Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 321

There is no doubt that after the Konoha collapse plan and the terrorist bombing of Iwanin Village, Alan is no longer a nobody, but a dangerous person who needs to be focused on.

So when he led the Squad out of the country of Tian, the whole ninja world started to get nervous.

Especially the closest Konoha, is immediately entering a state of war, for fear that it will accidentally become the second Iwanin village.

But when it was discovered that his target was Taki no Country and Taki Ninja Village, both Tsunade and Jiraiya were involuntarily sighed in relief.

But after a brief relaxation, Tsunade immediately frowned and muttered to himself: "This guy has been silent for so long, what's the purpose of going to Takinobu suddenly?"

"I don't know! But no matter what his purpose is, Taki Shinobi's power is definitely irresistible." Jiraiya sighed quite helplessly.

Obviously, he hates the embarrassing situation where he can only watch but can't do anything.

After all, with Iwa Ninja Village being wiped off the map directly, the other Da Ninja Villages fell into a state of terrified and over-cautious panic.

Although several ninja wars have caused considerable terrifying casualties, they are essentially just competing for interests. No one really wants to destroy another ninja village. At best, they just want to make their opponents back down. Sign a series of treaties that are beneficial to you, and that's it.

What about Alan?

He just razed the entire village of Iwonin to the ground because he believed that Tsuchikage Onogi was his enemy. Tens of thousands of ninjas didn't even have a chance to resist, and they all died immediately.

Although there are still some guys who went out to perform missions and escaped the disaster, they have no ability to rebuild the village, and they dare not appear as Iwanin.

This completely unreasonable and terrifying style, let alone the shadow of a village who shoulders great responsibilities, is unwilling to take risks easily, and even Jirai is also afraid to act rashly.

Because he knew that if he did something, Alan would definitely take the Leaf Village as the target of revenge, which was a clear sign when the Konoha collapse plan was launched.

"No! You can't just watch him act wilfully! If I remember correctly, he seems to have a good relationship with Kakashi and Mike Kay, right?" Tsunade fiercely He patted the table and asked.

"Yes! What do you want to do?" Jiraiya touched the chin and asked back.

"Of course to understand Alan's purpose! We know too little about him, let alone what kind of plans he has. This is not the way to go. So I plan to use this opportunity to test Check his attitude." Tsunade expressed his thoughts.

You must know that the use of feelings and fetters to strengthen the loyalty of ninjas to the village has always been a good thing for the senior executives of Konoha.

Although this practice has caused all kinds of tragedies, they never feel that there is something wrong with the system.

"so that's how it is! I'm going to inform Kakashi and Kai and let them go to the land of Taki."

Jiraiya thought for a while and felt This is a good idea.

At least it's much better than waiting here all day long.

About an hour or so, the seventh team led by Kakashi and the third team led by Mike Kay left Konoha and moved towards Taki no Country at a very fast speed.

They didn't even notice that a black and white figure was hiding in the dark to see all this, and at the same time a sneer appeared.


At the same time, Alan on the other side has entered the territory of Taki no Country.

Looking at the large number of rivers and waterfalls scattered around him, he immediately smiled and praised: "The country of Taki really is not in vain!"

The word Taki, the original word It means turbulent water flow.

The biggest feature of Taki no Country is that there are many rivers and waterfalls, and sometimes four or five large and small waterfalls can be seen at the same time within the line of sight.

It is foreseeable that if there is a heavy rain here, it will definitely become an ocean.

Perhaps this is the most crucial point that the country of Taki has not been invaded by external forces in the three Ninja World Wars.

"Do you know the exact location of Taki Ninja Village?"

Sasuke subconsciously frowned and asked, following along with a stubborn face to join in the fun.

"Of course! I got the map from Orochimaru and Kaoru. It's just that the terrain here is more complicated than expected, and it may take a while to find it." Alan spread his hands The map roughly confirmed his current location.

Although this map has been considered to be quite attentive, it is still too rudimentary in the eyes of a modern person.

Especially only a few main roads and big rivers are marked above, apart from this and other places are all white.

With this map, let alone go directly to the door, you can guarantee that you are lost or lost.

"It doesn't matter! As long as I get close to Taki Ninja Village, I can perceive the chakra inside the ninja." Xianglin said, rubbing her eyes.

Her Kagura mind can detect abnormal situations within a radius of ten kilometers, which is almost the upper limit of perception-type ninjutsu.

In addition to the blessing of strengthening the ability to link the mind, it can be called a humanoid radar, and even Neji's white eyes were thrown dozens of streets away.

Just when Erzhuzi was about to turn on the poison tongue mode to make a few sarcastic sentences, a silhouette in the uniform of the Xiao Organization suddenly appeared out of thin air and asked in a slightly low voice: "Are you collecting tailed beasts?"

"Ah! That's right! I'm here to find Nan-Tailed Juru." Alan nodded with a smile.

From the unique way of appearing just now, and the scarlet under the mask, he can already conclude that the person standing in front of him is Uchiha Obito.

"What's your purpose of collecting tailed beasts?"

Obitu's tone was filled with strong doubts.

Because of the power of the kaleidoscope, he can clearly see that the four tails and five tails have been sealed in the opponent's body.

Without the integration of the ten-tailed golem, no one can withstand the violent chakra of nine-tailed beasts at the same time.

Maybe one or two can barely bear it, but if the number exceeds a certain critical point, they will definitely die instantly.

"No special purpose, I'm just curious about these interesting lifeforms, and I can't help but want to study it. It's you, why do you care so much about whether I'm collecting tailed beasts, and how? How can I confirm my position?"

Alan turned on his kaleidoscope writing wheel while asking, and took out his bow and arrow and aimed at the opponent.

Obito didn't respond, just stared at the arrow aimed at him with disdain.

You don't need to ask, he doesn't know that Alan's left eye's ability is sure to hit, so he wants to take this opportunity to use dive might to pretend, and then reveal Uchiha Madara's fake identity, See if you can turn the most dangerous guy in the ninja world in front of you into your own pawn.

After all, collecting tailed beasts is also one of the goals of Akatsuki's organization.

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