Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 332

Fusion Strike!

Are you afraid?

Jirai may not know what nuclear fusion is, but that doesn't prevent him from understanding the terrifying scene that happened in Iwanin Village.

Although he had reason to suspect that it was just a verbal intimidation, he did not dare to gamble, let alone joke about the safety of the village and the villagers.

In the end, he had no choice but to give up his original plan to use martial power, and blunt said to Chiyo behind him: "Give up Ichiao! If you don't want to see this place being razed to the ground!"

"What?! After paying such a huge price, you made me give up?" Chiyo stared wide-eyed in anger.

You have to know that during the time when Shouhe was released, it has already destroyed almost one third sand ninja village, and there are broken eaves and broken walls everywhere.

This loss is a complete disaster for this poor village.

And they simply can't come up with that much money to rebuild.

"Did you notice that thing? Are you planning to watch it detonate here and become the second Iwa Ninja Village?" Jiraiya asked in a serious tone.

Just when Chiyo was about to say something, Eizang finally stood up to dissuade him and said, "Enough! Elder sister! Don't struggle anymore. For the sake of the continuation of the village, give up Ichiao. No matter what. Is that thing real, we can't afford the price of war."

"But what about Gaara? He is the next generation Kawyuki we cultivated!" Chiyo clenched his fists tightly, The old face was full of unwillingness and anger.

"We can ask him to keep Gaara's life."

Speaking of this, Eirao Zang deliberately paused and turned his attention to Alan standing next to the nuclear warhead: "If If I remember correctly, you didn't let Zhuli die after you drew the seven tails, right?"

Alan gently nodded: "en! That's right! Strictly speaking, I never I'm not a person who likes to kill innocent people. As long as you don't be my way, I will naturally not do needless killings."

"In this case, we Sharen admit it. It's yours." Hai Laozang admitted his own defeat very singly.

As the former Chief-In-Charge of Sand Ninja's intelligence, he has planted countless dark lines within the major countries, and even a spy took a photo of the moment of the nuclear explosion, knowing that once the thing is real Detonating here, what does it mean for the Land of Wind.

"Isn't it all right?"

After saying this maddening remark, Alan immediately rushed to the other side, who was still fighting with Shouhe. Erzhuzi, who returned, shouted: "Hey! Sasuke! Can you do it? If you can't figure it out within five minutes, I'm going to change the fragrance."

"Damn! Don't rush! I'll be fine soon!"

As soon as he heard that Xianglin was going to replace him, Sasuke's face changed greatly, and his whole body suddenly burst into amazing chakras and thoughts, and the whole person turned into a meteor lightning, Just like an arrow, it slammed into Shukaku's stomach.


Zi la la la!

No surprises!

This civet cat suddenly had a big hole in its abdomen, and under the action of a strong current, a large amount of sand was quickly disintegrated, and the sleeping man, Zhuli Gaara, also woke up in pain.

This time, Sasuke didn't mean to be waterproof anymore, he directly increased the current forcibly to electrocute Gaara half to death, and then let it out of Alan's feet like a dead dog: "It's done! I said, I can do it."

"hmph! It took more than ten minutes to get the end done! You are really weak." Xianglin teased with a sneer.

"Shut up! Stupid girl! I just want to gain more practical experience." Sasuke shook the dust on his body and said stubbornly.

Seeing that the two of them wanted to quarrel again, Neji finally stopped and said, "Okay, let's stop here, we have to extract the tailed beast next."

"Here?" Sasuke glanced at the hated and angry Sand Shinobi around him.

"Why, are you afraid?" Xianglin stared at her nemesis with provocative eyes.

"Just kidding! Am I scared?" Sasuke gnashing teeth pushed back.

Because of the battle with Shouhe just now, his chakra has consumed bits and pieces, and he definitely doesn't want a more intense conflict to break out in a short period of time.

But Xianglin is obviously the master of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth. After a brief communication with Neji, the two soon began to use the seal technique to extract the tailed beast from Gaara's body. .

That's right!

In front of this crowd of Sha Ninjas, they snatch it up just like that.

Such an arrogant approach is tantamount to holding a military parade ceremony on the largest square in the other's capital to show off its martial power after one country has defeated another.


Unbearably intense shame!

Many sand ninjas couldn't help but want to rush to perish with the enemy!

Unfortunately, they were eventually stopped by Chiyo.

The entire extraction process continued for several hours, until Shouhe was completely sealed into Alan's body.

At the moment when the ceremony was completed, Eileanzang was the first to come and check the signs of Gaara's life, and found that except for the absence of tailed beasts, everything else was not much different from normal people.

Not only the breathing and heartbeat are very stable, but even the chakra did not lose much, completely subverting the law that once the human column force is drawn, the tailed beast will die.

As soon as he realized this, he immediately lifted the head and asked, "How did you do it?"

"You mean saving Ren Zhuli's life? Simple! Just inject a little life force a few seconds before the end of the process of extracting the tailed beast." Alan gave the answer without thinking.

The reason why the tailed beast will die when the human column force is extracted is actually because the amount of chakra of the tailed beast is too large, so that when it is peeled off, it will absorb all the chakra of the human column force along with it. go.

And chakra is also another form of life energy. When a person's life energy is all taken away, it is naturally difficult to survive.

Of course, injecting life force is not something anyone can do if they want to.

Otherwise, once it is injected too early, the extraction process will also drain the person's chakra, resulting in an increase of the death toll by one more out of thin air.

But if the intervention is too late, the best time will be missed, and Ren Zhuli will inevitably die.

Alan does this with the power of the red dragon.

"so that's how it is! Now that you have got what you want, please leave immediately." Hai Lao Zang immediately placed an Expulsion Order after getting the answer he wanted.

But Alan was obviously not in a hurry to leave, and tapped the nuclear bomb lightly, said with a smile: "Don't worry! As a reward for you voluntarily handing over a tail, I decided to open it to you. Vision."

tone barely fell!

He instantly opened a pair of huge dragon wings behind him, dragged the heavy nuclear bomb to a place more than 30 kilometers away, and finally activated the detonation device in the depths of a desolate desert .

After just a few tens of seconds, another white light and mushroom cloud rose into the air, and the whole earth trembled violently with a loud noise.

Everyone who saw this scene, whether it was Sand Shinobi or the guy who came from Konoha with Jiraiya, was speechless in shock.

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