Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 344

There is no doubt that getting Sasuke Uchiha to ask for help is definitely not less difficult than conquering the entire ninja world.

Because he inherited Indra Chakra, he exuded an imposing manner from in the bones, especially after Uchiha's annihilation, he never asked anyone.

Can't remember the power of words and thoughts, he prefers to believe in fists and swords, and believes that with his pair of writing wheels, everything can be changed.

Especially when I saw the kaleidoscope writing wheel, which symbolizes the strongest power of the Uchiha clan, appearing on the two canines, Erzhuzi's first reaction was anger, incomparable anger.

I even felt that the other party was deliberately humiliating himself and the glory and glory brought by the surname Uchiha.

But at the same time, he was deeply attracted by the powerful power of the kaleidoscope, coupled with the pressure and threat from Orochimaru, and finally gritted his teeth and forcibly squeezed out a sentence from his throat: "" Please... please help me evolve these eyes into a kaleidoscope!"

"Sorry, the voice is too low, I can't hear it clearly, can you repeat it again?" smile.

"Damn! Don't go too far!" Sasuke roared as he flew into a rage out of humiliation.

But unfortunately, Alan never cared about this incompetent fury, and still insisted on remaining unmoved: "Begging for someone must have an attitude of asking for help! Do as I ask! Repeat! Bigger Speak loudly! Speak clearly!"

In desperation, Erzhuzi had no choice but to put aside his annoyance and shame, and forced himself to repeat what he said just now.

Just when he thought that this matter was over and was about to ask the other party to improve his writing wheel level, he suddenly found that Alan was holding a rectangular flat device (mobile phone) in his hand, and put all the The sound and video are all recorded, and they are being played over and over again, and he also argues with the courage of one's convictions to say to Xianglin and Neji, "I see no, if Sasuke Uchiha does something in the future, I will be sorry to us. It will become an irrefutable evidence."

"Asshole! Are you humiliating me?"

Seeing the expression on the phone display, whether it is an expression or a The voice was so awkward, Erzhuzi finally couldn't hold back.

No way!

The more self-respecting a person like him, the more unbearable this shameful handle falls on other people.

So without saying a word, I just waited on Chidori directly.

But Alan only has such a modern entertainment tool in his whole body. Although he only has functions such as listening to music, it is better than nothing. The bird destroyed it and gave Sasuke a punch.


When reaction, speed and strength were all at a disadvantage, the two pillars were knocked out on the spot, fiercely mounted on the wall behind, and instantly lost the ability to move.

And Alan put away his phone and stepped forward, saying meaningfully: "It's just a joke, there's no need to be so angry. According to the agreement, I will help you evolve this pair of writing wheels now. Right."

tone barely fell!

He stretched out a finger and, with the help of the red dragon, injected the shadowy chakra into the opponent's optic nerve.

Before Sasuke could react to what happened, an indescribable movement swept through his brain.

The bloody and cruel scenes on the night of the genocide are constantly replayed in front of my eyes like a movie.

Under the double torture of mental and physical, he finally couldn't help but let out a painful cry: "Ahhhhhhh ahhhh!!!!!!!!"

Accompanied by this tearing Heart-breaking screams, the gouyu in those red eyes finally joined together into a kaleidoscope shape.

The whole process lasted for a full minute, until the strong external stimuli slowly subsided, Erzhuzi realized what had happened, extended the hand to touch the blood and tears left in the corner of his eyes, and used his disbelief. "I... my eyes are already kaleidoscopes?"

"Ah! Congratulations! Now you finally have the strength to confront powerhouses like Itachi and Orochimaru. In the next period of time, you need to carry out a series of exercises and development until you can use it proficiently. In addition, I would like to give you a warning, the pupil power of the kaleidoscope is actually limited. That is to say, From the moment you wake up, the more you use, the faster it will be consumed. When all is consumed, you will become a blind." Alan reminded casually.

"What about the solution? You must know the solution, right?" Sasuke asked in an impatient tone.

Alan nods with a smile: "Of course! Normally, there are three ways to choose.

First, grab Itachi's eyes and replace them with ordinary kaleidoscopes to become eternal. Kaleidoscope, there will be no similar problems from now on.

Secondly, the cells containing Yang Dun, that is, the cells of the legendary original Hokage Senju, will be transplanted with its powerful regeneration ability. Continue to supplement and repair.

Third, integrate yin and yang, and let Sharinyan evolve into Samsara Eye, which is Nagato's eyes.

I personally recommend you choose the first One.

Because this is the easiest, most effective method with the highest success rate and no risk.

After all, itachi's eyes have been overused, and his eyesight has dropped to the point of seeing I don't know the extent of the thing, and at the same time, he is terminally ill.

I believe he himself should have planned the same."

"What? You mean Itachi is dying? "

Sasuke was obviously the first to hear about his big brother's health, and his whole body started to start.

In his impression, Itachi has always been that strong and calm image, and it doesn't look like he has a terminal illness at all.

"He probably still has about three years of lifespan. If you want to settle this grievance with your own hands, you'd better act fast."

Alan didn't hide anything, he was generous The party gave a clear deadline.

Although he definitely has the ability to stretch the gate and Itachi, who are terminally ill and die soon, but when he thinks of the innocent people who died because of these two people, he immediately dispels the just germinated ones. idea.

Like Obito, the sins committed by these people are not worthy of forgiveness and salvation, nor do they need forgiveness and salvation. Letting them disappear with the old times is the best choice.

"Got it! Thank you!"

When he heard the news that his big brother was dying of a terminal illness, Sasuke's eyes showed a very complicated look, as if he had matured a lot.

Watching him turn around and disappear at the end of the underground tunnel of Yinin, Alan turned around and said to Xianglin and Neji: "Are you ready? Next, we will uncover the entire world of Ninja The biggest secret is to make the final preparations for slaying the gods."

"Wherever you go! What kind of enemy you have to deal with! I will always follow you until you die." The tone expresses his attitude.

Neiji touched his white eyes and responded with a smile: "Is there any need to ask? I'm really looking forward to the evolution of the white eyes from your mouth."

"Very good! Since that's the case, let's start."

With the last word out of his mouth, Alan instantly activated his teleportation ability and directly brought his team into the dungeon.

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