Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 329

The Land of Wind, Sand Ninja Village.

Since the Konoha collapse plan was fiercely pitted by Orochimaru, there has been basically a strong sense of despair and pessimism here.

Without him, the compensation for the defeat made Sand Shinobu, who was not rich, even poorer.

And as the rebels who received body modification and training in Tian Zhi Nin Nin Village returned in a swirl of dust, they who lacked expertise became more and more exhausted.

Although after the Fifth Naruto Tsunade came to power, a large number of prisoners were released, and part of the indemnity was also reduced, intending to turn Sand Ninja into Konoha's hardcore ally.

But the problem is that the current Sand Ninja senior management is seriously broken, either Chiyo who is too old to be in the coffin, or Gaara who has not yet grown up.

Only one of the four generations of wind shadows that can link the previous and the next died under the plot against Orochimaru.

I have to say that the current situation of Sand Shinobi is really miserable, even worse than the mist Shinobu who has been tossed by Uchiha Obito for several years and has not been able to recover until now.

But what's even worse is that they have just received information from Konoha, the most dangerous guy in this world has just snatched Nanao in Taki Ninja Village, and is now moving towards himself. I rushed over, and the target was suspected to be Ichizukuru...

"Bully intolerably! What do they want to do? Blindly robbing tailed beasts? This is completely provoking the bottom line of all major powers!" Chiyo was furious. He slapped the table and growled.

There is no way not to be angry!

Alan's naked and undisguised behavior is basically equivalent to riding on Sand Ninja's neck and shitting, but anyone with a little blood energy can't swallow this breath.

And since Gaara came back, it has been cultivated as the next generation of Fengying, and there must be no accident, otherwise the village will be completely removed from the remaining four major countries.

"Elder sister, calm down, don't forget we still have guests." Hai Laozang reminded in a low voice.

How could the hot-tempered Chiyo care about this, staring at Jiraiya who came as a messenger, gnashing teeth asked: "What is Konoha's attitude towards this matter?"

"Of course I want to find a way to stop him. But I don't recommend you to force it, otherwise once you provoke that guy, the entire Sand Ninja may be destroyed. What happened in Iwa Ninja Village, I don't need me Let me remind you?" Zilai also responded helplessly.

"That is to say, Konoha won't help us this time, right?" Chiyo continued to ask with narrowed eyes.

"no! On the contrary! We are planning to assemble the remaining four great powers to form an alliance to deal with the increasingly complex situation and threats. Especially Alan, he has become hanging over our heads. The sword may fall at any time. Even the daimyo and the nobles support the formation of an alliance, otherwise, the strength of a ninja village alone will not be able to fight against dangerous elements like him. Even more how, Tian Zhiguo's Oninin Village must be destroyed, otherwise those turmoil and attacks will never disappear." Jiraiya explained with a serious expression.

If Alan had been obediently and honestly staying in the Ninja Village, everyone might have turned a blind eye to him.

Anyway, there have been many powerhouses in the ninja world. At worst, like when I learned the first generation of Naruto to oppress the ninja world, I closed the door as a coward for a period of time and developed my own strength with peace of mind.

Spend several decades, and you'll be boiled to death.

This is the first Ninja World War. Why is it that the other four major nations beat Konoha on the back foot just after the death of Chishou Hasuma.

But now, as Alan begins to show a strong interest in tailed beasts, any village with tailed beasts will never tolerate their most important weapons of war being taken away.

After all, the human column strength is the guarantee of the lower limit of the battle strength of a ninja village.

As one of Sand Shinobi's most powerful Elders, Chiyo clearly realized this was an opportunity and immediately touched the chin and fell into contemplation.

About two 3 minutes later, she said again: "I agree to form an alliance! But there is one condition, that is, it must be ensured that the one-tailed guard crane will not be taken away."

Jilai also shook the head with a wry smile: "Sorry, I can't give you this guarantee. Because I've played against Alan before, but his ability is really weird. Whether it's Kaleidoscope Shaker or Mudun, both It's beyond the comprehension of a normal ninja. And if I'm not mistaken, he's now a four-tailed, five-tailed, and seven-tailed renzhuri at the same time. Do you think we have a chance of winning?"

"Then just hand over a tail like this? This kind of humiliation Sand Shinobu will not accept!"

Just as Chiyo patted the table and tried to pull all the messengers sent by Jiraiya and Konoha into the water At the same time, a masked Anbu member suddenly rushed in from the outside and said in a very nervous voice: "That guy...he's here!"

"What?!" Chiyo Brush Suddenly he got up from his chair.

Without any hesitation!

In the Conference Hall, the senior leaders of Sand Ninja, as well as the Konoha messenger led by Jiraiya, came to the window and saw the entrance of Sand Ninja Village in the distance. The silhouette is walking slowly along the road.

Although there were quite a few Sand Shinobi who jumped out to stop them along the way, all of them were instantly killed by Sasuke Uchiha without exception.


There is no battle process!

Some are just unilateral efficient killings!

Especially the blood splattered from the sword cut the neck, making this silent killing full of shock.

You must know that Sand Ren is not a small village, but one of the five great nations.

What about the squad led by Alan?

This place is completely regarded as a public toilet where you can come and go when you want.

Just from the attitude, I didn't take Sand Ninja Village in the eyes at all.

"hmph! This is Sand Ninja, one of the five great kingdoms? It's a complete piece of garbage!"

Sasuke used a very handsome action to shake off the blood on his sword, his tone Even more naked and undisguised rebelliousness.

As the reincarnation of Six Paths immortal eldest son Indra Chakra, he naturally has nothing to say in terms of innate talent.

After taking refuge in Orochimaru and Alan, I immediately got a lot of ninjutsu and forbidden techniques, plus I also learned the ability to read through human body transformation, even the upper ninja can't stop that kind of weirdness. combination attack.

And this rapid increase in strength has also made some interesting changes in his mentality, that is, he only recognizes people whose strength is equal to or stronger than himself.

"Sasuke Uchiha! You are so arrogant!"

Seeing that a large number of ninjas were killed and trained as Kazekage, Gaara finally couldn't help but stand up and control A large amount of sand rushed towards each other.

The next second...


Sasuke came to the front in a blink of an eye, and double-strengthened the ability to be read and the Thunder Attribute Chakra in his hand. The sword pierced directly through the sand armor, and pinned Ichitokujuri to the wall behind.

If he doesn't have to be captured alive, he can kill him with one blow.

As for Gaara in his hand, he showed an unbelievable expression. He couldn't believe that the other party had become so terrifying after just a few short months of absence.

Especially the speed of that instant!

The sand of own defense can't keep up with the rhythm at all!

And that sword was too sharp!

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