Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 333

"This... this is the weapon he used in the sky above Iwanin? Incredible formidable power! What is that?" Chiyo's tone was filled with strong shock and fear.

She couldn't believe it, if this thing detonated in Sand Ninja Village just now, how would she explain to the ancestors who built and protected Sand Ninja Village after her death?

"I don't know! The only thing we know now is that he definitely has not only one or two such weapons, but many. As long as he intended, destroying the remaining four great powers is not an empty talk. Get ready, elder sister, this world is about to change." Hai Laozang said solemnly.

To be displayed in public in this completely unnecessary situation means that the number of such weapons is absolutely large.

As a high-level intelligence Chief-In-Charge, he could figure this out almost instantly.

And under this kind of explosive formidable power that can destroy everything, whether it is Konoha, Yunnin, Sand, or Mist, they will inevitably choose to surrender and surrender.

Unless the entire high-rise is crazy, they will never risk their own village and the lives of tens of thousands of people.

The next ninja world will automatically enter the era of Alan.

"Damn! This kind of power! Is it really something that humans can master? No! I have to ask the Great Immortal toad immediately."

Jilai also said nothing, Immediately want to go back to Miaomu Mountain.

But before he could take any actual action, Alan, who came back, warned Fukasaku and Shima two old toads in a threatening tone: "Tell Toadmaru! If he dares to say anything about me information, I will raze the entire second wood mountain to the ground, and kill all the discipline of grand disciples that will not fall, and leave none. Human affairs will be solved by human beings themselves, and it is not your turn to come. Intervene."

"en?! You know the name of the toad Great Immortal?" Fukasaku's face showed a surprised expression.

"As I said, this world has no secrets to me."

After saying these meaningful words, Alan brought his team without looking back. Disappeared in the vast sea of sand.

Seeing his retreating back, Jiraiya immediately asked, "What did he mean by what he said just now?"

"It's very simple! He's warning us , don't interfere in the affairs of the human world. I'm sorry, Jiraiya, for the safety and inheritance of Mt. Miaomu, we may not help you to fight that dangerous youngster in the future." Shima's tone was apologetic.

"Don't interfere in the affairs of the human world?"

Jilai also obviously did not understand the true meaning of this sentence.

Fukasaku explained helplessly: "He thinks that our toads in Miaomushan are exerting influence on this world through you, and are full of disgust and dissatisfaction with this kind of behavior. In his eyes, only you Only human beings are qualified to decide the future of the ninja world. Be careful, Jiraiya, he may have regarded you as a spokesperson supported by Miaomushan toad in the human world."

"I don't understand. Why is he suddenly so hostile to Miaomushan?" Zilai also frowned.

"I don't know either, this question may have to go to Great Immortal to get the answer." Fukasaku slightly sighed.

As a toad immortal who has lived for a long time, he has never seen the Ninja world undergoing some unprecedented drastic changes like it is now.

The daimyo and nobles who have ruled the country since Ancient Era are actually threatened by the commoners from the lowest level of society.

Those ordinary persons who were originally obedient and like lambs, after gaining the power called Nian, turned into wolves and tigers in an instant, constantly attacking the old order on the verge of collapse.

What's more terrifying is that the ideas of these people are like viruses, spreading among the people at the bottom at an extremely fast speed.


Just as Alan entire group left the Land of Wind and continued to head eastward, planning to go to the Land of Water next, the news about the nuclear bomb's formidable power, Once again, it was placed on the desk of each village kage's office.

And this time, with more witnesses and photos, the information is more complete.

In just a few days, these ninja masters have calculated the coverage area of the explosion, as well as the possible damage at the core and edge positions.

In the end, they came to a conclusion.

That is, if it is within a radius of one kilometer from the center of the explosion, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

At a distance of one kilometer to three kilometers, the shadow-level powerhouse can barely use its own speed, or the earth escape ninjutsu to quickly sneak into the underground position of tens of meters, and can barely escape the big Part of the damage, the formidable power has basically dropped to a level that will not easily cause death when the radius is five kilometers to ten kilometers away.

Of course, these calculations are only for shockwave, fire and hot wind damage.

Due to the lack of the corresponding instruments and knowledge, the ninjas have no idea that there is radiation this thing.

In fact, the nuclear bomb held by Alan is a super-yield thermonuclear weapon specially produced by Hunter World V5 to deal with Dark Continent creatures.

The diameter of the Fireball formed at the moment of the explosion is nearly 3,000 kilometers, and the impact range can reach hundreds of kilometers.

Looking at the photos and documents of densely packed on the table, the Master Elder, who currently holds the highest power of the fog ninja, can't help but rubbed his eyebrows and asked in a tired voice: "Tell me about you all. Let’s see what you think!”

“Obviously, he came for the tailed beast. But considering that the three tails have not been reborn for a while after their death, the only target is the six-tailed rhinoceros.” Terumi Without thinking, he said his thoughts.

As the next Shuiying who was selected and cultivated, although she is not yet in the upper position, she can already have a great say in this level meeting.

"But Yu Gao has already defected!" Another older Elder frowned reminded.

"It doesn't matter whether this root defected or not! Because nominally, the six tails are still the property of Kirito, and only we are in control of the movement of Renzhuli. If nothing else, he should I want to copy what I did in Sand Ninja before, and force us to bow our heads. After all, under the deterrence of that terrifying weapon, the current Mist Ninja has no ability to resist." Terumi Mei fiercely knocked on the table.

"Then what attitude do we have to face this menacing guy?" Master Yuan turned his attention to the future five generations of water shadows.

You don't need to ask to know that he is testing Terumi Mei's decision-making ability.

As the shadow of a village, the most important thing is to lead the village out of the predicament in times of crisis.

Terumi Mei undoubtedly noticed this, and spread out her hands with a wry smile: "In addition to bowing our heads, do we have any other options? Even more how, we have no power to hunt down defectors. The Yugao of Yugao, it is better to simply agree to his request. Anyway, our country of water is isolated from the continent all the year round, no matter how fierce the trouble there, it will not affect us..."

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