Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 313

Just one hit!

The entire chunin final selection arena completely disappeared!

Not only that!

The spewing lava is still spreading to all directions at an extremely fast speed, so many ninjas have to put down their work and start to perform a lot of water and wind ninjutsu, so that these lava cool down quickly , instead of continuing to spread and cause more terrifying damage.

"Melting escape? Four... four tails! Are you still the man of the four tails?!"

The terrifying eruption of lava made Jiraiya finally get rid of the extreme anger He regained consciousness, with a terrified look all over his face.

After all, the wooden dungeon, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and the strange unknown ability are enough to cause headaches, and now I have to add another four tails.

"Get out of the way! I'm leaving! If you're trying to stop me, you'd better consider the consequences. That was just a warning, but if anyone's going to continue to haunt me, this scene will Covering the entire Konoha." Alan glanced blankly at the Jounin who came from all directions, and threatened with a sneer.

"Damn! What kind of place do you think of Wood Leaf Village? A public toilet where you can come and go when you want?" Zilai also roared furiously.

"In my opinion, there's not much difference between the two. Could it be... Do you want to watch this village be swallowed by lava?" Alan asked meaningfully, pursing the corners of his mouth.

"Jiraiya! I suggest you better get out of the way! Otherwise..."

Orochimaru deliberately dragged a drink, his face full of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune expressions.

There is no doubt that he is now enjoying the appearance of others who clearly hate him to the death, but can do nothing about it.

And if Konoha really chooses to retreat and let the masterminds who launched the raid leave, it will not take long for the news to spread throughout the entire ninja world.

When the time comes, everyone will know that the days when the five kingdoms hid the sky with one hand are over, and Konoha's reputation and deterrence will plummet, even attracting prying eyes from other villages. siege.

But if you don't give in, then with the formidable power of the four tails and the personal strength of Alan, the Leaf Village will be completely turned into ruins today.

Obviously, this is another tough choice in a full-time hunter world.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Let them go!"

After a series of extremely painful struggles, Jiraiya finally made a rational judgment.

Although he has left the village and wandered outside for more than ten years, he still has a high prestige.

Although some people are not reconciled, they still choose to obey.

In just a few minutes, thousands of ninjas gathered to make way for a road to the outside of the village.

"hahahaha! Alan-kun! After today, your name will soon be resounding throughout the Ninja world. Because of your strength of oneself, a big country like Konoha has chosen to back down." Orochi Maru laughed in admiration.

"no! This is just the beginning! The next part is the best part."

Alan completely ignored the hateful eyes of the Konoha ninjas around him and swaggered from the village. The front door went out.

Just as the entire group was about to leave completely, Mike Kay suddenly jumped out of the crowd, changed his normally amused look, and said solemnly: "Ningji! Alan! Next time! We are enemies when we meet. When the time comes, I won't show mercy."

"Ah! I see, I also really want to see how strong Kai teacher with Eight Sects fully open can be. To what extent." Alan stopped and responded with a smile.

Although Mike Kay only taught the first few gates to open, but through the records in the book of seals, he has completed the last Death Gate cultivation.

And with his stronger physical fitness, hunter occupation template, and nearly infinite regeneration ability, his destructive power after unlocking all Eight Sects will definitely surpass the opponent, and it will last longer.

"If necessary, I will."

After saying this, Mike Kay turned and disappeared into the crowd, even stopping to ask why Xiao Li and Tian Tian.

With the two masterminds of Alan and Orochimaru completely leaving, the rest of the sand ninjas and the bottom cannon fodder of the sound ninjas have completely become the targets of Konoha to vent his anger.

Even one-tailed human Zhuli Gaara was beaten into a pig's head and forced to be a hostage and a prisoner.

In the case of the death of four generations of Kazekage and the capture of Hiroshima and a large number of ninjas, Sand Shinobi is naturally impossible to hold on.

It didn't take long for Chiyo's mother-in-law and his younger brother to join forces to take over the rights of the village, declared their defeat and surrender, and began negotiations with Konoha.

At the same time, Alan and Orochimaru's performance in this war quickly entered the sight of other Shinobi village executives.

Especially the third generation Tsuchikage Onogi jumped his feet in anger, slammed his fists fiercely on the table, and roared sternly: "Bastard! What's going on? Why was the four tails taken away? You Anbu? Stupid? I haven't even noticed such an important thing until now!"

"Tokage-sama! This is not our problem! It's that Orochimaru and this youngster named Alan are too strong! Who would have thought , even a perfect person like Lao Zi, Zhuli, can't resist it. And all the people we sent out were killed by the other party, and it was too late to send the news back to the village." Anbu, an Ianbu, explained helplessly. .

"Damn! This kid will definitely be our enemy in the future. No way! We can't let him grow like this any longer! Send someone to ask Akatsuki how much it will cost to buy his head." Ohnogi gnashing teeth made the decision.

"Xiao? Those mercenaries are charging a lot! Trying to satisfy their appetite may put the village's finances in trouble," an Elder advisor reminded softly.

"Financial difficulties will always pass! But if this guy grows up, we Iwanin may never have peace. By the way, I will send someone to the country of fire to ask Konoha if it is his original intention. Let's join forces. In any case, this dangerous person named Alan must die, otherwise I can't even sleep at ease." Ohnogi said with his fist clenched tightly.

"Okay! Tomorrow I'll send someone to contact Akatsuki and Konoha. And I think I can also try to send messengers to Yunnin, Sandin and Mistin. Some of this youngster's The rhetoric has touched the bottom line of all major powers, and maybe we can reach an agreement and join hands to nip this threat in the bud."

Another Elder advisor gave his own advice.

Onogi gently nodded: "You're right! It's time to let this kid who doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth see the true power of the ninja world!"

Soon, the senior officials of Iwa Shinobi reached an agreement during the discussion.

second day Early in the morning, several squads left the village and went to other Ninja villages as messengers, trying to build an alliance against Alan and Orochimaru.

But they didn't know that just before the messenger left the territory of the land of the land, Alan just planned to fulfill his promise to wipe out the village of Iwanin from the map and kill Onogi by the way. , to capture the dust escape, an extremely interesting ninjutsu.

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