Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 320

"The mother of Six Paths immortal? The source and ancestor of Chakra?"

Ningji was undoubtedly shocked by this series of bluffing titles, and the whole person stood speechless for a long time.

He's been thinking lately, with the power Alan currently possesses, what kind of guy qualifies as the enemy of this terrifying man.

What made him absolutely didn't expect was that the final answer was this.

Mother of Six Paths immortal?

The source of the entire ninja world's chakra power system?

These two identities, no matter which one is taken out, are enough to make people feel shocked.

After all, in the eyes of most ninjas, the Senju Hashirama, who ended the Warring States Period, can already be called the god of ninjas, and Six Paths immortal is a legendary figure, even if it is real There is controversy.

As for the mother of Six Paths immortal, more than 99.99% of the people have never heard of it.

"Are Six Paths immortal and his mother real?" Xiang Phon blinked and asked in an uncertain tone.

Watching the red-haired girl try to put on a cute look trying to get her attention, Alan couldn't help laughing and nodded: "Yeah! Not only are they real, but they are each other's There were also some interesting stories. How about you, do you want to hear it?"

"Of course! Please tell me." Neji bowed very solemnly.

"It may have started thousands of years ago when an alien woman named Kaguya descended from the sky..."

For the next half hour or so, Alan used a In a tone of at a moderate pace, he said everything he knew.

Even the details of the relationship between Tou Tai and Divine Tree, the origin of Akatsuki and Nagato Samsara Eye, and Obito's true identity were not overlooked.

Ningji, who suddenly heard these secrets, was completely dumbfounded!

Especially after realizing that the bloodline of Hyuga's house was actually passed down by the younger brother Hamura of Six Paths immortal, he fell into silence for five minutes, and finally asked with a wry smile: "So... We blood descendants are essentially the result of the spread of alien bloodline?"

"en! It's almost. Some of them are also the discipline of grand disciples accepted by Six Paths immortal when he founded the Ninja Sect. And the moon above her head is the cage that imprisoned the ancestor of Chakra. As long as she is still alive, the turmoil and chaos of this world will never disappear, and human beings will not be able to truly enter a new era. Therefore, there is only one thing we have to do The thing, that is to kill the gods." Alan announced in a very firm and unquestionable tone.


Ningji's heart throbbed violently.

"Yes! In a way, Kaguya is very close to the real god in power. Even to most people, she is a dangerous and terrifying Goddess, just Even I'm not sure if I'm her opponent."

When speaking of this remark, Alan's eyes flashed with expectant rays of light.

Although so far, he has not seen the Nagato used for the Samsara Eye, and has no idea how powerful the legendary Madara Uchiha is.

But with the in-depth study of tailed beasts and Immortal Technique, as well as the generosity of devouring and absorbing aliens, he has gradually touched the root of the power of chakra.

This also means that as long as Alan intends, he can make the Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye evolve into Samsara Eye at any time, and condense his own Taoist jade.

Apart from Kaguya, Yumura and Yui, there is no fourth person in this world who can threaten him.

As for Madara Uchiha, Obito and Dou, the half-baked Six Paths mode is not to be mentioned.

"Those people are right! You're a lunatic! A rational lunatic!" Neji couldn't help but sigh.

Alan smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "Thank you for your compliment! Do you know? There is often only a half-step gap between a lunatic and a genius. If my goal can be achieved, it is absolutely for this world. It's a good thing. Only when ninjas and chakras completely withdraw from the stage of history will those commoners living at the bottom have the opportunity to control their own destiny."

"If you replace the mother of Six Paths immortal as God, what will you do?" Neji asked a very serious and pointed question.

"What will not do, just like I am now. Even more how, I have never felt that I can claim to be a god simply by having power. God is an abstract concept, it will never It should be something that actually exists." Alan made his point without thinking.

" shouldn't be from this world, right?"

Ning Cimeng lifted the head, staring at Alan's violet eyes.

If it were changed to the previous one, he would never have such an idea.

After listening to the story about Kaguya and Divine Tree, I suddenly realized that the other party has an aura that is out of tune with the surrounding environment, as well as that unusual way of thinking. In fact, only outsiders have it. symbols of.

It's just that the ninja world is too closed and backward, so that most people will not think in this direction.

"Smart! Remember how I was picked up by Konoha's ninjas? In fact, at that time, I just came to this world from another world. And my ability to read is also from another world. I brought it here." Alan admitted without hiding anything.

After all, this world has already been invaded by outsiders, so it doesn't matter if there is one more of him.

He even wished Six Paths immortal knew all about it, so he jumped out and played himself right now.

"Ai, sir, are you from the foreign world? What kind of place is that?" Xianglin stared wide-eyed curiously.

Alan replied with a smile: "It is an incomparable gigantic world. Although human civilization occupies only a small part, it still creates a brilliant civilization, whether it is technology, culture, education or society. The system is a hundred times stronger than the current ninja world."

"No wonder you always look down on ninjas, ninja villages, nobles and daimyo! Because you have seen better ones!" Neji's face A stunned expression appeared.

"That's right! Believe me, this world will definitely be better without ninjas and chakras. Although the war is impossible to disappear forever, at least human beings can control their own destiny. Okay. , This is the end of the chat. It's been quiet for so long, it's time to go out for a little activity. How are you studying about sealing?" Alan asked with interest.

"I have fully mastered it! As long as you need, I can pull the tailed beast out of Ren Zhuli's body at any time." Xianglin solemnly vowed to give a guarantee.

Ningji also echoed: "Me too! And I really want to try, the mind ability that I developed recently."

"Oh? You have already developed it. Have you shown your abilities?" Alan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Obviously, after Orochimaru's body transformation, Neji also acquired the dual ability to use both mind and chakra.

And after testing, he is still a typical operating system, and it is easiest to develop unreasonable rule-based power.

"en! It will start up after you watch it. Tell me, who is our goal at this time?"

As soon as he mentioned the ability he just acquired, Ningji suddenly Show a confident smile.

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