Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 316

After a short flight, Alan finally stopped at a height of about 1,000 meters above the ground in the center of Iwa Ninja Village, holding a nuclear warhead wrapped in a magical furoshiki with the ability to use telekinesis in his hand.

Of course, this nuclear warhead was also copied with its ability in advance.

From the very beginning, he didn't plan to fight with thousands of Yanren, but planned to level this place directly and use the most terrifying destructive power to announce to everyone else that offending himself would be What price to pay.

"Hey, kid! What are you trying to do to our village?"

Tukage Onoki finally caught up, squinting at the little furoshiki.

He had a strong premonition that what was there was absolutely dangerous.

"What? Of course it was destroyed. Did you follow my advice and evacuate all the civilians and good businessmen in advance?" Alan asked, activating the countdown of the nuclear warhead through the remote control.

Accompanied by the harsh sound of "di di di di di di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Cap Syn Synmon Test System Fire Control System Control System Control System Control System Control System System Control System System Control System System Control System System Control System System Control System System Management System System Management System System Management System System Management System System Management System Test System Test System Test System Test Control System Test Control System Test System Test Control System Test Control System Test System Test Control System Test System Test Control System Test Control System Test Control System Test Control System Test Control System Test Control System Test Control System Test Track Record Performance Test Results", no matter how stupid, realized that the situation was not good, and immediately opened his hands and shouted: "Dust Escape - the art of stripping away the realm!"


A white Formation opens in his hands and surrounds him from all directions.

But the next second...

Alan threw away a few arrows with a flying thunder dive technique and escaped directly from the Formation.

As a person who understands Chen Dun's formidable power very well, he will not be stupid enough to wait for his opponent to complete this terrifying ninjutsu, let alone try his own flesh and blood. Get this terrifying ability to break everything down into tiny particles.

"Flying Thor?!"

Onogi saw this scene, and his entire face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

The thing he hates the most in his life is the speed ninja.

Whether it is the second-generation Hokage or the fourth-generation Hokage, they have left an indelible impression on this old fogey.

di di di drops!

The countdown to the nuclear warhead is still going on, ten seconds have elapsed in the blink of an eye, and twenty seconds remain, this dangerous weapon made by humans will detonate in an instant, bringing light, heat, and heat beyond the sun. Shock waves and amazing radiation of all kinds of destructive power.

"Sorry, your dust escape doesn't work for me. And I don't want to rush to kill you now, but to see the truth come with your own eyes. Although for a dying old man It's a bit cruel to say, but who made you mess with me first."

With the last word out of his mouth, Alan finally untied the magical wrapping, and put the big, round, thick one inside. The super-high-yield nuclear warhead was dropped.

I saw that this thing, which was originally only the size of peanuts, had recovered its original size when it fell less than ten meters.

"Not good! Dust escape..."

Just as Ohnogi opened the Formation and wanted to destroy this thing that seemed to give him a shuddering feeling, Alan immediately Cast Flying Thor to teleport it to higher and farther places.

Because the eyes lost the most important sense of distance, this dust escape was not unexpectedly missed.

When the three generations of Tsuchikage reacted and wanted to rush over to make amends, a white light that was thousands of times brighter than the sun was finally born about 500 meters above Iwanin Village.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

When the shocking sound echoed in my ears, a huge Fireball and a mushroom cloud rose into the air.

The shock wave it generated razed the village that Iwanin had built up through generations to the ground in just a few seconds!

All the buildings, whether they are private houses, warehouses, or shops, and even the underground shelters have collapsed.

Such terrifying destructive power, Rao is the speechless that Oh Yemu has lived for so many years and is still shocked.

In his eyes, even the first Naruto, known as the god of ninjas, and Asura Uchiha Madara in the ninja world, are impossible to do this.

This is beyond the limits of what mortals can achieve, and it is a power that only gods can master.

As for those rock ninjas, more than 90% of them were vaporized at the moment of detonation, and the rest were wailing and struggling in pain.

There is no prophecy that can describe the tragic state of Iwanin at this moment!


Onogi's limbs and body were shaking violently uncontrollably, tears flowed uncontrollably, and he shouted piercingly: "ahhhh Ahhhh!!!!!! No!!!!!!! This is not true! It must be the Illusion Technique!"

There is no doubt that the cruel reality destroyed the old man who worked hard for the village's strength all his life.

Because Iwa Ninja Village is the whole meaning of his life!

But now, it's all ruined because of a wrong decision I made!

"How pitiful! Are you going to devour him?" Vernarasas asked softly.

"Of course! Dust escape is one of the abilities I most want to get."

Speaking, Alan dodged behind Ohnogi and penetrated directly from behind. his heart.

During the whole process, the three-generation earth shadow neither resisted nor reacted.

As the saying goes, there is no greater sorrow than death.

For an old man whose heart has died, this world has nothing to cherish.

After a while, Vernarasas burned him into a cocoon and swallowed it.

With the power of the bloodline, and the red dragon's recently evolved snooping memory, Alan quickly turned the dust into his own.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, a survivor of the rock ninja, wearing a hat and red armor, rushed out and roared furiously: "Go to hell! You devil! !"

Under the action of some unknown force, a large amount of white steam was ejected from his armor, which greatly enhanced the speed and strength.

"en? Ah! It turned out to be Zhu Lihan from the Five Tails, and I almost forgot about you." Alan's pupils instantly appeared in the shape of a kaleidoscope.

Just for a moment!

The five-tailed King Mu was completely under control!

Ren Zhuli didn't even have time to react, and his body lost control in an instant.

With the rampage of the tailed beast Chakra, he couldn't even maintain his senses, let alone continue to attack the enemy in front of him.

I have to say that the Kaleidoscope Shaker is really a Divine Item when dealing with tailed beasts.

Looking at Zhuli, the man who was constantly struggling in front of him, Alan raised his fist and knocked him unconscious with a bang. , continue to be sealed in his own body.

Compared with the little medium obtained by devouring ordinary ninjas, the tailed beast is undoubtedly a better devouring target.

Right now, Verna Lazas has done targeted research. Once the results are obtained, then he will hunt down nine tailed beasts before the Xiao organization, and take more than 90% of their bodies. All the media were taken over.

As for the rest, of course, resurrect the ten tails, let the aliens reappear in the world, and then kill and devour them.

Of course, before that, he would have to forge a Divine Item to break Kaguya's almost invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable body...

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