Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 334

"Nagato! What are you thinking about inviting such a dangerous guy to join Akatsuki?" Uchiha Obito asked in a somber voice.

After taking back his other dive might writing wheel eye from Kakashi, he immediately returned to Rainin Village, posing as if he was asking for guilt.

Of course, all of this was performed for Hei Jue aside.

Nagato, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was also possessed by the "Shadow Emperor", and responded with a blank face: "Because he has such value! After all, the purpose of our collection of tailed beasts is to create a powerful weapon. To deter the entire ninja world, so that no one dares to start a war easily. But now, we have a better choice, that is to overthrow the rotten old order built by nobles, daimyo and ninja villages, and let those who are exploited and suffer The oppressed civilians manage this world. After all, they are the real victims, who have truly experienced pain and despair."

"You mean... let the Xiao organization join the ranks of the rebels? "Obito deliberately made himself look very annoyed and angry.

"That's right! I've made up my mind! From today onwards, Akatsuki will provide all the necessary help to those rebels. In addition, I'll let Scorpion and Deidara take care of everything in the Land of Rain. The daimyo and nobles, this world no longer needs them." Nagato gave a nonchalant affirmative answer.

Although his ultimate goal is to kill the alien Kaguya who invaded this world and completely cut off the source of the evil bloodline, he doesn't mind removing some obstacles for the arrival of the new era.

In fact, the agreement between Alan and him was originally that Akatsuki would come forward to start the fourth ninja war, try to weaken the little remaining potential of the major ninja villages as much as possible, and finally reveal that there are quite a lot of killings. The ancestor of chakra.

In this way, when the final battle is over, the ninja will completely lose the power to resist, just like the warriors of the year, and will eventually be swallowed up by the rolling torrent from the bottom of society.

"But what about our original tailed beast collection plan?"

Hei Jue on the side finally couldn't help but ask.

He doesn't care about the life and death of civilians, let alone what this world will become. He only wants to save the mother who created him from the seal.

And the most important part of saving Kaguya is the resurrection of the ten-tailed Divine Tree!

If you can't even do this, you don't have to think about the plans behind.

"Why do you have to be obsessed with tailed beasts? Now that Alan has joined us, with the kind of weapon he possesses, isn't it a sufficient deterrent effect?" Nagato used it too deeply. The pair of light purple Samsara Eyes stared at each other.


Hei Jue felt an inexplicable panic, and hurriedly explained: "I admit, the weapon he used in Iwanin Village and Sand Shinobi can indeed have a very big deterrent effect. But don't forget, he will never give us that kind of weapon. So I don't think the tailed beast collection plan can't stop, at least we have to have a card with enough weight as a check and balance."

"I agree with Jue! Don't pin your hopes on one person, let alone trust Alan too much. Have you forgotten the betrayal Akatsuki experienced in the first place?" Obito also helped.

"Got it! I don't need you to remind me about this. I have already arranged everything."

After saying that, Nagato ignored the other party and let Xiao Nan push himself The wheelchair slowly disappeared at the end of the dark underground tunnel.

Watching the two go away, Hei Jue couldn't help but say to Obito: "Nagato's current state is very dangerous! I think he has lost interest in collecting tailed beasts."


"Then what do you think we should do? Kill him?" Obito asked with a sneer. "Don't worry! Now is not the time. At least until the three-tailed resurrection, we must not act rashly. Even more how, hasn't someone started helping us collect tailed beasts."

"You mean... ..."

Hei Jue's eyes flashed with strange rays of light, and seemed to realize something.

“en! That youngster named Alan! Whatever his purpose of collecting Tailed beasts, it will inevitably serve the Moon Eye Project in the end. Also, I think it’s time to start working on Resurrection Spots. Ready. Do you remember the reincarnation of the dirty soil that Orochimaru used in the Konoha collapse plan?"

Obito started to activate his flickering skills, preparing to bring the two real murderers who killed Lin into the pit. .

What he yearns most now is to see the desperate expression on the other side's beautiful dream when he is about to die.

"You mean... using Orochimaru to revive Spot?" Hei Jue's eyes flashed with strange rays of light.

Compared to the increasingly selfish Obito, he obviously prefers Madara Uchiha who believes in himself.

After all, in this world, it is very hard to find a fool who has both powerful strength, Six Paths immortal bloodline, and is also very easy to deceive.

Unfortunately, Madara Uchiha is one of them.

Obito's meaningful shock the head: "no! It's not Orochimaru! It's his guy called Yaoshidou. Compared with the uncontrollable Orochimaru, he is the most suitable candidate. ."

"Ah! I understand! You want to kill Orochimaru, and then let him have no choice but to rely on us. After all, he has now become a thorn in the eyes of major ninja villages, daimyo and nobles, and a thorn in the flesh. ."

As an old partner, Hei Jue instantly understood Obito's idea.

Although the current Tianzhiguo Sound Ninja Village looks extremely powerful, almost all the top rebels in all countries have received training and transformation here without exception.

But in fact, as long as Alan shows the slightest intention of giving up there, the remaining four Ninja villages will immediately join forces to destroy it.

The cornered pocket has no other way to go except to take refuge with Akatsuki.

"That's right! And I don't think Itachi will watch his younger brother get swallowed by Orochimaru. So be patient, the whole plan is not out of our control." Obito pretended to be mysterious comforted.

Hei Jue looked thoughtful nodded: "It makes sense! As long as Madam Madara is resurrected, then all problems will be solved. It seems that he regarded you as his heir, which is really a very wise choice."


"Hehe! Now, I'm going to have a face-to-face with Alan and see if I can draw him to our side. Even more how, isn't he interested in tailed beasts? Tell him the news of the ten tails, and let him come forward to help us collect all the tailed beasts!"

After saying this, Obito instantly disappeared in place.

Hei Jue's dream would not have imagined that all the members of the Akatsuki organization, including Obito, were now acting with him, and after staying for a while, they also sneaked underground disappeared without a trace.

When the guy completely left, the ghost shark immediately came out of the darkness, and couldn't help holding his forehead and sighed: "It's true that Your Excellency Alan is right, Hei Jue is really treating us as fools. Shit. He never trusted anyone, he just used us."

"hmph! Obito is not the same!" Deidara sneered.

"Well! Mr. Obito is a victim just like us, and isn't he remorseful too?" The ghost shark defended his old boss.

In just a few seconds, the core members of the Xiao organization all appeared one after another.

You don't need to ask, they all heard the conversation just now...

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