Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 343

Two or three hours passed in a flash.

When the six-tailed rhinoceros, the large slug, was extracted from the human body and resealed in Alan's body.

As promised, he handed Yu Gao, who had only half a breath left, to the opponent, and then led the team to cast space ninjutsu and disappeared in place.

Although Xiao Li and Tian Tian really wanted to say something to Neji, they were eventually stopped by Mike Kay.

Because before that, the two were taken away by the interrogation department for investigation because of their relationship with their former teammates, and he didn't want his Disciple to be hurt a second time.

You must know that the censorship mechanism within Shinobi Village is quite inhuman. No matter who has been to the interrogation department once, don't expect to get out of the shadows within a few weeks.

Some of them couldn't even bear the mental and physical torture, and finally chose suicide to end their lives.

"Is that space ninjutsu? I can't believe that in just a few months, Alan has already stood at a height that I can't reach in my life."

Daily Watch A complex expression appeared on his face as he looked at the place that had just been closed and returned to its original state.

"Okay, don't think too much. People like him will always be impossible with us. After all, we are Konoha's ninjas, and what he is doing is subverting it all. "Mike Kay stroked Disciple's head, comforted.

In fact, compared to several youngsters, he was the one who was hit the hardest.

Especially the Eight Sects Dunjia, who has been cultivated for twenty years, is not as good as a youngster who has been cultivated for less than a year.

And when he taught this forbidden technique, he deliberately only taught the first four.

But who would have thought that Alan would not only open all the subsequent doors by himself, but also surpass himself by several times in terms of speed, strength, and reaction.

Because of this, Mike Kay did not choose to open the last Death Gate desperately.

On the one hand, the current situation has not reached that level, and on the other hand, he is not sure of winning.

But after seeing space ninjutsu, he fully realized that he lost the qualification to be with Alan perish.

Anyone who has seen the magnificent picture of how the golden flash wave Fengshui Sect uses the flying thunder god technique to instantly kill 50 enemy ninjas on the battlefield will never think that he can be faster than him .

The same thing!

Alan is also difficult to kill now, and no one can stop him unless he doesn't want to run.


Just when Mike Kay took the rescued Hotaru and Yugao back to the fortress of the spider clan, Alan had successfully used the flying thunder that he left behind to divide technique, and successfully returned to the Yin Nin Village of Tian Zhi Country.

But as soon as he appeared, he immediately saw Orochimaru standing in front of him, looking up and down with a playful look, and it took half a minute before he asked: "How, you Have you got what you want?"

"en! Got it all. If you can, most recently don't bother me, I need some privacy." Alan blunt offered request.

"No problem! If you need help, you know where to find me."

After saying these meaningful words, Orochimaru turned around and disappeared in all directions. end of the underground tunnel.

Apparently, he knew through the intelligence network what Alan had been up to along the way.

Especially the device that was detonated dozens of kilometers away from Sand Ninja Village was an irresistible temptation for the first scientist in the Ninja world.

It's a pity that, because of the gap in hard power between the two sides, he didn't dare to use those little tricks that he made, or maybe the entire Sound Ninja Village would be razed to the ground directly.

Watching Orochimaru leave completely, Sasuke wrinkled frowned laughter and whispered: "Strange! Why did his breath suddenly change?"

"The breath changed?" Neji's face A puzzled expression appeared.

"Yes! Orochimaru always gave people a weird feeling before, but this time it's completely different. It's like..."

Sasuke seems to be stuck , I can't think of a suitable word to describe it for a while.

"It's like he's changed, doesn't he?" Alan stepped forward and added the second half.

"Huh? Do you know what's going on?" Sasuke asked in surprise.

"Of course! During this period of time, he extracted a lot of blood from the blood of the ninja. If I guessed correctly, one of the abilities of the mind beast Ouroboros is to steal it from others. gene, and then fuse it into its own bloodline." Alan gave the answer with a sneer.

As someone who strengthens himself by taking genes as well, he can see at a glance what the changes in Orochimaru mean.

Only the only difference is that he took the gene by relying on the red dragon and the cocoon of the chimeric ant king in the belly of the red dragon.

All genes are screened and optimized, and then local small-scale changes are made.

How about Orochimaru?

This madman directly extracted all the genes and forcibly integrated them into the body, forcing the body to mutate continuously.

Thanks to the highly developed biotechnology in this world, otherwise it may lead to various terrifying diseases and terminal illnesses every minute.

"Then what are the conditions for him to take Xueji?"

Sasuke is obviously no longer a novice in reading ability. He knows that the more powerful and incredible ability, the more limited it is. more.

"I don't know! Orochimaru is very good at protecting the secret of his abilities. But you'd better be careful. I can sense that he's starting to get a little impatient with you." Alan casually 's reminder.

Hearing this sentence, Sasuke rarely showed a cautious expression: "I know! But the problem is, although I have initial Mastery in immortal mode, I still haven't turned on the kaleidoscope writing wheel. ."

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye? This is simple! As long as you ask me, I will help you."

Speaking, Alan whistled, instantly turning Ruburt away. Summon and Rubes II summon out.

In the eye sockets of these two Giant Silver Wolfs, without exception, there are a pair of scarlet kaleidoscope writing wheels.

You don't need to ask to know, this is all something he and Verna Lazas made in partnership.

Especially the latter, since he gained the ability to control life, he has been studying the transformation and transplantation to strengthen the two pets that are starting to be a little bit unable to keep up with Alan's growth rate.

If the core part of the alien gene hadn't been figured out for the time being, the eyes of these two wolves would not be the Shaker Eyes, but the more terrifying Samsara Eyes with formidable power.

"You!!!! You actually got the Uchiha clan's writing wheel eye on the two dogs?"

Sasuke was both shocked and angry when he saw this scene.

He couldn't believe it in his dreams, the kaleidoscope of his yearn for something even in dreams actually even had the other's dog.

"Correct, they're wolves, not dogs. And you can't beat them right now, so it's best to pay attention to your words when you speak."

Alan stroked his pet's With a big hairy head, a wicked smile appeared on his face.

He is looking forward to how Madara Uchiha will react when he finds his proud kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes appearing on two general animals...

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