Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 319

Since Iwa Ninja Village and Alan "nuclear level", the entire ninja world has fallen into an eerie calm and silence.

Although the other four major powers launched a joint pursuit and suppression of those radical psychics in the following days, they eventually all automatically filtered out this "cause of disaster".

No way!

It's not that they didn't want to kill Alan, but they were too scared to move by the formidable power of the nuclear explosion.

Because whether it is a daimyo, nobles, or Shinobi village, as the ruling class on the surface, it is impossible to hide like an illegal organization that cannot see the light, but must always stand in the sun, Let all the civilians who are ruled see themselves and establish a strong prestige.

This also means that they are always under the deterrence of nuclear warheads.

Until a solution is found, no one dares to act rashly, and no one dares to joke about the safety of their own, family and friends' lives.

All of a sudden, big villages like Sand Ninja, Konoha, Yun Ninja, and Mist Ninja all began to study sealing techniques, trying to find a way to seal the explosion in an instant. .

Similarly, Alan himself has earned the title of "the most dangerous person in the world".

Even those avengers who were brutally hunted down by the major Ninja villages came to Tianzhiguo to join the Yinnin Village, just to see this man who brought the entire world to the world. The youngster who has come to make a drastic change, by the way, would like to ask how to overthrow the existing order and send the daimyo, nobles and Shinobi villages to hell.

Unfortunately, Alan has no interest in these people at all, and has never even shown his face from beginning to end.

On the contrary, Orochimaru and Doudou used their various unique abilities to secretly do some shady deeds.

"Alan, are you going to let them act wilfully like this?" Neji stared at the crowd coming in and out of the lab, subconsciously frowned.

As the owner of Baiyan, he has cooperated with Orochimaru's research more than once, and knows how terrifying the secret room deep underground is.

But Alan asked in disapproval: "Are those people voluntary or forced?"

"It seems... voluntary."

Ningji was stunned for a moment, then quickly showed a looked thoughtful expression.

That's right!

These people who cooperate with Orochimaru for human experimentation and transformation are not out of compulsion, but out of their own subjective wishes.

After all, these transformations can make them unable to improve their chakra, and at the same time gain the dual power of ninjas and psychics, and this power will also be applied to the battle against those big ninja villages .

"That's right! They are voluntary, so I have no reason to interfere. I have said more than once that people are responsible for their actions and choices, and once they have made a choice, they will Be prepared to pay the price. Even more how, do you think those big powers don't know that Yinnin has become some kind of de facto Rebel training base? No! They do! Just because I'm still here , so they didn't dare to attack easily, otherwise this place would have been razed to the ground long ago." Alan explained casually.

In fact, he didn't know that Orochimaru was using his deterrent power to achieve ulterior motives, and he also understood that those daimyo, nobles and Shinobi villages were extremely eager to kill him.

Even as long as he intends, he can set off a vigorous revolution in this world at any time, sweeping into the garbage of history, whether it is those big countries or the Xiao organization hiding in the dark heap.

But the question is after this?

How to construct an administrative system in a society with extremely backward ideology and consciousness?

And how to ensure that this system can work effectively, instead of "the embarrassing situation of "Dragon Slayer becoming a dragon"?

The political, economic and social issues are too complicated and waste energy and brain cells.

So Alan would rather simply plant a handful of seeds and let the civilians of this world decide how the future should go.

As for himself, he is more suitable for pursuing simple and rude personal strength.

At least this is a very clear goal, unlike the big hole in the former, once you jump in, you can never climb out.

"I don't understand, since you knew all this, why didn't you take the initiative?" Neji asked very puzzled.

"To take the initiative? Against whom? The four remaining countries?" Alan smiled and looked the head. "No! Konoha, Cloud Shinobi, Mist Shinobi and Sand Shinobi have never been our enemies, at least not our main enemies."

"Then who is our enemy? The Akatsuki organization mentioned by Orochimaru Is it?" Neji asked impatiently.

"The Akatsuki organization is just a tool played and manipulated by secret mastermind, and even the person who controls it is only fooled and deceived by a bigger black hand. And our enemy is the mother of the legendary Six Paths immortal, The source and ancestor of all chakras in this world..."

Alan didn't hide anything, and blunt said what he was aiming for.

In his eyes, the whole story of Naruto can basically be summed up in six words, that is "large nesting doll scene".

Black Jue deceived Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Madara deceived Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Obito also deceived Nagato and Akatsuki...

Moreover, this nest of dolls did not have any major problems in the end, which can be described as a miracle.

Especially Nagato, a self-proclaimed god, would be fooled around by such simple and ridiculous lies.

I really don't understand if he has a hole in his head, or if he thinks that he can really rely on pure martial power to keep the entire ninja world peaceful.

even more how, with his dilapidated body, how many years can he last even if he flukes?

When the time comes the death of this "God", the Xiao organization will be divided from within every minute, when the time comes the major countries will fight the same way, not to mention the bullshit permanent peace .

Similarly, the mental disorder of Obito is directly changed from one extreme to another because of the death of a crush.

It's okay to take revenge on the mist ninja. What's the matter with killing his teacher and his wife in the end?

even more how, Lin, whom he has a crush on, still likes Kakashi...

There is no one else who can do this for the spare tire.

In short, whenever Alan tries to analyze the characters of these guys in a rational way, he finds that the human brain circuits in this world are really different from the normal people he thinks.

They don't even have the most basic logical concepts, let alone any ideal thinking.

Whether it is Nagato, Obito, or Madara, they are essentially mental disorders that vent their inner dissatisfaction.

They never thought about making this world a better life, they just wanted to simply and rudely knead the world into what they wanted.





But the point of terrifying is that these lunatics are extremely powerful, and they are the kind of out-and-out actionists who firmly believe that their ideas are right, and the others People are all wrong.

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