Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 342

"Hehe, do you really want to use violence to solve the problem?"

Alan couldn't help laughing and laughing at the head, and then opened the Eight Sects Dunjia to greet him.

Because they are all old acquaintance, the two sides skipped the trial part and started a pure body refinement melee fight.

In just a few seconds, the two fought for dozens of rounds, so fast that they couldn't even see the afterimage.

The only thing that can only feel the intensity of the battle is the exaggerated pits on the ground.

Although at the beginning, Mike Kay was still able to take advantage of the first mover advantage, but as time went on, he was gradually pulled back by the late mover Alan.

After all, compared to Mike Kay, who can only use chakra, he is far stronger than the other in terms of muscle structure and physical fitness.

With the blessing of the ability of mind, each hit will generate a terrifying power of one plus one greater than two.


With a loud bang, Mike Kay's defense was finally broken. One couldn't help wa'ed spewing dazzling blood.

On the other hand, Sasuke also just used the powerful body refinement of the Thunder Armor to put Naruto, Tiantian, Xiaoli and Sakura all in.

If it wasn't for the sake of being a former classmate, he would definitely kill each other without the slightest hesitation.

“cough cough cough cough!!!!!!”

After a violent cough, Mike Kay crawled out of the big hole on the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth , said in a rather emotional tone: "I can't believe that you can even use the Eight Sects Dunjia better than me. It seems that the adult is right, you are an uncompromising monster."

"No, Kai teacher. All the power I have gained is through assiduous cultivation and research." Alan responded meaningfully.

Is it really easy for him to get these things?

The answer is obviously no!

When others are eating, sleeping, and entertaining, he is often immersed in the boring copy, using ten times the time difference to study and make various attempts.

At the very beginning, I was often injured by various accidents.

As the saying goes, only hard work can get rich rewards.

If you use the word genius to deny a person's efforts, that's the funniest thing.

Because even geniuses, if they don't work hard, will only slowly become mediocre and eventually eliminated by the times.

"After you draw the six tails, what are you going to do with the human column force?"

Mike Kay obviously doesn't like to do too much entanglement on this issue, blunt threw the question that he cares most about .

If you can't take Yugao, even if you take Yingying back to the castle where the earth spiders have lived for generations, she will still run out in the end, and it won't count as completing the task at all.

"I'll let him go, just like I let go of the other people who were drawn from the tailed beast. Maybe you won't believe it. In fact, I am a person who respects life very much." Alan smiled. replied .

"Then you wouldn't mind if I wait here for a while?" Mike Kay continued to probe.

Normally speaking, extracting tailed beasts and sealing tailed beasts is definitely a very dangerous thing.

Even when a big country does this, it will raise the vigilance level of the village to the highest level, and send the strongest sealing team, and the shadow of a village will take the lead in person.

Don't say it's just watching, even if there are strangers approaching, it will instantly trigger a series of chain reactions.

As for letting the enemy watch from close range, it is 100% impossible.

But Alan smiled uncharacteristically and nodded: "Of course there is no problem! But I suggest that you better manage Naruto, the nine-tailed man, or he will rush up to the unfathomable mystery next time, then Don't blame me for being rude."

I have to say that he really doesn't like the character of the protagonist.




I like to impose my opinion on others!

Almost everything Alan hates the most, he basically takes it all by himself.

If Asura was like that, then Alan can understand why Indra would be dissatisfied with Six Paths immortal for passing the ninja sect to the younger brother instead of himself.

"Ah! Got it! I'll keep an eye on him." Kai agreed without thinking.

"Bastard! Sooner or later, I will hit you." Naruto clenched his fists and let out an incompetent roar.

"Knock me down? I'm sorry, this life, the next life, the next life, forever is impossible. Take advantage of now, cherish the days you spend with Kyuubi. It won't be long before I will personally take it from you out of the body."

After saying this, Alan ignored the brat, each minding their own business came to Sasuke who was panting with rage, and asked with a smile, "You seem to be Very angry?"

"Of course! I haven't found it before, but now I think this guy vortex Naruto is really becoming more and more annoying." Erzhuzi's eyes burst with murderous intention .

"Isn't this as it should be by rights? No one likes a person who always wants to impose his own values and will on others. After all, the most important thing in interpersonal communication is It's about understanding and respecting each other, not if you don't understand me, I will force you to change. Unfortunately, vortex naruto is moving towards this direction. Sometimes I really don't understand why such a person can have friends, and It can also change the original bad attitude of the people around him. Maybe... this is the so-called protagonist's halo." Alan said with a playful look.

"The protagonist halo?" Sasuke subconsciously frowned.

"Hehe, don't worry about it, it's just a joke." Alan shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

As the saying goes, there is no harm in comparison.

Maybe he used to hate Erzhuzi's arrogance, but compared to Naruto, Sasuke doesn't seem to be that bad. At least the motives of all his actions are real.

And what about Naruto?

He's like a princess who came out of a fairy tale, and he doesn't have a trace of fireworks on his body.

The most outrageous thing is that even being bullied, insulted, and discriminated against by the villagers since childhood did not produce even the slightest resentment.

Is this a normal person's reaction?

The answer is obviously no!

No matter how strong the brainwashing ability of the three generations of Hokage is, it is absolutely impossible to strip this emotion from the heart.

Man is a social creature after all!

When a person is rejected by most members of the society and finds that no matter how hard he tries, he cannot be accepted, the most likely thing is that his heart becomes extremely distorted, and he finally takes revenge on the society .

In addition to the character of forcing others to accept their own values and ideas, it would be a ghost if you meet such people in reality.

At least Alan himself would choose to stay away.

No matter what the other person says, he will smile nodded, and then never express any opinions and opinions.

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