Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 330

"Shut up! The weak are not qualified to speak in front of me!"

Sasuke pulled out his sword sharply, letting blood splash in the air, his handsome face showing an incomparably cold expression.

After all, normally, he was always abused by Xianglin, a strange force girl, and was even about to be beaten by a psychological shadow. He often wondered if the increase in strength he felt was an illusion.

But now, after easily getting rid of this one-tailed person Zhuri who left a deep impression on him in the Chunin exam, he can finally be sure that he has become 100% stronger, and his forehead is not ordinary.

It's just that the power and battle method of a certain strange woman is too perverted and too restrained, so it has resulted in the result that she has been unable to defeat the opponent.

"You are bringing about one's own destruction!"

The severe pain from the wound made Gaara's expression instantly become extremely hideous.

Because the Chunin exam and Konoha's collapse plan slipped to the other extreme due to Alan's intervention, Naruto had no chance to cast his "mouth escape" on this bloodthirsty, brutal, and extreme Ichitouji. ”, which led to his convergence under Chiyo’s key training, but the madness and paranoia in the bones still did not disappear.

In just a few seconds, a large amount of sand rushed in like a tide from all directions, wrapping myself from head to toe.

The chakra unique to a tailed beast began to fill the air!

"Not good! One tail is going to get out of control! Hurry up! Evacuate the people immediately!"

Seeing this scene, Chiyo immediately ordered Sand Ninja beside him without the slightest hesitation Order.

And Sand Ninja, who received the order, also acted quickly, and it didn't take long for the surrounding people to be completely evacuated.

After all, there is a human pillar force that runs rampant every three or five minutes. Sand Ninja Village has already formed a set of corresponding mechanisms, and now it is just to activate it.

As expected by the Old Lady, Gaara, whose life was threatened, didn't hesitate to let Ichiao Morizuru out.

Accompanied by that exaggerated laughter, just as soon as it came out, this civet cat began to use its terrifying chakra to unscrupulously pour wind escapes around it - practice empty bombs.

Like this unreasonable large-scale intensive bombardment, even the current Erzhu can't come up with any good solutions, and can only keep dodging, trying to find this huge monster made of sand. weakness.

Seeing the battered and exhausted appearance of her nemesis, Xianglin immediately laughed out loud, taking pleasure in other people's misfortune: "hahahaha! This idiot! He didn't know that when dealing with renzhuli, he should immediately put the opponent on the line. I'm stunned, I'm in big trouble now."

"Compared to this, I'm more concerned about Gaara's direct release of tailed beasts in my village, is it really okay?" Neji Subconsciously wrinkled frowned.

Just as the two of them were talking, all the buildings within a thousand meters had been turned into ruins under the attack of empty bombs.

Although no casualties have been reported for the time being, if things go on like this, it won't be long before the entire Sand Ninja Village is ready for post-disaster reconstruction.

"It depends on the choice of the senior executives of Sand Ninja, it has nothing to do with us anyway." Alan spread his hands indifferently, lifts the head and stared at the familiar silhouettes at the top of the building.

By tracking down humanoids, he had already discovered the silhouettes of Chiyo, Eizo and Jiraiya.

Of course, there is also the nine-tailed man Zhuri vortex Naruto who came with Jiraiya.

"He found us!" Zilai also reminded in a deep voice.

"Get ready! It seems that this battle is inevitable."

Chiyo immediately released the puppet, jumped from the top of the building, and attacked the entire building without saying a word. The leader of the squad, Alan.

Unfortunately, before the two puppets could shoot those poisonous blades, they were all smashed by the jumping Xianglin with one punch.

Bang! boom!

With the deafening loud noise, even the Puppet Technique - the machine light shield seal did not play any role.

The two carefully crafted puppets shattered into countless pieces.

"Fantastic Fist?!" Chiyo started abruptly.

She has fought against Tsunade countless times on the battlefield, and it can be said that she knows nothing better about this kind of ninja body refinement that relies on chakra bursts to cause amazing damage.

It just made her absolutely didn't expect that this ability actually appeared on a red-haired little girl.

"sorry, old woman. If you want to take action against adults, you have to pass my level first."

Xianglin squeezed the knuckles of the knuckles, and it didn't work at all. I didn't pay attention to this puppet Master who was famous in the ninja world.

"Red hair, amazing amount of chakra! Is it a descendant of the vortex family? This is troublesome. White secret skills - ten people in Jinsong!"

After confirming After the identity of the other party, Chiyo immediately released his strongest puppet.

She understands that if she can't solve this little girl quickly, then don't expect to keep Ichio Morizuru and Sand Ninja Village.

It's a pity that ideas are always beautiful, and reality is always skinny.

I don't know if I don't fight, but it was only after a dozen generations that I realized that this young girl in front of me was simply the nemesis of the puppet master.

Not only does it have incredible attack power, it can often cause huge damage to sophisticated puppets with one punch, but it also has excellent defensive power.

Most projectiles and hidden weapons can't even break the layer of energy that surrounds the body.

This also means that the poison she is proud of has no effect at all here.

For a time, the old man known as the strongest puppet master was forced to retreat, and it didn't take long before nearly half of the ten people in Jinsong were completely scrapped.

Looking at the tattered puppets lying on the ground, Xianglin finally couldn't help but ask: "This is the unique puppet master of Sand Ninja? It's too weak!"

"Otherwise? Puppet Technique itself is designed to deal with ordinary ninjas who have almost no defensive power, so most of them tend to use strange organs, hidden weapons and poisons, even if they are a little high level, they are just use The corpse is used to make a puppet that can perform ninjutsu during his lifetime. Compared with the reincarnation of the dirty earth invented by the second Hokage, the Puppet Technique can almost be said to be completely rateless, and its upper limit is destined from the very beginning." Alan explained with a chuckle.

In his opinion, Sand Ninja's puppet master is completely in vain.

Whether it is the so-called genius Scorpio, or Chiyo in front of him, once he encounters those who are more proficient in defensive ninjutsu, he will be hanged without exception.

Even if the puppet is made of "the strongest wind shadow in history", its formidable power is just like that, far from its previous state.

Sometimes, Alan really feels that the sand ninja has survived several ninja wars until now, not because of strength at all, but because the country of wind is a desert that has no value to be occupied at all.

From start to finish, this place has not sprung up with any commendable powerhouses.

Compared to the other four Da Ninja villages at least, Sand Ninja is definitely at the bottom of the bottom in terms of high-end battle strength and the number of ninjas.

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