Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 341

"Let's go!"

After many reasons, Mike Kay finally decided to retreat.

Because he is a bit funny in normal, but he is quite reliable at critical moments.

Especially at the moment Konoha's situation is not optimistic, he simply can't bear the price of losing control of Nine Tails and Renzhuli, or being taken away by the enemy.

even more how, their entire group's mission was originally just to recapture the granddaughter of the leader of the earth spider clan, not to rescue the six-tailed man Zhu Liyugao.

Since it is not a task, there is no psychological barrier to giving up.

"No! I'm not leaving! If you don't save the teacher, I'd rather be here with him." Hotaru ran frantically towards Yugao, who was full of pain.

But before he could get close, Sasuke kicked him out and said coldly: "Fuck off! I don't need you here!"

"Sasuke!! What are you doing? She's just a girl!" Naruto was obviously stunned by the cold blood of his former friend.

In his impression, Erzhuzi is a dead arrogant and arrogant, but his heart has always been good, but his expression is a little awkward.

But now...

This genius who graduated with the first grade has obviously become a completely different person.

Especially the pair of scarlet writing wheels exudes a dark and cold atmosphere from the inside out, as if it can freeze people into ice cubes in an instant.

"Idiot! Do you think ninjas are divided into men and women? From the moment you put on your forehead, you must be ready to be killed by the enemy at any time. This is the real and cruel world of ninjas. If you still hold this mentality, it won't take long for you to die on the battlefield." Sasuke taunted with a sneer.

Perhaps under the influence of Alan's "equality between men and women", he did not have any tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex at all when facing the enemy, especially when he killed a female ninja ruthless.

"You've changed! You've become colder and darker. Is hatred so important to you?" Naruto lifted the head loudly.

Sasuke replied without thinking: "Ah! For me, nothing is more important than destroying Konoha. Just looking at its existence makes me feel heartfelt. Disgusting and nauseating. Since the Uchiha clan no longer exists, then Konoha doesn't need to exist anymore, so let him be buried with the dead clansman."

In just a few words, two The medical smell of fire between people became heavier and heavier, and finally he couldn't help but choose to do it.

After all, talking big is definitely not going to work in the ninja world where strength is paramount.

Even if you want to play, you must at least defeat your opponent.

Otherwise, a fool will listen to you, a weak person, and blind BB there.

But the current Naruto is obviously not the opponent of Sasuke who is rapidly growing by Alan's side. He was beaten all over in a short while. Can't get up on the ground.

Tian Tian, Xiao Li and Xiao Ying saw this scene and immediately rushed over to provide support.

For a while, the two sides actually fought back and forth.

By contrast, Mike Kay, who mastered the Eight Sects Dunjia, stood there and didn't move, just staring at Alan without saying a word.

It took several minutes before he opened his mouth and asked, "Why do you collect tailed beasts?"

"Of course it is for the pursuit of greater power!" Alan smiled replied .

"Just for power?" Mike Kay's eyes were full of suspicion and distrust.

After all, the rebels that are currently blooming everywhere, whether they are thoughts or the ability to use them as weapons, are all spread out by the youngster in front of them.

To a certain extent, the title of the most dangerous person in the ninja world definitely deserves its name.

"Otherwise?" Alan asked rhetorically, spreading his hands. "I already have the strength to completely destroy the major powers, but I haven't taken any substantive actions. Except for Iwa Shinobi, who has provoked me again and again. So please don't worry that I will gain a stronger What do I do after the power, because I have already done what I have to do, and then it depends on the choice of the people of this world."

"It's done? You mean those rebels who were instigated. ?" Mike Kay subconsciously frowned.

"Incitement? No, no, no, I think it's more appropriate to use the word awakening."

Alan held out a finger and shook it gently.

“Look at this twisted world!

ordinary person works all day long, but can’t even eat a full meal. The peasants have to hand over nearly half of their harvest to the nobles and Daimyo, feed them eating and drinking merrily, and enjoy a life of incomparable luxury.

But what did the peasants get?


Even even The most basic peace and tranquility will be destroyed by war that may break out at any time.

In all fairness, do you think this is fair?

Although absolute fairness is impossible, like this The ruling class that enjoys the fruits without taking responsibility, I think it is better to die early.

The backward era of relying on blood to determine a person's origin and future will eventually pass, even if the background changes A new era of opportunity for one's own destiny is coming.

No one can change a little bit, not even the first Hokage Resurrection can change this trend."

"so that's how it is! It is because of the so-called future that people will do their best to fight, even in the face of death, they will not take a step back."

I think of the rebels I have encountered before, and the firmness of the other party. With incomparable eyes, Mike Kay finally understood why no matter how the Konoha Ninja was besieging and suppressing, the rebel army had sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

You must know that the current ninja world is a feudal society whose status is determined by blood and origin.

The environment of Shinobi Village is a little better, as long as the strength is strong enough, there is a chance to climb up.

In another system where the daimyo and nobles jointly rule, the lower-level commoners will never be able to make their mark.

To be precise, from the very beginning, it was blocked from power, and there was not even the slightest passage for upward promotion.

If it was changed to before, the civilians would be suppressed by the terrifying battle strength of the ninja, and there would be no resistance at all.

But now, with the popularization of mind ability, they have also gained the power to fight against ninjas, and naturally they are impossible and continue to submit to humiliation.

"Yes! I'm glad you can understand this. Because it was never me who really caused all this, but the system you maintain has its own problems. It is because the soil is rich in nutrients, so I just sowed a handful of seeds, which caused this situation. Give up the struggle, Kay teacher, because the great powers, including Konoha, will inevitably decline and die in the end. This is your destiny! Also It is also the inevitable fact that the wheel of history is rolling forward." Alan explained enthusiastically.

Unfortunately though, Mike Kay is clearly not the type to be shaken by a few words.

He didn't even reply, but directly opened the front Six Sect in the Eight Sects Dunjia, the whole person turned into a crimson's flame and rushed over, intending to communicate directly with his fists.

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