Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 326

The conversation with Akatsuki was undoubtedly a success!

Because even if you put aside the emotional factor of being played by Uchiha Madara and Kurojue as monkeys, and it is triggered only from the point of interest, no one will see Kaguya resurrect and rule the world, and use the Divine Tree to suck. Drain the last life energy on this planet and turn it into a complete death star.

To be precise, any intelligent life born in this world will never tolerate an intruder turning his beautiful home into a desert.

That was the case with the two children Kaguya gave birth to, not to mention the others.

Although Alan understands that the people in Xiao's organization don't fully believe in themselves, and even have a considerable degree of vigilance, what he said is the truth, and time will tell.

And as the two sides changed from hostility to cooperation, Black Jue completely changed from a hidden manipulator to a "clown" in the foreground.

The most interesting thing is that he doesn't even know that everyone around him has figured out his true identity and purpose, and he will still perform hard.

And this clown-like performance will push the entire Akatsuki organization to Alan's side.

Except, of course, Madara Uchiha, the arrogant and conceited fool.

Sending away Nagato and most of Akatsuki's members, Alan quickly released the Six Paths state by manipulating genes and energy, turned around and asked Erzhu beside him with a smile: "How, in getting After knowing the truth, do you still insist on killing your big brother?"

"I...I don't know." Sasuke drooped his head, and complex rays of light flashed in his eyes.

For him at a very young age, what just happened was like a dream.

Whether it was Madara Uchiha and Kurojue's conspiracy, or the ancestor of Chakra who was sealed on the moon by the Six Paths immortal, this teenage boy realized that what Itachi did Many times it is not out of one's own will, but forced to make a less bad choice in a dilemma.

But the only thing he can't accept is that Itachi killed his parents with his own hands.

For whatever reason, this is a heavy sin that cannot be forgiven and impossible to be washed away anyway.

"Don't worry, you still have enough time to think about it. And before that, you'd better think about how to deal with the swallowing of Orochimaru. In this matter, I will not give you Any help. Because in my opinion, whether you devour Orochimaru or Orochimaru devours you, it has no effect on my plan." Alan reminded casually.

"I don't need your help! I'll find a solution to him soon." Sasuke responded confidently.

"Hehe, I suggest you don't underestimate that guy too much. You know that the ouroboros he created with his mind is very likely to be related to immortality and perfection. I guarantee that if you Relying too much on the power of Sharinyan will definitely suffer a big loss."

After saying this, Alan ignored Erzhuzi's reaction and continued to move towards the destination of the trip. .

Because I had already asked the inner ghost Kakuto about the location of Taki Ninja Village, it was easy to find the right direction this time.


At the same time, Hei Jue secretly followed the squad led by Kakashi and Mike Kay, and followed closely from behind into the country of Taki.

Just when he wanted to make some troubles according to the original plan, Obito suddenly covered his right eye with only a blood hole to appear out of thin air and pretended to be in great pain. Said: "I missed!"

"What? Missed? What happened!" Hei Jue's face changed suddenly.

You must know that before the Moon Eye Project is officially launched, anyone can have an accident, that is, Obito can't have an accident.

"It's the guy called Alan! His ability to write round eyes is sure to hit, just to restrain my dive might! My eyes are destroyed." explained Obito gnashing teeth.

Although what he wanted to do most at the moment was to pull out a kunai and directly insert it into the chest of this dark thing in front of him, to see if he could kill it.

But in the end, reason still gained the upper hand and did not put it into practice.

"Damn it! What about Nagato?" Hei Jue asked nervously.

"Nagato had a fight with that man, and then absorbed him into Akatsuki. Now, Nagato must have doubts about my identity, and we must do something to prevent Akatsuki from breaking away. Take control."

In order to win the trust of the other party, Obito brought the acting skills that he had cultivated over the years to the extreme.

In addition to the preconceived notions, Hei Jue did not have the slightest suspicion, but showed an urgent expression: "What do you want to do?"

"Two points First, help me get back Kakashi's writing wheel eye. Second, go get in touch with the guy named Alan and see if he can be drawn into the plan. Compared to Nagato, this guy has both Mudun and Kaleidoscope guys are definitely worthy of our attention." Obito said the plan he made up without hesitation.

"Can he be trusted?" Hei Jue was obviously hesitant.

"I don't know! But one thing is certain, that is, he is quite dissatisfied with the current state of the ninja world. Maybe you can take advantage of this." Obito hinted meaningfully.

Hei Jue thought for a while and then lightly nodded: "Understood! I will try to find a chance. But before that, let's discuss how to capture Kakashi's writing. Wheel eyes."

"It doesn't need to be that troublesome! You just need to lure everyone else away, and I'll deal with Kakashi. But before that, I need to mend my body. ”

Obito pointed to the half-destroyed white body with only a few wreckage left.

"I can't believe that with your kaleidoscope writing ability, you can be so seriously injured. It seems that the guy named Alan is quite difficult to deal with. How is his level of wood escape?" Hei Jue Staring at those cells that have been completely necrotic, he sighed.

"I don't know. Because he didn't use Mudun at all, he just beat me with the kaleidoscope. And before Nagato invited him to join Akatsuki, the two talked privately for a long time. , I'm not sure what exactly they were talking about." Obito started to take the opportunity to spread smoke bombs.

His plan was simple, to distract Heijue from one smoke bomb after another, so that he could not understand the situation from beginning to end.

Only in this way will this guy not act rashly.

"Okay, I'll find a way to figure out what the two of them were talking about. As for now, it's better to recover from your injury."

Speaking, the black general He split off from Bai Jue's body.

Following, Bai Jue also quickly opened up like a plant, wrapping the collapsed body on Obito's side, and repairing damaged cells, limbs and internal organs at an extremely fast speed.

In about half a minute, the terrifying injury that would definitely kill the ordinary person was completely restored to its original state.

The only price is a waste of life.

Of course, as a biological weapon, Bai Jue itself is a consumable item, and it's no big deal to die one or two times.

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