Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 340

"There is no need for atonement, because that is not for you at all. And there is no way to atone for what you have done over the years. What you have to do is to take revenge, and continue to use anger and hatred as a driving force to punish those who have hurt you in the past. revenge."

Alan ruthless interrupted Obito's simmering sadness.


It also depends on what sin is committed!

A secret crush like Obito who just died is indiscriminate and wants to take revenge on the world, even the best teacher and teacher for him are not worthy of sympathy and forgiveness. .

Accurately speaking, in Alan's eyes, even Nagato has the right to atone for sin, but this guy is the only one who doesn't.

Obito obviously also noticed this, and immediately put away his previous expression, silently nodded: "Understood! I will do as you say, and set off a quagmire war that swept the entire ninja world, Drag all the Shinobi villages into the water, let them sink deeper and deeper continuously, until they can no longer climb out."

"Very good! Also remember to keep staring at Hei Jue, don't let your guard down , let alone take him as a normal person, because in essence, he is not even a human being, just a consciousness created by Kaguya, and has no feelings at all except his attachment to the creator himself. If he's going to secretly try to reincarnate Madara with the dirt, let me know immediately."

After saying that, Alan used space ninjutsu to disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The next second...

He appeared directly near a forest.

Around Neji and Kaoru are drawing six tails from Ren Zhuli, while Sasuke is staring at the captive golden haired girl.

This girl is none other than Yingying, the granddaughter of the leader of the earth spider clan.

As a typical straight male cancer, Erzhuzi will obviously not show mercy because the other party is a beautiful girl, so as long as Hotaru acts a little dishonestly, he will immediately release the Thunder Attribute's chakra , making it instantly incapacitated.

After several times, this young maiden has suffered enough, and no longer dares to shout like before.

"How, how long will it take to get the tailed beast out?" Alan blunt asked.

"About two or three hours." Neji replied, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Better hurry up! I don't want to get involved with the spider clan, and I don't want to meet Konoha's people here." Alan urged in a low voice.

"Is the earth spider family related to Konoha?" Sasuke raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"en! They have reached an agreement with Hokage that if they are attacked by foreign enemies, they can ask Konoha for help. And... this woman's identity and bloodline are very sensitive, and it can even be said that her own existence is a formidable Amazing weapon with power." Alan explained, staring at the girl who hated him.

"Weapons? Just rely on her?" Sasuke glanced at Hotaru.

Alan seriously nodded: "That's right! Remember the Immortal Technique I taught you not long ago? The earth spider family is to use a certain way to absorb a lot of natural energy, and then take themselves as the center to all around Release, the more energy absorbed, the greater the formidable power, and you can even directly raze a large ninja village to the ground in an instant. Maybe the only disadvantage is the charging time."

If you want The ninjutsu of the entire Naruto world is graded according to formidable power, obtaining Samsara Eye and mastering Strength of Six Paths is undoubtedly the highest, while the forbidden technique of the earth spider family is fully qualified to be ranked in the second gear, with immortal mode, kaleidoscope writing wheel Eyed Susanoo almost kept pace.

This is also why Konoha attaches great importance to the covenant with the earth spider clan.

Because these guys have each one, they are all strategic weapons.

It's a pity that Alan doesn't like this rude use of the force of nature now.

"Unbelievable! I really can't see that this woman who regards the Rok-Tails as a teacher actually has such an identity. Then why don't we take her away?" Sasuke is not sure. asked in a tone.

Alan replied without thinking: "Because there is no need for this. The forbidden technique of the earth spider family is only suitable for the war between ordinary ninjas, and there must be a large number of people to protect the magic. We What we will face is God! This kind of ninjutsu, which requires a lot of time to prepare, will not have any practical effect at all, so let’s leave it to Konoha as a trump card.”

Although he has not quite clear, How much natural energy does Yingying absorb while performing the forbidden technique, but it definitely lasts longer than a few minutes.

That is, the people present at the time, no one wanted to kill her, otherwise this girl would have died many times.

So although the forbidden technique of the earth spider family has amazing destructive power, Alan is not interested at all.

The only thing he was interested in was the six tails being drawn.

But as the saying goes, the more you worry about something, the more it will come.

In just a blink of an eye, several familiar silhouettes appeared out of thin air on the hillside.

The leader of them is the third class leader, Joinin Mike Kay, and next to him are Tiantian, Xiaoli, Naruto and Sakura.

"Alan! Sure enough, it's you! Immediately release the granddaughter of the leader of the earth spider clan!" Mike Kay made a request unceremoniously.

Because even with his IQ, it can be seen that the opponent's main target is the six-tailed man Zhu Liyu Gao.

"Give people to them." Alan instructed without looking back.

Sasuke didn't have any nonsense, he grabbed the captive golden haired girl and threw it hard.

Sakura took a step forward in an instant, caught Hotaru steadily, and checked her body for a while, and after confirming that there was nothing serious, she turned around and rushed towards Mike Kay.

The latter sighed in relief immediately after seeing it.

Just as he was about to retreat with the target, the golden haired girl immediately struggled to break free from Sakura's embrace and shouted at the top of her voice: "Wait! You haven't rescued me yet. Where's the teacher!"

"Your teacher?"

Mike Kay was stunned for a moment, looking at the person Zhuli who was being drawn from the tailed beast.

As far as he knew, Yugao should have defected from the mist ninja, how could he become the teacher of the granddaughter of the leader of the earth spider clan?

But before Hotaru could explain, Alan warned: "I suggest you guys don't mind your own business, otherwise I don't mind releasing the Nine-Tails directly here. You know that most recently , I've learned a lot about sealing techniques, and I don't have a single subject to experiment with. Even more how, the six tails are the property of Kirin, and even they didn't say anything. You are qualified to say three things. Four."

"Asshole! Come here if you have the ability!" Naruto was instantly enraged.

After all, this isn't the first time Alan has used him as a breakthrough port, and so far he has tried everything.

"hmph! Idiot! Go back, this is not the place where you played ninja games." Sasuke sneered sarcastically.

Naruto became even more excited when he heard this.

If Sakura hadn't stopped him, he would have rushed up immediately and desperately.

Unfortunately, his own existence is a ticking time bomb until he is fully recognized by the Nine Tails.

As long as the kaleidoscope writing wheel slightly interferes with the control, the whole person will fall into a runaway state in an instant.

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