Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 331

There is no doubt that Alan's unabashed contempt for the Puppet Technique fiercely stung Chiyo's self-esteem.

Because no one knows the weakness of the puppet master better than her, and also understands that the Puppet Technique simply cannot be used in the face of those true powerhouses.

The reason is simple!

All the puppets are controlled by chakra lines, and the response from the root is half a beat slower than others.

Perhaps in the battle between Chunin and Genin, this small delay will not cause too much problem, but when going from the level of the top to the shadow, even if it is an instant. Mistakes lead to failure and death.

At this time, the weakness of the puppet master is vividly and thoroughly reflected.

Although in order to make up for this defect, Sand Ninja invented the technique of manipulating multiple puppets at the same time, intending to use quantity to make up for the lack of quality.

But there is a limit to this after all!

And now, Chiyo is facing the ceiling that the puppet master can reach.

No matter what you do, it is impossible to hurt a hair on your opponent.

Under the double blessing of strengthening the ability to link the mind and the earth escape - the whole body hardening technique, Xianglin is like a humanoid Gundam, and can destroy those fancy puppets in minutes.

even more how, this is not all of her strength.

"Enough! Let's stop here!"

Seeing that allies were about to get a fiasco, Jiraiya finally couldn't help but intervene.

After all, Chiyo is the last fig leaf in this village. If even this is torn off, then Sand Ninja is basically not far from being delisted.

And once the country of wind is occupied by the rebels who hate ninjas, daimyo and nobles, it will definitely be a complete disaster for the country of fire.

In this regard, Konoha has learned a profound lesson from the land of the land.

As the first big country to lose the protection of Ninja Village, the land of the land has now become a crazy place in the eyes of other countries.

A large number of rioting people at the bottom vented their accumulated anger and hatred, and sent to the execution ground all the aloof and remote nobles and big names, one by one, and not a single one. Let go.

Such a bloody and tragic change, where have these famous names and nobles who tyrannically abused power in the ninja world have been seen, all of them were scared to the point of urinating their pants, for fear that they would also have that day.

So no matter what kind of attitude they used to treat Ninja Village, it has now become 100% unreserved support.

There must be no more accidents in the Ninja Village of the remaining four major countries.

Otherwise, the ruling foundations of nobles and daimyo will be shaken, collapsed, and even collapsed.

What is even more terrifying is that after the rioting people in the land of the land have completed the massacre of their own nobles and daimyo, they have turned their attention to the closest country of grass.

And the country of grass happens to be protected by Konoha.

The death toll between the two sides just fighting here is as high as two or three hundred.

You must know that this dead person is not an ordinary person!

Especially Konoha, the death of more than 100 ninjas can definitely be regarded as traumatic.

And training a ninja consumes far more resources than training a ninja, and the learning cycle is longer.

Of course, it's not that other big countries have thought about cultivating a group of people who are loyal to themselves.

The problem is that reading this thing is not something that can be learned from the records in books. Ordinary people need several months or even years of cultivation to slowly learn without any external help. Feel it.

But what about the rebels?

Some of them learned from Orochimaru and Kaoru how to forcibly open the sperm holes all over a person's body. In this way, it is easy to create and screen out a large number of psychics who are suitable for battle.

Jiraiya knows how difficult the current situation of Konoha and Fire Country is, and he can't let Sand Ninja collapse no matter what.

"Are you going to stop me? Or is Konoha really ready to fight with me?" Alan asked meaningfully.

"It's not that we want to go to war with you, but you forced us to go to war. The tailed beast is the foundation of every village, and what you are doing now has touched the bottom line of everyone." Lai also put on a stern look.

"The bottom line? Are you making me laugh? Isn't the so-called bottom line meant to be broken. Even more how, since the formation of the five kingdoms, you ninjas are constantly fighting for your own interests every day. When you started a war, have you asked the civilians who were affected by the war? And in order to keep your own secrets, how many innocent people have you killed during your mission? Have you respected the bottom line of those victims?" asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Ai, it seems that you are quite hostile to ninjas. It seems that there is no way for us to have a good conversation." Jirai sighed helplessly.

"It's not that my hostility to ninjas is quite deep, but the fact that I say it hurts your most sensitive nerves. Perhaps in your eyes, I am a deviant subversive, a The culprit who turned the ninja world into a pot of porridge. But in the eyes of the awakened people at the bottom, I am their savior, the one who brings hope to the entire world. Do you know why there is such a huge difference? Because I represent It is the interests of the majority! And you only represent the interests of a small group of powerful people!"

Alan sneered and pierced the hypocritical mask of the "toad immortal" in front of him.

Although Jirai is not a bad person in a strict sense, his identity and position determine that he can only be a defender of the old order.

"It's useless to talk too much! Let's just use our strength to decide who is right!"

Jilai also obviously knew that he couldn't talk about the other party, so he would start with two opponents. A toad immortal channeled out and planned to enter immortal mode to have a big fight.

But before he could start to absorb natural energy, Alan instantly copied a nuclear bomb and placed it under his feet, raised his mouth and said, "Do you know what this is?"

"What?" Jiraiya asked subconsciously.

"It's what I detonated over Iwanin. I promise you, if you dare to take any more hostile acts, I'll keep this thing on Konoha's head tomorrow. ' Alan blunt threatened.

Jilai also heard this sentence, and his whole body instantly froze in place, staring at this huge oval metal object.

About a minute later, he took a deep breath and asked, "Are you serious? Are you really going to destroy Konoha?"

"It's not up to me, It's up to you. And I sincerely advise you to be honest most recently, or if it annoys me, I don't mind letting what happened in Iwaininu village repeat itself in your village."

Alan didn't save any face for the other party at all, and his tone was full of blatant and undisguised warnings.

If the three tails hadn't been resurrected at the moment, the Moon Eye plan would take at least two or three years to start, and he would have pushed it horizontally, resurrecting the ten tails, resurrecting Madara Uchiha, and removing Kaguya from Released from the seal of the moon, why is it so troublesome now.

Unfortunately, life is most likely to be unhappy.

And he also needs a little time to study how to separate the chakra of the tailed beast from the medium, and by the way create a Divine Item that can break Kaguya's stomach.

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