Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 336

Sending away Uchiha Obito, Alan quickly passed through the land of fire, which is the most suitable for human survival in the entire ninja world, and once again visited the land of waves that must be passed through to the village of fog ninja.

Compared with the last time I came here, it has obviously become a lot more prosperous, and it is also a lot more lively.

Because there are more and more rebels on the continent, as well as various terrifying ideas to overthrow the daimyo and the nobility, it has not yet spread to this remote and backward island.

In addition to the instability of the situation, many wealthy businessmen have fled here for refuge, further accelerating the development of business.

At first glance, it seems a bit hidden land of peace and prosperity.

"The country of waves has really become richer." Xianglin sighed slightly.

After all, the market here used to be in short supply of daily necessities such as grain, vegetables and fruits, and most of the shelves were often empty after 9 am.

But now, whether it is a dazzling array of goods, or those foods that are too much to sell, it all proves that after the cardo was killed, the place finally regained its vitality.

After all, from a geographical point of view, almost all the shipping to the east of China must pass through the Land of Waves, which is naturally an important maritime transportation hub.

Before, this hub was tightly controlled by Cardo, and other external forces could not get in at all.

But now, with the complete opening to the outside world, the country of waves has finally returned to its proper position.

"This is just the beginning! It will get better and better in the future."

Alan clearly understands what a maritime transport hub means better than most people in this world do , so he is full of confidence in the future of the country of waves.

Be aware that even in modern society, ocean shipping is still the most important and the cheapest mode of transportation.

Almost all bulk goods are done by ship.

This is why the import and export management agency is also called "customs".

In contrast, Erzhuzi recalled the scene where he was beaten to the ground, and gnashing teeth asked, "Why did you do that in the first place?"

"What?" Xiang Lin seemed to be stunned for a moment, followed by an expression of sudden realization. "Ah! You're referring to the fact that when he was still in shift seven, he came here with Kakashi on a mission."

"Answer my question!"

Sasuke's face The expression on the face is very ferocious, and it is obvious that he is quite worried about this matter.

But before Kamo could speak, Alan explained with a smile, "Of course it's because of Danzo's orders.

I was still working under him at the time.


What Danzo wants to do most is to completely cut off the bloodline of the Uchiha family's sins.

Maybe you don't know it yet.

As early as the second generation of Hokage When he was a Senju Tobirama, he was full of discrimination and vigilance against the entire Uchiha clan, deliberately cut you off from the entire village, and later restricted and suppressed them again and again.

As the second-generation Hokage Disciple, whether it is the third generation or Danzo, it has inherited the ideas and policies of its own teacher.

Especially after the outbreak of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, many people They all saw the extremely dazzling writing wheel eye pattern in the eyes of the strongest tailed beast.

And this pattern was used by the senior officials of Konoha as evidence that the Uchiha clan wanted to launch a rebellion.

Whether it's Shisui or your big brother Itachi, it's actually Konoha's spy who inserted himself into the Uchiha clan.

The Shisui is too naive, although he is awakened and he The powerful Illusion Technique kaleidoscope, but with no difficulty was played by Danzo in the palm of his hand, and could only end bleakly.

Itachi is relatively smart, he chose to be a double agent, on the one hand Gather information on the rebellion of the Uchiha clan for the village, and on the other hand, gather the attitudes of Konoha's high-level officials for your father.

But in the end, nothing can restore the irreparable rift.


So after taking into account the probability of the success of the coup d'etat and the bad situation that he needs to face after the success, he decided to save the last bloodline of the Uchiha clan by abandoning the family and standing on the side of the village.


Although it sounds stupid, it was the best solution that Itachi could come up with at the time based on the intelligence and information at hand.

And the smartest thing about him was that, From the beginning to the end, I never believed in the high-level officials of Konoha."

"So...the root of Uchiha's genocide has been buried since the second Hokage."

Sasuke is not stupid, just a little impatient, and immediately understood the meaning of what he just said.

Alan slightly nodded. Almost all of them are exposed. And this shortcoming is also very obvious in you. Don’t forget, Shaanyan is an extreme yin change, and the root of this change lies in your bloodline and genes. It requires a strong spirit strength to ring it. This is why, the more extreme Uchiha is, the easier it is to obtain a kaleidoscope."

"But what about you? How did you get it? Got a Kaleidoscope Shaker, or even a Samsara Eye?" Sasuke frowned.

"My ability to think is rather special, and I have also devoured a special kind of creature called chimeric ants, which can perfectly control genes, bloodline, and even various life energies. So no matter what blood Next, as long as I get a little bit of each other's flesh and blood, I can immediately integrate it into myself."

Alan explained, while standing on the dock looking for a suitable ship.

But just as he was picking out a medium-sized boat that looked quite comfortable, a mature and attractive female silhouette suddenly came into view.

dark green eyes, long brown hair, a blue robe with an off-the-shoulder and low-cut...

Don't ask to know, this is none other than the one who just got out of the water Five generations of Mizukage Terumi Mei who came to the country.

Similarly, Terumi Mei also saw Alan who did not disguise himself at all.

The two stared at each other for about ten seconds. A smile appeared on the former's face, and he took the initiative to come and greet him: "Good evening, Your Excellency Ai Lu. I can't believe that we can actually Meet me here. I am Terumi Mei, the messenger representing the Mist Ninja Village in the Land of Water, and it's a pleasure to meet you."

"The messenger?" Alan keenly grasped the key words.

"Yes! I want to talk to you about the defection of the six-tailed man Zhu Liyu Gao." Terumi Mei single-handedly pointed out his purpose.

"Ah! Understood. It seems that Kirin is more aware of current affairs than I thought. In that case, let's find a better restaurant to eat and talk." Alan suggested with a smile invited.

“just to my liking!”

Terumi Mei completely ignored Kasumi, who was staring at him with fierce hostility, took Alan’s arm very intimately, and went straight towards him. Walk to the nearest hotel.

Sasuke couldn't help taunted when he saw this scene: "Why, are you jealous? No wonder! Who would like a strange girl like you."

tone barely fell !


The poor Erzhu was hit directly and flew out, and fiercely crashed two walls before finally stopping...

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