Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 337

"Okay... so terrifying! It turns out that the elder sister of Xianglin has such a scary side!"

Seeing Sasuke's tragic state, the former Nantai man Zhu Lifu suddenly shiver coldly grabbed Neji arms in an endearing little bird pose.

"Damn it! Let go! There are so many passersby here." Neji blushed and tried to pull his arm out.

Unfortunately, Fu's grip was too tight, and after struggling twice, she found that she couldn't pull it out, so she had to give up her struggle and resign.

As a saying goes, men chase women across mountains, and women chase men across heavy yarns.

Because Fu herself is a more active person, and Neji, like Sasuke, is a deadly arrogant arrogant, cold on the outside and hot on the inside, the most difficult thing to deal with is stalking.

As a result, the relationship between the two has heated up rapidly along the way, and has begun to have the meaning of a little couple.

Xiang Lin, who had always wanted to attract Alan's attention, saw this scene, and suddenly, like many single dogs, was instantly hit by 10,000 points of crit, and walked into the restaurant with her head down in dejection.

As for Erzhu...

Not only did they vomit blood from being beaten, but they also had to pay to compensate for the damaged walls, which is not an ordinary tragedy.


Of course, Alan never cared about the "small fights" within these teams, each minding their own business came to a table by the window and sat down I came down, picked up the menu and ordered a lot of things I liked, and then asked with a smile: "What would you like to eat? You're welcome, just order, I'll treat you today."

"Oh? I can't believe that the most dangerous man in the ninja world has such a gentleman's side." Terumi Mei's face showed a surprised expression.

Because from the information obtained by Kirin, she always believed that the other party should be an arrogant youngster, and even hated this world.

Otherwise, the unprecedented slogan of subverting the village of Shinobi, the daimyo and the nobility would not have been raised.

Even for this purpose, a large number of precious ninjutsu, forbidden techniques, and the power called mind are given to all civilians who need it for free as a promotional flyer.

"Dangerous? Perhaps for the representatives of the rotten old order such as Shinobi, daimyo and nobles, I am indeed an out-and-out dangerous person. But for the commoners, I may not stand in my way. I have always stood by my principles.” Alan responded meaningfully.

"Then how can you not stand in your way?"

Terumi no doubt heard the meaning, and immediately probed cautiously.

"It's very simple! Hand over the tailed beast and the human pillar, and I will ignore the existence of Kirin." Alan casually offered the condition.

Compared to the continent in which the other four countries are located, the Land of Water and Mist Ninja Village is undoubtedly a relatively isolated place, and the wave of change will not be there on a large scale for a long time. break out.

In addition to Obito's tossing over the past few years, Kirin suffered a great injury, and there were not many people left at all.

Otherwise, Terumi Mei, who was just in her early thirties, wouldn't have to worry about getting married. It's true that all the young and middle-aged men of Kirin are almost dead.

So in Alan's eyes, Wu Ninja is the same as Sand Ninja, both with the name of a big country on their head, in fact, they have long since lost the strength that a big country should have.

At present, there are only two countries in the entire ninja world that can be considered a big country. One is Konoha, who is naturally talented, and the other is Yunnin, who is famous for Lei Dunren's body refinement.

Obviously, Terumi Mei didn't know the reality of the village in front of her, and she deliberately said in a bluff tone: "It's okay to hand over the tailed beast and the human pillar force! But what are you going to exchange for it? What? You must know that the tailed beast is the most important trump card and weapon of war in every ninja village."

"Will the lives of everyone in the village be enough?" Alan asked with a faint smile. "Remember! This is not a negotiation. You don't have any bargaining chips in your hands. As long as I want, I can send you to another world at any time."

"Have you finally shown your true colors?" Terumi Mei Hearing this threat, his face suddenly became ugly.

Alan laughs and shook the head: "no! I'm just reminding you to put away such a boring temptation. Give me the information of the six-tailed man Shuri Yugao, and then let's be happy. Wouldn't it be nice to finish this meal?"

"Here! Here's what you want."

Seeing that her little trick was exposed, Terumi Mei very simply took a The palm-size scrolls were thrown on the table, and at the same time, I picked up the menu and started frantically ordering the most expensive and delicious things.

From the indignant attitude, it is not difficult to see that she wants to use this method to make the other party's wallet bleed, and by the way, let out a bad breath.

But unfortunately, Alan has seen many such scenes of women being petty.

In addition, it takes a few trifling dishes to spend a few dollars. With his current financial resources, it is no problem to buy this street.

In this way, the two enjoyed a sumptuous meal without saying a word.

After eating all of them, Terumi Mei took a deep breath, drinking the juice used to promote digestion, while pretending to be casual and asking: "Why do you collect tailed beasts?"

"Have you heard the story about Six Paths immortal and his founding of Ninja Sect?" Alan sipped the sweet and sour juice slightly raised at the corner of his mouth.

"Of course! Does this have anything to do with your collection of tailed beasts?" Terumi Mei asked curiously.

"Because according to legend, before the Six Paths immortal appeared, there was actually only one tailed beast in this world, and its name was ten tails. And the nine tailed beasts that appeared later were actually divided from ten tails. out." Alan explained feigning fanaticism.

At this moment, in the shadows in the corner of the hotel, a dark mass of Unknown Creature is listening intently to the conversation between the two.

He is none other than the one who came here to investigate Alan's hack.

"Ten-tailed?! You want to revive the ten-tailed beast by collecting the existing nine-tailed beasts?"

Terumi Mei was obviously taken aback by this crazy idea, He didn't even notice the juice spilled on his clothes.

"Yes! I don't know if you noticed! In fact, there are nine tailed beasts, each of which has a special kind of blood, imagine what will happen when they are fused together. What about a spectacular and interesting fusion reaction? It's really exciting."

In order to match Obito's performance, Alan deliberately packaged himself as a lunatic obsessed with tailed beasts.

When Hei Jue heard these contents, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and he quickly dived underground disappeared without a trace.

For him, it never mattered who collected the tailed beasts and what the purpose was.

The important thing is that Kaguya has a suitable carrier when the ten tails are resurrected.

When the time comes, you only need to awaken mother's consciousness through infinite monthly reading, then your plan that has lasted for thousands of years will be a success.

It now seems that Alan is undoubtedly the most suitable tool person to complete the work of collecting tailed beasts.

And what he needs to do is to resurrect Madara Uchiha before the resurrection of the ten tails, and use the unique ability of Samsara Eye to completely control the outsider golem...

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