Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 315

"Damn! Is this the land of the earth? It's really a desolate, harsh environment. Especially the biting cold wind, which made my skin rough." The scarf complained softly.

"hmph! A strange girl like you, even if the skin is not rough, no one wants it."

Uchiha Sasuke decisively turned on the poison tongue mode, and said with a proud face Satire.

Because he has been beaten badly by the opponent these days, he will be beaten with bloody nose and swollen face almost every time he competes every day. In severe cases, it will even lead to broken bones and massive internal bleeding. There are two or three times. Almost got beaten to death.

If it weren't for Alan's healing potion, I'm afraid the grass on the tomb would be three meters tall now.

But the second pillar is worthy of being the second pillar!

No matter how many times you get beaten up, your memory will never last!

More will not accept lessons!

I still like to be provocative again and again.

After all, he can only use this method to vent the pain and grievances of being beaten every day.

It's just that in this kind of competition that is very close to actual combat, his strength is rapidly improving at a speed visible to naked eyes, so even if he is abused, he is not willing to leave.

"Hey! You're itchy again, aren't you?"

Xianglin's eyes widened sharply, and the knuckles made a rattling sound, as if the next second Raised his fist, fiercely smashed the opponent's face that made him extremely disgusted.

I don't know if it's because of preconceived relationships or because of innate personalities.

Since these two people met, they have never stopped between each other, no matter how they look at each other, they don't like each other, and quarrels and bickering are so commonplace that Neji on the side completely turns a blind eye to it, but every now and then Turn on white-eyed patrols all around.

Because he knew that if these two guys went too far, Alan would say something to stop them.

As for this kind of small quarrel that is still verbal and has not entered the hands-on stage, it is not worth making a fuss about nothing at all.


Alan, who was walking at the front of the team, suddenly stopped and instructed without looking back: "Ningji! Xianglin! Go and catch those mice hidden behind the rocks for me. "

"Got it!" X2


two figures rushed out like lightning.

Before the four Iwa Ninjas hiding in the dark could react to what happened, they all blocked the impossible to move even a little bit.

The guy who was suspected of leading the team was barely able to keep his composure, but several Genin were all overturned in the blink of an eye.

One of them was directly smashed into the chest by the fists wrapped with the ability of mind and chakra, and blood and internal organs spurted out from the back. Any normal person would feel the scalp tingling when watching that cruel picture. .

With the bloodline of the vortex family being thoroughly developed, both the chakra and the total amount of qi are increasing at an unbelievable speed, and the fists are becoming more and more terrifying.

Sasuke, who was still bickering just now, saw this scene, his pupils suddenly enlarged several times, and his heart was full of desire for power.

"Iwanin's patrol?" Alan subconsciously frowned.

"It's... it's you?!!"

Junin, who led the team, also clearly recognized the identity of the group of strangers in front of him, and his face was full of horror and fear.

After all, with the end of Konoha's collapse plan, Alan's name has spread throughout the entire ninja world and is recognized as the guy with the most dangerous thoughts in this world.

"Are you going to deal with them?" Neji asked in an uncertain tone.

Alan waved his hand gently: "No, there's no need for that. Even more how, I want him to give a message to Tsukage Ohnogi."

"A message? ”

Hearing that he would not die, a Jinin who was not seriously injured immediately sighed in relief.

"en! Yes. Tell Ohnogi that he has three days to demobilize those innocent civilians and businessmen. After three days, I will come to the door in person and directly wipe the entire Iwanin from the map. Physical meaning No matter what preparations he makes, he can't change this already doomed fact in the end."

Alan announced something in a very flat tone that made everyone present at the scene.

"Destroyed the entire Iwa Ninja village? Are you crazy?"

Iwa Ninja led the team, Joinin, suddenly lifted the head, with a look of horror on his face.

"Crazy? No! I'm just here to fulfill my promise. After all, three days isn't a long time, and you'll see what I mean by then. Now, take your men and go with The fastest way to bring this sentence to Ohnogi."

After saying that, Alan ignored the captives, each minding their own business and moving on.

It didn't take long for these newly freed Iwa Ninjas to come back to his senses, and immediately rushed back desperately. Finally, after more than ten hours, they sent the information to Tuying. .

"Damn it! The thing I was most worried about finally started to happen! Immediately send a notification to put the whole village into a state of war, let all non-combatants enter the shelter, and turn on all Formation at the same time." Onogi gnashing teeth Cursing, while giving orders in an orderly manner.

As a shadow of a village, he knows that the more at this time, the less he can panic.

After all, he is relying on the village to fight, and he has a natural advantage.

In addition, Iwanin Village was originally a huge fortress that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. Whoever wanted to attack would have to pay a heavy price.

But he also understood that since Alan said he wanted to wipe his village off the map, he must have some kind of hidden card in his hands.

And this trump card is very likely to put Iwanin into a situation of signed to eternal damnation.


Three days is a very short time, and it passed in the blink of an eye.

When Alan entire group came to the entrance of Yannin Village with integrity, the tens of thousands of mobilized Yannin had long been waiting, just waiting for the order of Tuying to put these not knowing the immensity of The Heaven and Earth guys are torn to shreds.

"With this kind of defensive intensity, if it's a direct attack, it's hard for the few of us to have any effect."

Ningji looked at the surrounding environment with his eyes, and the After the number of enemies densely packed, he immediately frowned.

"Attack? No! I'm not here to attack! I'm just here to destroy this ninja village and announce the arrival of truth to this world. If you don't want to die, start retreating now, if you can retreat Retreat as far as you want, or you will really die..."

After saying this, Alan instantly changed the red dragon from necklace form to armor form, and put a pair on his back. Crimson's dragon wings flew into the air in front of everyone's eyes.

"Not good! This guy can actually fly!"

Tuying Onogi didn't have time to think about it, and immediately cast the earth escape - the technique of ultra-light and heavy rock, so that the whole body was vacated. Get up and chase the silhouette that is flying higher and higher.

His idea is very simple, that is, to intercept the opponent before he can perform a dangerous wide-area attack ninjutsu.

With Chen Dun as his hole card, he firmly believes that no matter what kind of hole Alan has, he can nip it in the bud.

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