Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 322

"You seem to be very confident in your abilities?"

Alan drew a full bow and aimed the arrow with a small amount of psychic ability at the target, with a hint of mockery and playfulness in his tone.

I have to say that the ability of Obito Kaleidoscope-divine might be quite perverted, otherwise Nagato would not believe that he is Uchiha Madara just with one eye.

But unfortunately, today he encountered a more unreasonable and perverted ability.

Although it is not as tall as space ninjutsu sounds, the actual use effect is amazing.

"In this world, no one can hurt me." Obito pretended to stand motionless.

It can be seen that he really enjoys the kind of reaction that others are extremely surprised and stunned when they see Divine for the first time.

Only in this way can he find a trace of solace in his heart, which has long been distorted by darkness, and make him feel that he is powerful, not just a successor and executor of Madara Uchiha's huge plan.

"Yes, then let me try."

tone barely fell!

Alan released his fingers on the bowstring.

The next second...


The arrow passed a distance of less than 20 meters in an instant, and pu chi shot from Obito's shoulder Passing through, half of the body composed of Bai Jue was instantly shattered.

"What... what?! My ability has failed? How is this possible!"

Looking at the white cells that had been turned into fragments and flying in the wind, Obito's eyes Immediately, there was an indescribable horror.

Since the opening of the kaleidoscope writing wheel, this is the first time he has encountered a situation where divide might fail, and it is a hit, and there is no slack at all.

"Hehe, you seem surprised? Don't forget! You're not the only one with the kaleidoscope. And if I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead now." Alan sneered sarcastically.

Is Uchiha Obito powerful?

Judging from the complete ability of Divine Might, it is indeed quite powerful.

But the problem is that he only has one eye now, and he is still the one that focuses on defense. Except for his first-class life-saving ability, he is not afraid at all.

At least for Alan now, Obito's threat is not even comparable to Nagato with Samsara Eye and Payne Six Paths.

"Your kaleidoscope actually restrained my kaleidoscope?"

Although Obito tried desperately to maintain a calm demeanor, unfortunately he was only a mentally ill person after all" 10,000 years of licking dogs", there is no such inherent arrogance and conceit of Madara Uchiha.

If it is a real spot, it would be disdainful to hide under a mask to hide his identity.

Alan nodded lightly: "That's right! The ability of my left eye is sure to hit! Whether you use the ability is time or space, the moment I attack will no longer have any meaning. .Unless you can learn defensive ninjutsu like thunder armor, or whole body hardening, and you can barely resist, otherwise you are just a lamb to be slaughtered."

"Damn it! Miscalculation It's over!"

Aware that the situation was seriously bad for him, Obitu wanted to activate dive might to suck himself into the different space and escape without saying a word.

But before he could finish the whole process, the second arrow came out of nowhere, passed directly through the other shoulder, and nailed him to a big tree.

"Don't move! If I were you, I wouldn't be smart at this time. Because unless you can complete the transfer in tenths of a second, my arrows will have no energy. Hit you and interrupt that process." Alan warned meaningfully, bow and arrow in hand.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Seeing that retreat has become an extravagant hope, Obito lifts the head gnashing teeth.

He didn't expect in his dreams, but he would have a day when the gutter capsized, and he couldn't believe that the strength of the guy in front of him was much stronger than he imagined.

Especially the ability to hit the top is extremely troublesome.

"Don't do anything, I just want your eyes, that's all."

Speaking, Alan came to the front in a flash, taking advantage of Uchiha's belt Before Tu could react, he directly took out the Divine Might Kaleidoscope with a Chakra scalpel.

"Ah Ahhhh!!!!!"

The severe pain caused Obito to let out a scream, and at the same time the mask on his face shattered, revealing himself the original appearance.

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye? Is this person also from the Uchiha family?" Sasuke stared wide-eyed in surprise.

"en! His name is Uchiha Obito, Kakashi's former teammate and companion, and one of the driving forces and culprits behind your Uchiha genocide. Remember the Nine-Tails Rebellion? That's what he did. If you want revenge, you can do it now."

Alan didn't care about Obito's life or death at all, and threw this dive might kaleidoscope directly to Verna Lazas.

The latter said nothing and immediately swallowed it.

Including the Zhishui one before, this is the second kaleidoscope writing wheel eye she has eaten.

After just a few seconds, the kaleidoscope shape of Alan's writing wheel has undergone some subtle changes. The original three arrows facing outwards have been added with some new patterns, which seem to be more complex.

Feeling the indescribable change, Alan asked in an uncertain tone: "My sense of space seems to be getting stronger?"

"That's right! Just like The water-stopping eye strengthens your Illusion Technique ability, and the earthy eye also strengthens your sense of space. Now, when you cast Flying Thor, you no longer need the assistance of an electric field, but you can cross the space at will. Distance. Of course, if you can get Shisui and Obito’s other eye to devour me, maybe you can replicate their full kaleidoscope abilities.” Vernarasas quickly made explain.

"If I turn on Samsara Eye with Yin and Yang, will the ability to write wheel eyes be retained?" Alan asked another question that he cared about most.

If he remembers correctly, when the kaleidoscope evolves into a wheel eye, the original unique abilities will all disappear.

"Maybe not for others, but for us who can easily manipulate genes and energy, we only need to make a little modification, there is no difficulty at all." Verna Lazas tone Easily guaranteed.

"so that's how it is! It seems that the king of chimeric ants has really contributed a lot to us." Alan pursed his lips and revealed a faint smile.

"Yeah! Speaking of which, I miss his indomitable appearance. It's a pity that he is just a wild beast who has just acquired wisdom. There is still a fragile newborn in front of humans." Verna Razas sighed in her tone.

As fewer and fewer eggs with the ability to read were merged, she could feel that she was about to usher in the next round of evolution.

And this time, she will combine the two energies of mindfulness and chakra into one, instead of simply using the two energies separately.

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