Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 328

Alan's entire group didn't leave too far with Nan-Tai Ren Zhuli, and directly found a place where no one was there, and began to use the sealing technique to extract the Nanao from Ren Zhuli's body.

Since Nantai Shigeaki ranks at the bottom of the nine-tailed beast's strength, Xianglin and Neji didn't have much effort to pull out this big insect that looks like Horned Beetle, reseal is in Alan's body.

When it found out that the four-tailed Sun Wukong and the five-tailed King Mu were also here, it immediately showed a very surprised expression.

For a moment, the three-tailed beast looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to say.

Finally, the four tails who came first couldn't help but said hello: "Yo! long time no see!"

"Ah! long time no see... What the hell! What the hell is going on? How can that guy take the chakra of the three of us all at once?" Chongming yelled irritably.

"Well! Don't be angry, calm down, no matter how dissatisfied you are now, it won't help you. Don't you feel it? The guy who sealed us has merged yin and yang escape and seven attributes of investigation. Carat, we have no way to resist his power." King Wuwei explained in a very Buddhist tone.

There is no way to be a Buddhist!

When it was sealed in, it was more noisy than Nanao now.

But what can be the result?

Under the domination of absolute power, it is not the same as obediently and honestly lying down.

In front of the power of Senluo's myriad forms, the tailed beast, which was originally an incomplete Energy Body Lifeform, let alone resisting, even regarded itself as a power bank. Nose recognized.

"What? After the old fogey, the ninja world has another monster that masters Yin-Yang escape and seven types of chakra?" Chongming stared wide-eyed in surprise.

"Yeah! Judging from his most recent behavior, it may not take long for the nine of us to reunite here." Four tails sighed helplessly.

"Think better. At least we can get together to chat, play cards, play chess, etc., rather than being alone in a human body."

says Then, King Mu drew out a deck of cards from somewhere and sent an invitation to the other two of the same kind: "A game?"

"Of course! If you are idle, you will be idle." One makes a corresponding.

As for Chongming, after hesitating for a moment, he also decided to join in.

In this way, the three-tailed beast, which should have been violent and wild, played cards in the seal.

Alan, who saw this scene through the kaleidoscope writing wheel, couldn't help but twitch slightly at the corner of his mouth.

He didn't expect in his dreams, these guys actually accepted their situation so quickly, and even had the mind to play cards.

But it's not surprising to think about it!

Since the body that was captured and sealed by human beings was turned into a weapon of war, the life of the tailed beast became more and more difficult day by day.

If they didn't look at it, they would have already had a nervous breakdown, if they could.

Just when Alan was considering whether to teach the three-tailed beasts how to play various cards, Fu, who had been in a coma for a long time, finally woke up from the coma.

Obviously, because the red dragon sent a little life force in the process of extracting the tailed beast, she did not die like the other people who were drawn out of the tailed beast.

It's just that after seeing the people around, the green-haired girl suddenly jumped up from the ground, subconsciously trying to mobilize Nanao's power to protect herself, only to find that Nanao has disappeared from the unfathomable mystery .

After realizing this, she immediately lost one's head out of fear and asked loudly: "You... what have you done to me?"

"It's nothing, we just smoke The tailed beast in your body is gone. Now, you can go." Alan gave the answer with a smile.

"How is that possible! You are lying! If the tailed beast was really taken away, I should be dead." Fu retorted, clenching his fists tightly.

"What I'm saying is the truth. As for you believing or not, that's none of my business. In short, you can go now. Finally, I'll give you a piece of advice, give up the ninja profession as soon as possible, otherwise It will kill you sooner or later."

After saying this, Alan ignored this little girl with a good character, and blunt asked Verna Lazas: "With my body In the current state, how many tailed beasts can be sealed at most?"

"Well...if you don't count the nine-tailed and eight-tailed, five should be the limit." Verna Lazas thought for a moment. A relatively accurate figure is given later.

"Five? That is to say, I can still capture two targets. If that's the case, let's start with the weakest Sand and Mist." Alan made a quick decision.

Compared to the original plot, where Xiao's organization had to capture and seal the tailed beasts in strict order, he was undoubtedly much freer.

And what he really wants to extract is not the chakra of the tailed beast, but the medium that condenses the chakra.

This also means that as long as the chakra of the tailed beast is not consumed, even if all the media are drained, it will not affect the progress of the Eye of the Moon plan.

I just don't know if Kaguya will go crazy when she finds out that her ten-tailed Divine Tree is missing the most important thing.

Because without these most important mediums, she would not be able to extract the energy of this world again and condense the second chakra fruit.

"Sir, is our next target Sand Ninja's tail?" Xianglin asked proactively.

Alan lightly nodded: "Yes! Now Sand Shinobi, it can be said that only the old woman of Chiyo is left to support it. If there is no accident, it should be easy to win. Instead It's Kirito, it might be a little troublesome."

"If that's the case, let's go. This time Ichito Riki Gaara is mine, don't grab it from anyone." Sasuke took the initiative to take it down. task of arresting Ichi.

"hmph! Be careful not to capsize the sewer." Xiang Lin sneered and sarcastically said.

"Wait and see! One day, I'll beat you, the strange female orangutan." Sasuke gave the other party a fiercely look.

Seeing that the two started bickering and quarreling again, Neji couldn't help but sighed slightly, stepped in front of the former Nantai Ren Zhuli, and advised in a low voice, "Go back quickly. And I suggest you better forget about it. Everything I just heard."

"Are you worried about me?"

Fu looked up and down the handsome looking peers in front of her with a slightly curious gaze.

I have to say, her heart is really big.

After being drawn out of the tailed beast, not only did he not want to leave immediately, but instead he became very curious about the enemies of Taki Ninja Village.

"Don't ask so many questions, let's go." Neji started to drive people with a headache.

But unfortunately, his approach was completely counterproductive.

Fu not only didn't have any intention of leaving, but instead forcefully shook the head: "no! I'm not! I just want to follow you and see what you all want to do."

"Oh? If you want to follow along, then you can." Alan shrugged his shoulders with a nonchalant smile.

He began to wonder, what kind of sparks would this little girl, whose head is full of strange thoughts, have sparked with Neji.

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