the shoulder three or two times disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, Sasuke on the side immediately asked with a twisted face: "Why? Why should you warn them instead of directly destroying Konoha? Haven't you defected?"

"Calm down! Don't let hatred swallow your sanity. First of all, I don't owe you anything, but I helped you kill the real murderer behind Uchiha's genocide - Danzo, so don't use this tone Talk to me, or I can't help but teach you a lesson. Secondly, Konoha and I have no inseparable hatred. At best, I can only despise their actions. Finally, and most importantly, you and I There is no relationship between them, you are neither a member of my team nor my partner, I have no obligation to help you do anything."

Alan did not save any face for Erzhuzi, blunt took a stand.

Because he understands that Sasuke can open a dyeing shop by giving him some color all day long. He always feels that the whole world owes him a guy, and he must not get used to it, or he will be bitten back at some point. .

even more how, he has become the only person in this world who has a kaleidoscope of kaleidoscope except Obito and Itachi.

As long as Sasuke Uchiha is not a fool, he will definitely choose to rely on Alan instead of others.

"How can I be a part of your team?" asked Erzhuzi blunt.

"It's easy to say it's easy, and it's hard to say it. Because I don't have a uniform standard for selecting team members, it's more based on personal preference. Obviously, your performance now doesn't make me like it." Alan also bluntly rejected the other party's intention to join.

Compared to Xianglin's simplicity and Neji's maturity, Sasuke's character is really bad.

As long as his brain isn't broken, he won't accept such a guy into his team.

"Bastard! You obviously stole Uchiha's bloodline! What right do you have to look down on me?" Erzhuzi roared furiously.

But the next second...

A familiar fist was suddenly thrown from the side, fiercely hitting his handsome face.


This unfortunate guy flew out and rolled over a dozen meters away on the ground before stopping.

"Shut up! Who gave you the courage to speak to Lord Alan like this!"

Xiang Lin adjusted her glasses, scolded in a stern tone.

There is no doubt that, as a typical strengthening system, the formidable power of her fists is becoming more and more terrifying with the improvement of her telekinesis ability.

"Hehe, forget it. Even more how, as a girl, it's better not to be too violent." Alan smiled and waved his hand, signaling the descendant of the vortex family to stop the next action .

Otherwise, with Erzhuzi's current strength, he is afraid that every bone in his body will be broken alive.

"When...of course! I've always hated violence! It's just that this guy is so irritating!" stammered in response.

Just as Sasuke struggled to get up from the ground, the battle between Orochimaru and Sandai Hokage finally came to an end.

The only difference from the original plot is that this time he did not lose his hands, but dragged the corpse of the three generations of Hokage and walked out of the Formation with a full of smiles: " Aiya! It's so dangerous! didn't expect this old fogey to use the summon Death God's forbidden technique before dying. If it wasn't for the ability Alan taught me, I'm afraid I would suffer a big loss What."


Staring at the old and scarred corpse, Jirai couldn't help but let out an angry roar .

"hmph! It turns out you are an idiot." Orochimaru sneered and sneered.

"I'm going to slaughter you, you deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors!"

The death of the third Hokage undoubtedly made Jiraiya explode!

He didn't even care about Alan, and rushed up to Orochimaru to launch a stormy attack, with no intention of showing mercy at all.

But Orochimaru is also not to be trifled with. There are all kinds of strange things in ninjutsu and tricks, and they are evenly matched with Jirai in immortal mode, at least There will be no winner in a short period of time.

On the other side, Neji broke the knot with the Zong family and returned to Alan's side.

Seeing that the Konoha collapse plan was coming to an end, Alan slowly stood up from his chair, took a deep breath and said, "It's time for this to come to an end!"

tone barely fell!

He jumped up high, extracting a large amount of chakra from the four tails in his body, and smashing his head to the ground.

"Melting Escape—Flower Fruit Mountain!"


With deafening loud noises and vibrations, the entire venue and surrounding areas were engulfed in The terrifying lava sea engulfs.

Fortunately, Konoha's Anbu had already completed the transfer of the audience and nearby residents, otherwise thousands of casualties would have been caused by this action alone.

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