Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 317

"Scorpion big brother! Did you see it? The explosion just now! Unbelievable shock! This...this is the ultimate art I pursue! It's so beautiful! It's so spectacular!"

Riding on a bird made of clay, Deidara danced and yelled like a lunatic.

"en! I saw it! Be careful! No matter what it is, it's not something we can deal with." Scorpion's tone is very rare, showing caution and fear.

Because he knew that if an explosion of that magnitude landed on his head, no matter what kind of puppet he was, he would never be able to stop it, and even the avatar technique would not be able to escape the huge scope of the explosion.

Will die!

And definitely ten deaths without life!

Obviously, the art duo who just rushed over from Yuren Village happened to see the moment when the nuclear bomb exploded.

Not only did they see it, they also felt the violent shaking from the ground and the strong airflow blowing from the center of the explosion.

Under the high-speed flight of the clay bird, the two of them soon came to the sky above Iwa Ninja Village.

Because the first generation of nuclear explosions was over soon, the temperature of the surrounding environment was still very terrifying, so they did not dare to lower the altitude at all.

But from the amazing deep pit in the center and the tragic situation that it was completely flattened, Deidara, who was proficient in explosions, quickly judged the formidable power of this bomb, which was far from his own self. -destruct formidable power above.

"Did that guy named Alan do it?" Scorpion asked in an uncertain tone.

Deidara softly nodded: "It looks like it can't be wrong! I can't believe that he actually wiped off Iwanin, one of the five major kingdoms, from the map. This lunatic is simply better than our Xiao organization. To be arrogant, no wonder he dared to say those shocking remarks. I just don't know how many times he can use this amazing explosion of formidable power."

"Report to the leader immediately! The matter has reached this step, and it is beyond our ability." Scorpion made a decisive decision.

If he hadn't seen the spectacular picture of the nuclear explosion, he might have tried it out.

But now, he just wants to stay as far away from Alan as possible, and it is best not to meet him for the rest of his life.

At the same time, Heijue and Obito also appeared less than two kilometers away from the center of the nuclear explosion, feeling the high temperature and radiation remaining in the air.

After a full minute, Obito asked, "What the hell is going on? What did that youngster do?"

"He left a The oval thing! And this thing exploded about 500 meters above the ground! I can't describe the feeling in words. If you hadn't run fast enough, you probably wouldn't have seen me again by now ." Hei Jue explained with lingering fears.

Obviously, this is the first time he has faced death threats since his birth.

Especially the strong white light produced at the moment of the explosion, whose temperature must exceed hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius, is an absolute forbidden area for all life.

"In other words...he possesses some kind of terrifying weapon that can easily destroy a big country, or even our Akatsuki organization?" Obito's face instantly turned gloomy to the extreme.

"You don't have to be too nervous. In my opinion, he is not our enemy, but may be our ally. At least when we start to capture the draw-tailed beast. even more how , no matter what kind of terrifying weapon it is, it is impossible to use it frequently." Hei Jue analyzed very seriously.

"You want to use him to deal with the other four great powers?" Obito immediately guessed what the other party was thinking.

No way!

Since Madara Uchiha died of old age, they are the only people in this world who know about the "Eye of the Moon" plan, and they are the controllers of this plan.

Although each of them is secretly doing their own selfish calculations, it is still necessary to cooperate in cooperation, otherwise, it will never be possible to realize their inner desires.

"That's right! I believe that the four kingdoms of Thunder, Fire, Wind, and Water will definitely have a strong fear after learning of what happened to Iwanin, and will even do everything possible to inquire about him and that weapon. This means that with a little manipulation, we can make them hostile to each other, and finally enter the phase of cannibalism. As long as the existing balance is broken, we can take the opportunity to start collecting tailed beasts, and let the Yuezhiyan plan enter On the right track." Hei Jue said his plan with a sinister look.

As an old Yin B who has lived for thousands of years, he has never been good at fighting head-on, but hiding in secret and using the weaknesses of human nature to incite negative emotions such as anger and hatred.

"But what about Nagato? He still wants to pull this guy named Alan to join Akatsuki." Obito touched the chin and asked.

"It's easy! Just tell him the truth. If he still insists on his own ideas, let him try it himself, and we can take this opportunity to find out what that weapon is. How much is left?" Hei Jueyin replied with a smile.

"Okay, then do as you say."

tone barely fell!

Obito disappeared in a blink of an eye in the Iwanin Village, which had become flat.


On the other side, Alan finally joined his team.

As soon as we met, Sasuke couldn't help but rushed out and asked excitedly: "Did you do that explosion just now? What kind of ninjutsu is that? Can you teach me? No matter what the price is. , I'm willing to pay!"

"Ninjutsu?" Alan couldn't help laughing when he heard this. "No, that's not some kind of ninjutsu, but a product of science and technology. It's far more complex than you can imagine, and even I'm just a mere user."

" Science and technology?"

Er Zhuzi's eyes widened as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

“en! If you want to get the ability to make it, then from now on give up all thoughts of fighting and killing and concentrate on learning mathematics, physics and other professional knowledge, maybe after several decades you can barely Make the most primary level prototype." Alan gave the answer casually.

After all, although the technology tree of Naruto World is a bit crooked, the foundation is still good, at least fast-forwarding to the electrical age is not a big problem.

With the combination of chakra and ninjutsu, maybe you can really come up with a ninja version of nuclear weapons.

Of course, they'd have to find the radioactive material before that.

"Several decades? Forget it." Sasuke immediately looked the head disappointed.

He was not a patient person at first, and since the truth about the genocide, he has been eager to gain powerful power, and then confronted his big brother face to face, what was on his mind at the beginning, and why did he Was used by the senior management of Konoha, and why did he kill his parents with his own hands.

Sometimes, what really hurts and breaks down is often not a lie, but the truth, an extremely cruel truth.

Alan is undoubtedly very aware of Erzhuzi's idea, and said meaningfully comforted: "Don't worry! Orochimaru is a very good teacher. As long as you study hard under his teaching, it only takes about two or three years. , you can gain the power to defeat and even kill Itachi."

"Really?" Sasuke obviously didn't believe it.

"Of course it's true! However, the premise is that you are not swallowed up by him and turned into a sad reincarnation vessel..."

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