Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 314

The country of Tian, the village of sound ninja.

Since the end of the "Konoha Crash Plan", this place has become a frequent haunt of spies from various ninja villages, and it is also a place where ambitious and those who have a strong hatred for ninjas are extremely eager to enter.

The reason is simple!

Alan is fulfilling his original promise to spread the scrolls that record all the cultivation methods of mind ability, hundreds of ninjutsu, and even forbidden techniques to the entire world in a very fast way. .

apart from this , also comes with an engineering guide for making firearms, explosives, and artillery.

It can be said that he recorded all the things that could pose a threat to ninjas in this scroll.

It is not difficult to see from the continuous stream of people who come to collect the scrolls, how ruthlessly the commoners in this world are suppressed, and how many people hope that ninjas, ninja villages, daimyo and nobles are the old and decaying old people. Interest groups can all die out.

In just one month, more than 20,000 copies of this scroll were given away.

At the same time, the death rate of Jinnin who went out to perform missions in major ninja villages instantly increased by more than 300%, and daimyo, nobles and warrior groups were frequently assassinated.

Although many people were arrested and sentenced to death during this process, and even the scroll itself became a banned book, but once something starts, it will never stop.

Looking at the information collected by his subordinates from all over the world, Orochimaru couldn't help grinning and sighing: "Alan-kun is really a terrifying person! By spreading knowledge and power, with no difficulty It stirred up the entire ninja world, and even caused a bottom-up change in this stagnant pool."

"No, Lord Orochimaru.

I think Alan's most terrifying place , because of his vision and the way of thinking that is different from ordinary people.

If it was someone else, after getting so much forbidden technique, knowledge and power called mindfulness, I am afraid the first reaction is to hide Never let others know.

But he did the opposite of cultivating it and made it public.

In this way, the war that originally only a few ninjas could participate in, It will gradually evolve into a war with the participation of the whole people.

Ninja village, daimyo and nobles will have to face fierce resistance from the bottom people.

In the face of a huge population base, elite selection is adopted The former policy is fundamentally impossible to be the opponent of the latter.

This also means that the ninja will gradually be eliminated like the warriors of the year.

As the promoter of all this, he It will be promoted to the altar, and like the founder Six Paths immortal of Ninja Sect, it will become a legendary existence."

The pharmacist pushed his glasses, and his tone showed naked and undisguised worship.

In his opinion, this is what a Peak powerhouse should do, to create history, instead of repeating what the predecessors have done.

"he he he he! That's right! That's why I think he is so special and interesting! I just don't know, now the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Payne, and those regardless of the law and of natural How will the morality guy react to this?" Orochimaru raised the corner of his mouth with a playful smile.

"Maybe...they are having a headache how to face this powerful spoiler." Dou also couldn't help showing an expression of excitement and anticipation.


At the same time, in Yuren Village, the core members of Akatsuki's organization are gathering together.

The leader Payne is even more nonsense, and blunt still presents a commission sent by Iwanin in front of him: "Tukage Onoki wants us to take action and kill this youngster named Alan. , asking for 500 million taels!"

"500 million? Please give me this task to do." His eyes flashed with a strong desire for money and wealth.

"I'll give it to you? This person has the dual abilities of wooden dungeon and kaleidoscope. I think it's better for us to deal with it. What do you think, Mr. Itachi?" In a very respectful tone, he asked his partner who was acting with him.

"Let's not talk about the iconic Mudun of the first Hokage, just being a kaleidoscope is quite troublesome. I just don't understand why this man named Alan obviously doesn't have Uchiha's bloodline, But you can get a wheel eye." Itachi subconsciously frowned, confusion and worry flashing in his eyes.

Because he knew that his younger brother Sasuke had left Konoha, and even followed this man of unknown origin and full of dangerous thoughts.


Even in the eyes of the Akatsuki organization, which has a lot of rebellious thoughts, Alan's remarks that directly subvert the daimyo, nobles, and ninja systems are too radical, and even extremely dangerous.

After all, their ostensible ideal is to replace the position of the five major countries and become the only Arbitrator in the entire ninja world, so as to ensure that war will never break out.

"hmph! You flatter that guy too much! I don't believe he can stop my art!" Deidara curled one's lip disdainfully.

Seeing this scene, the scorpion on the side couldn't help but reprimanded: "Shut up! Whether it's a wooden dun or a kaleidoscope, it's not so easy to deal with. Even more how, he himself is still The four-tailed human pillar. So let’s hear what the leader plans to do.”

“Anyway, the four-tails in his body are things that the organization must acquire. So...I Decided to send a few people to test his strength first. According to the information, this person has appeared in the border area of the land of the land a few days ago. Deidara, that is your hometown, is it okay to leave it to you and Scorpion?" En asked in a tone without any emotion.

"Of course! I'll show him what the ultimate art is." Deidara grinned wildly.

"How far should we go?"

Scorpion obviously didn't want to be as inconsiderate as his partner, but instead asked about the details of the mission.

"If his strength is poor, use martial power to forcibly capture him. If he is strong, then on behalf of Akatsuki, send him an invitation. In short, you can use your own measure." Payne explained casually.

"Understood!" Scorpion gently nodded.

With the end of the meeting, the members of Akatsuki's organization quickly went to work on their own tasks. Only one person stayed where he was and did not move. Konan claims to be Madara Uchiha, but he is actually a guy from Uchiha Obito.

I have to say that it is a miracle that one person has three completely different personalities and habits. He has not suffered from schizophrenia for so many years.

But it's more likely that when he saw his friend Kakashi use Chidori to run through his beloved Yuan Yelin, his spirit and original personality had completely collapsed, and he was completely destroyed by another completely different extreme. Personality replaced.

I saw this secret mastermind come straight to Six Paths Payne, lowered his voice and said: "I think you are too rash about this sudden appearance of spoilers. Especially Mu Dun and Kaleidoscope Write Wheel eyes are by no means obtained by cell transplantation, or by life technology, with no difficulty. And I don't think it has anything to do with Orochimaru."

"You mean... Was he created by Orochimaru?" A strange color flashed in Payne's eyes.

"I don't know yet! But I'll go there myself and confirm his true identity. If I can, maybe this person can be a good tool to help us achieve that great goal as soon as possible. "

After saying that, Obito turned around and disappeared into the darkness, leaving only a series of footsteps gradually receding.

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