Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 345

Time flies, and months go by in a flash.

As Alan disappeared from everyone's sight once again, the situation in the ninja world not only did not become quiet, but it became more and more chaotic.

Especially with the full involvement of the Xiao organization, the major powers can no longer send their forces to conduct a wide-scale search and encirclement as before, which directly led to the rebels starting to gain stable territory, and even some Several relatively large ones have formed interim regimes and have begun to try to transform from simply overthrowing the old order to establishing a new order.

Although this situation is what the daimyo and nobles are most afraid to see, they have no choice but to watch their rule gradually collapse.

In fact, the ruling structure of the entire ninja world is extremely distorted and pathological.

With the rise of ninjas, the warrior group, which was originally loyal to the daimyo and nobles, has completely declined, and the ninja village is somewhat similar to a semi-independent defense and military contractor, not like the former. The daimyo and nobles obey 100 percent.

This also means that the daimyo and nobles actually only have administrative and judicial power, but no military power, and can only entrust all of them to the ninja group established in their own country.

What's even more incredible is that these ninjas can even conduct war acts directly against other countries without the consent of the daimyo according to their own judgment.

You heard that right!

a trifling A ninja village consisting of tens of thousands of people can actually initiate a war on behalf of thousands of civilians and the ruling class.

This is like the army of a certain country, which can directly ignore the orders of the central government and do whatever it wants.

It's easy to say if you win, but if you lose, the whole country has to pay for it.

Is there anything more outrageous than this on the world?

This is also why, when those modern ideas began to be passed on among the people at the bottom, an astonishing force of resistance erupted immediately.

Alan saw the unrepresented content in these anime, so he decided to plant a seed called hope and completely change this world from the root.

The more he got to know him, the more he felt that both Ninja and Ninja should be completely wiped out.

Only in this way can this severely distorted world be able to return to normal.

While Alan diligently hid in the dungeon to study the tailed beast, the Yin-Yang escape and the blood-like snares, Orochimaru was also preparing for the final step of his plan.

In the dark underground laboratory, he was cautiously fiddling with a body with pale skin that looked only fifteen or sixteen years old.

If Tsunade or Jirai were here, you could tell at a glance that this body was actually what Orochimaru looked like when she was young.

The only difference is that this body obviously has breathing and heartbeat, but the two eyes have no expression, and even the pupils are not focused, just like a delicate and beautiful doll.

You don't need to ask to know that he was cloned by Orochimaru using genetic technology.

Not only that!

This body is also perfectly integrated with a large number of rare blood-line boundaries.

Looking at the artwork he created, Orochimaru couldn't help but let out a deep, hoarse laugh: "he he he he! It's a perfect body! Soon! It will be completely finished soon. It's just the last step!"

"Master Orochimaru, are you sure that you won't cause a violent reaction from Master Alan when you attack Sasuke Uchiha?" he confirmed again cautiously.

"Don't worry, Mr. Alan will not interfere in our grievances. In fact, as long as you observe carefully, you will find that he is a very special person who always adheres to some unknown principles. If you do something with the civilians, he may rush in and kill us in the next second, but it doesn't matter if it's a ninja." Orochimaru explained casually.

Obviously, he observed Alan's behavior very carefully, and even summed up a set of experiences, and also understood the bottom line of his cruel human experiment.

"You mean...he doesn't care about the lives of ninjas, but he does care about the lives of innocent civilians?" He pushed his glasses and showed a surprised expression.

Orochimaru nodded without thinking: "That's right! Remember what he said in the Konoha collapse plan? Maybe in his eyes, ninjas are the world's constant wars and wars. The source of the unrest is the object that should be eliminated. But what I can't understand is why the Akatsuki organization also chose to intervene at this time, and it is still on the side of the rebels."

"Maybe they are See the hope of overthrowing the other four major powers." Tou said in an uncertain tone.

"No! That's not right! Payne is not the kind of person who will give up his ideas easily. This matter is very strange and deserves our attention." Orochimaru emphasized in a serious tone.

As the only one who successfully defected from the Akatsuki organization and is still alive, he knows Akatsuki's terror better than anyone else.

Because of this, he deliberately seduced Alan into becoming the Four-Tailed Human Zhuri.

In this way, he can convince Alan to form a solid alliance together when Akatsuki organizes against him.

Unfortunately, plans are not as fast as changes.

Orochimaru had no idea that Alan had successfully turned Akatsuki's core members into his own, even Obito, one of the secret masterminds.

Just as the two were talking, Junma Lu suddenly came in from outside, shouting gasping for breath: "Not good! Lord Orochimaru! Konoha, Sand Ren, Yun Ren They have formed a coalition and are approaching at a very fast speed, and it is estimated that they will launch a general attack in five minutes."

"What? .

"hmph! It seems that there are enemy spies in the village. They sent back the information that Alan-kun hadn't appeared in months, so these big powers finally couldn't sit still and wanted to make Yinin Village a thorn in their side. Pull out the thorn in the flesh." Orochimaru sneered and told the truth.

"Spy? In our village?!" Dou's expression changed slightly.

"It's nothing to make a fuss about nothing. After all, this day will inevitably come since we start developing and channeling talent for those rebels. Activate Formation and all defenses, as much as possible Delay for a while. I want to get the bloodline of the Uchiha clan before the defense line is broken."

Orochimaru didn't even hesitate, and immediately made a decision.

Compared to Kayin Ninja, he is obviously more eager to complete his new body.

"Understood! I will personally lead the team to block the attack of the ninja coalition and buy enough time for you."

Kimmaru is indeed a diehard loyal, blunt will take this Dangerous missions that could cost you your life at any time.

Double's eyes flickered on the other side, and he didn't know what he was thinking at the moment.

After all, for a person like him, betrayal has never been more difficult than breathing, but for the time being, he has not considered who he should turn to in order to obtain the greatest benefit.

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