Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 327

After mending her tattered body, Kurojue quickly used the cover of night to separate Mike Kay from his accompanying Konoha Shimonin.

Obito also successfully stood face to face with his former best friend Kakashi.

No nonsense and small talk!

The two collided without saying a word.

For Obito, he has realized what a huge and irreversible mistake he has made. He has no face to face Kakashi at all, and he doesn't want his identity to be exposed. He just wants to get it back. The eye that belonged to him, and then continued to lurk beside Hei Jue to complete his revenge.

As for the rest, he is already not in.

Although Obito's strength has been greatly reduced due to the absence of the Divine Might Kaleidoscope, the White Jue Cell has allowed him to gain a more powerful physique, chakra and the ability to perform wood escape ninjutsu.

After a fight, he finally succeeded in regaining his own writing wheel eye from Kakashi, and quickly left the scene.

Obito immediately felt another way of using dive might when he re-implanted the eye into his eye socket.

It's just that this eye has been used several times by Kakashi, so the eyesight has deteriorated a bit.

But that's okay!

The leukocytes transplanted in half of the body can perfectly solve this problem.

Just as he was slowly getting used to the eyes that had been away from his body for too long, Hei Jue suddenly came out of the darkness and asked in a low voice, "How, did you succeed?"


"Ah! I succeeded."

Obito turned around and showed his other kaleidoscope writing wheel.

"Very good! Since that's the case, let's go back to Rainin and figure out what the hell Nagato is up to."

After saying that, the two quickly disappeared into the void. In the dark.

On the other side, Mike Kay, who found that he had been tricked, also rushed back and found Kakashi who had lost an eye.

It was too late to think about it, he immediately chose to give up his original mission to Taki Ninja Village and returned to Konoha without stopping. On the one hand, Kakashi could receive better treatment as soon as possible, and on the other hand, he also needed to go to Konoha. Hokage reports.

Just as their front foot had just withdrawn from the country of Taki, Alan entire group found the pillar force of Nanao people on the back foot.

Looking at the cheerful young girl with Komugi-colored skin in the distance, Neji asked embarrassedly, "Are we really going to pull the tailed beast out of her body?"


"Otherwise? Let Xiao organize those people to do it? If I take out the tailed beast, at least I can guarantee that she won't die, but if it is replaced by someone else, it is not necessarily. Don't talk nonsense, just do it." Alan urged angrily. .

"Okay! Maybe you're right."

Ningci sighed slightly, rushed up with a lunge, and performed body refinement soft fists at a speed that naked eyes couldn't tell. In an instant, the two male nanny beside Ren Zhuli were overturned to the ground.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking my companion?" Feng asked sharply with wide eyes.

"Sorry, it may be a bit too much to say, but we need the Nanao in your body." Neji blunt expressed his intention.

As for the other people in Taki Ninja Village who came to help, they were all blocked by Xianglin and Sasuke.

You must know that Taki Shinobi is not a big Shinobi village originally, and it also pursues a typical elite policy. The number of ninjas can be said to be the smallest among the many Shinobi villages, but the proportion of Shangnin is quite high.

It's a pity that these have neither blood, nor any secret skills. In the eyes of open-minded players like Xianglin and Sasuke, they are no different from ordinary chunin and shinomin.

In the blink of an eye, blockbusters lay down, and some were beaten to death on the spot.

Seeing that the visitor was not kind, the leader of the village, a very handsome young man finally came out, stared at Alan standing motionless, took a deep breath, and asked loudly: "You rude What is the purpose of the most dangerous guy in the world coming to our village? Did he come to destroy us?"

"Don't get me wrong, I have no ill will towards Taki Ninja village, I just came to take one thing." Alan glanced. Glancing at Nanao's human Zhuli, the meaning of the words is self-evident.

Hearing this sentence, Taki Shinobi's leader's face suddenly became extremely ugly: "Do you want Nanao?"

Alan nodded without thinking: "Yes! I am sincere. I suggest you not to do any irrational behavior. Because I have a good impression of Taki Shinobi, if you resist too fiercely, I can only kill you all. After all, the profession of ninja will withdraw from the stage of history sooner or later. , sooner or later doesn't make much difference."

"Chief! For the sake of the village! I think it's time to use that thing." A wounded Joinin next to him reminded with a grim face.

"If you're referring to the water of heroes, I can tell you that it doesn't work for me. Because there are some gaps, you can't make up for it by burning life force to increase the total amount of chakra. "Alan said meaningfully.

"You know Water of Life?" The young leader of Taki Ninja was clearly startled.

Because this is one of Taki Shinobi's two biggest secrets, it is impossible for outsiders to know.

As for the other one, it is naturally the ground resentment created by the forbidden technique in Jiaodu's body.

“en! This world has no secrets to me. Also, aren’t you afraid that what happened in Iwashinobi will be repeated here? So don’t challenge my patience, more Don't provoke the bottom line of my tolerance. Even more how, the tailed beast is not your thing..."

Just as Alan was talking, Neji finally took down the girl with the seven tails. .

This time, he wasn't using soft fists, but the ability of his own control system.

From the girl's slightly dull eyes, it is not difficult to see that her spirit is 100% controlled at the moment, and even the amazing Chakra of the tailed beast cannot help her get rid of the current situation.


Seeing that Ren Zhuli was under control, Taki Shinobu's young leader finally panicked.

Unfortunately, the girl called Fu didn't respond, so she left Taki Ninja Village with Neji.

Watching the entire group pass through the waterfall and disappear into the depths of the woods covered by the river outside, he still didn't have the courage to catch up.

After all, Alan has proven more than once that he has the strength to destroy a Ninja village, and the battle just now fully demonstrated the gap between the two sides.

Instead of angering the opponent at the risk of being destroyed, it is better to hold back and preserve the vitality of the village first.

At least, this way, Taki Shinobi can continue, instead of being razed to the ground directly like Iwa Shinobu.

Being taken away from Nanao and its human pillars in person, it was undoubtedly the darkest moment for Taki Shinobi Village, which was originally small, and many people felt strong humiliation and helplessness.

But what can be done?

Ninja world is originally a place where strength is paramount. When you are weaker than others, the only thing you can do is to kneel down, obediently and honestly surrender everything, and beg the other party to take away what you want. After something, leave a little leftovers for yourself.

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