Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 335

When a secret mastermind is exposed, what kind of scene will it be stripped of all disguise and naked in front of everyone?

Just look at the reactions of the core members of the Xiao organization at this moment.

Although there are also feelings of anger and annoyance, but more of it is ridicule and a strong desire for revenge.

After all, apart from Deidara, who is obsessed with explosive art, which one has not tasted the sadness, pain and betrayal of the world.

Although everyone joins the organization for different purposes, they all have a consensus in their subconscious that they must never let the world they live in be drained of energy and become a desert.

Looking at the emotions shown on the faces, Nagato couldn't help showing a satisfied smile: "Very good! It seems that you have all made a decision. Only by staying united, Akatsuki Only then can we achieve that great goal. Now, let's start helping those rebels and show some color to those great powers."

"Boss! Before doing that, I think it's time to confirm Itachi's attitude Don't forget, he is Konoha's spy." Scorpion reminded meaningfully.

"Don't worry, I'm not anymore. Now I just hope that Sasuke can survive this war and live happily forever." Uchiha Itachi expressed in a very flat tone own position and attitude.

With the death of Hokage III and Danzo, only two advisors are left who know his identity as a spy.

Unfortunately, he doesn't trust the two Old Guys who like to keep their hands on everything.

even more how, the current situation in the ninja world is going through an unprecedented drastic change. Maybe Ninja Village will soon withdraw from the stage of history and be completely eliminated like the warrior of the year.

This also means that the side of Akatsuki and Alan represents the general trend.

Just as he chose to kill his parents and destroy the family to maintain Konoha, Itachi chose to give up Konoha this time to support the rebels that were constantly rising and squeezed the living space of ninjas.

"Hehe, Itachi is really a good big brother. It's a pity that Sasuke will never forgive you for your choice, especially killing your own parents." Deidara deliberately mystifying sarcasm.

But Itachi was obviously already not in the unexpected world's view of him, his face was calm as if he had not heard anything.

Seeing that the core members of the organization wanted to fight infighting, Nagato immediately stood up to stop and said: "Enough! Now we are all in the same boat, there is no need to ridicule each other. According to the negotiated plan Let's all take action. Let's do more for this world in the last dark hour before dawn."

With the last word blurted out, scorpion, deidara, ghost shark , Itachi, and Kakuto immediately turned around and left Yu Nin Village, rushed to the pre-allocated location, and started sniping at the repressive forces sent by the big powers.

Seeing the smile on Nagato's face that he hadn't seen for a long time, Xiao Nan couldn't help but ask, "Have you really decided?"

"en! Since our The tragedy of the first half of my life happened under the control of Madara Uchiha and Kurojue, then let me use the last power of these eyes to give them a little color. Remember, if I die, then you bring Let Akatsuki's remaining people and funds go to Alan." Nagato warned repeatedly.

Xiao Nan gently nodded: "Got it! But you also need to be careful, although Obito is on our side now, but I can feel that Hei absolutely doesn't trust him."

Nagato smiled indifferently: "Don't worry! This time, I'm not fighting alone, but I have an ally who also knows everything and is strong enough. Oh, I almost forgot, I sent a few people there. Take a trip to the Iron Country to find the best swordsmiths there. Because Alan says he wants to build a weapon capable of killing gods."


Meanwhile, Alan, who had just passed through the vast desert of the Land of Winds and entered the Land of Fire, happened to meet Obito who came to tip off the news.

As soon as we met, he rudely extended the hand and said, "Give me your other dive might writing wheel eye."

"Now?" Obito A troubled expression appeared on his face.

"Ah! Now!" Alan left no room for bargaining.

In desperation, Obito could only grit his teeth and remove his eyes from their sockets, and hand them over with a reluctant expression.

Alan threw it directly to the red dragon when he got it.

When the pair of dive might kaleidoscopes were completely swallowed and analyzed, the pattern in his eyes changed again, and he completely gained that weird spatial manipulation ability.

"Interesting! Is this the limit that Yin Dun can achieve with spirit strength? Why is the must in the eyes? Because this organ is the closest to the brain?" Alan touched the chin and immediately raised a series of questions question.

Because according to the interpretation of Yin and Yang Dun, Yin Dun is the process of creation from nothing, while Yang Dun is to inject life into the created things.

This also means that, compared to pure-blooded aliens who only know how to plunder energy and use it, Six Paths immortal has clearly broken the boundaries between life and death, reaching a higher level of creation life.

Even he himself somehow attained immortality!

Therefore, the writing wheel eye, which represents the extreme of yin and escape, does not actually depend entirely on the eyes.

Thinking of this, Alan immediately drew a lot of life energy from the red dragon, and through the combination of yin and yang, he created a pair of scarlet kaleidoscopes in the palm of his hand in just a few minutes.

And the pattern of the pupil hook is exactly the same as the dive might kaleidoscope.

Obito was speechless in shock when he saw this scene through the other three-goose jade writing wheel eye transplanted in the eye socket.

He couldn't believe that the guy in front of him could actually create a kaleidoscope out of thin air.


Not just a kaleidoscope!

It's an eternal kaleidoscope!

And the familiarity of chakra from the inside is completely no different from the eyes that he lost.

"You... how did you do it?" Obito asked in a slightly trembling voice.

"It's very simple! Yin and Yang escape, plus a little strength control over life. Take it and replace it, I look forward to your performance in the final battle." Alan responded with a faint smile.

With the assistance of Xianglin medical ninjutsu, Obito quickly changed his eyes, and felt the incomparably abundant pupil power, his face suddenly showed an extremely ferocious expression, gnashing teeth said: "With such power! Spot! Black Jue! I swear I will make you pay for what you have done!"

"Come on! Remember to help me get some Bai Jue Come out, I plan to use them as sacrifices to reincarnate a few people." Alan casually instructed.

"Who are you planning to reincarnate with?" Obito lifts the head and asked very curiously.

Alan blunt replied: "Several vortex powerhouses. I'm very interested in sealing recently, and plan to learn from them."

"so that's how it is! Etc. In a few days, before that, I have to do a play to convince Hei Jue that you have been deceived by me." Obito pursed his lips into a sarcastic smile.

"Oh? What are you going to do?"

"I would describe you as someone who is obsessed with the power of tailed beasts and desperate to resurrect the legendary strongest tail Beast - Ten-Tailed!"

"hahahaha! What a great idea! In this way, Hei Jue will use me as a tool to help him collect tailed beasts."

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