Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 318

The destruction of Iwa Ninja Village, one of the five great kingdoms, is equivalent to a Level 12 earthquake for the entire ninja world.

Especially, the third generation of Tsuchikage Onogi sent an envoy not long ago to try to form an alliance against Alan.

But before the result could be discussed, he was first wiped off the map by the other party.

Anyone who has seen with his own eyes the incomparable gigantic deep pit in the center of Yannin Village, the building that was completely razed to the ground, and the underground part that was also severely damaged, whether it was Sand Ninja, Yunnin, or recently The senior officials of Konoha and Sand Shinobi, who suffered a lot, fell silent one after another.

There is no way not to be silent!

Because if this kind of terrifying explosion can happen in Iwanin Village, it can also happen in other villages.

Until they find a countermeasure, or figure out how many times the opponent can use this power, no one is willing to rush to the front to be the scapegoat.

The Tsunade who has just become the fifth Hokage, without a word, directly revokes the identity of Alan, Sasuke and Neji as a traitor, and at the same time orders Anbu to investigate thoroughly about Alan's appearance to the betrayal village All information before and after must be as detailed as possible.

Looking at the scroll that was confiscated from the people, densely packed with all kinds of ninjutsu, and the ability to read the cultivation method, this woman who was addicted to gambling finally couldn't help holding some hair. With a swollen forehead, he complained helplessly: "This guy is a complete lunatic! How could he openly reveal the forbidden technique and his secrets to the public? And the power called chanting is simply unbelievable. 't guard against it. If we keep going like this, it won't take long for our jinnin to die."

You don't need to ask to know, as those civilians who can't practice chakra gradually develop various With all kinds of strange and incomparable mind abilities, all Ninja villages are facing a huge problem, that is, the ordinary person they could easily handle now also has the power to resist.

Not just resistance!

Some Avengers whose family members or friends died at the hands of ninjas even began to take the initiative to hunt and kill ninjas who had a grudge against them.

Most of the Jinnin who are not vigilant, often find the way of the other party if they don't pay attention, and some have turned into cold corpses without even knowing who the enemy is.

With such a high death rate, even those ninjas couldn't bear it.

What's more terrifying is that as civilians begin to master their power, they no longer intend to pay high prices to hire ninjas, but instead choose to hire those who are cheaper but also have good battle strength.

This also means that, as one of the most important sources of income for Shinobi Village, the tasks are starting to become less and less.

Higher death rate!

Lower income!

In addition to the pensions that must be paid after death, the major Shinobi villages are in an unsustainable dilemma.

If it weren't for the daimyo and the nobles, who were also extremely fearful of the bottom-up wave of change, and increased their assistance to the Ninja Villages, it would not be long before these Ninja Villages would have to be disbanded in situ.

But even so, the situation is not optimistic.

After all, the base of civilians is larger, so in the process of learning the ability to read, more geniuses emerge.

In addition to the terrifying things of constraints and oaths, almost every village has to face several or even a dozen crazy killers who specialize in hunting ninjas in their own villages.

"Ah - I really don't understand why he did this. Does he hate the peace that the ninjas, daimyo and nobles cooperate and restrain each other so much? If the existing order collapses, it is very It may enter the Warring States Period again, and countless people will die because of it." Zilai also sighed, his eyes full of doubts and incomprehension.

Because his vision and insight are not enough to understand the way of thinking of modern people, let alone the so-called peace, which is essentially based on the cruel oppression of the commoners by nobles, ninjas and daimyo. and exploitative.

Otherwise, not long after acquiring the ability to read, a large number of ordinary persons have emerged who will launch suicide attacks on ninjas, nobles and daimyo at the cost of their own lives.

"Forget it, don't think about it. I can feel that his way of thinking and values are as different as heaven and earth from ours. Fortunately, the Konoha collapse was launched in Orochimaru at the beginning. When he planned, he didn't use it in the village, otherwise Konoha would disappear from the map like Iwa Ninja Village."

While speaking, Tsunade picked up the cup and filled it fiercely. A swig of wine.

Due to Konoha's increasingly financial tensions, she was forced to quit gambling, and now she can only find some solace in alcohol.

"Then what are you going to do next? The four major powers unite to carry out a large-scale clearing of those dangerous elements, otherwise the situation will not improve." Zilai also tapped the table lightly and said.

Tsunade put down the empty wine glass, took a deep breath, and asked, "Do we still have a choice?"

"Hahahaha! That's what I said! Then I'll take a trip myself. , go and discuss the specific matters of cooperation with a few other villages. You can't continue to wait until you die, or the ninjas will most likely become an insignificant speck of dust in history like warriors."

After saying, Jiraiya stood up and jumped out the window of Hokage's office.


At the same time, the country of Tian, the village of Yinnin.

With the help of Orochimaru, Alan successfully sealed the five tails into his body.

Feeling the unique boiling chakra formed by the fusion of the two attributes of water and fire, he immediately showed a satisfied smile: "That's right! You can use the power of high-temperature steam to enhance speed and strength. And destructive power, it's like a large biological steam engine."

"As long as you like it. In addition, there is one more thing I want to inform you. According to the information, those big countries will not continue to endure. Go on. They are planning to join forces to launch a siege against the civilians who use their mind power, and completely eliminate this force of resistance." Orochimaru reminded meaningfully.

"What does this have to do with me?" Alan asked without looking back.

"Oh? Don't you plan to help these people? Otherwise, they may really be wiped out." Orochimaru clearly started.

In his eyes, since Alan initiated this change, naturally he would not sit by and watch the adult village suppress these awakened civilians.

Alan shrugged: "It doesn't matter!

A change that wins without bloodshed, setbacks and failures will not be cherished by anyone.

Only People will cherish what they finally get after they have gone through suspended untold hardships.

All I do is scatter a handful of seeds, as to whether it will grow into a towering tree or will it die halfway. , I don't care at all.

Because from the moment the ordinary person gets power, my purpose has been achieved.

Believe me, after this crackdown is over, Those big names and nobles will have to make compromises and concessions, giving up their own interests to appease the commoners.

And such compromises and concessions will accelerate as the power of the ordinary person continues to grow. The speed will eventually lead to the collapse of the original ruling structure.

As for whether to end the old era with bloodshed or a compromise, it depends on the people's own will and choice.


I will neither interfere nor exert any influence."

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