Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 348

[Sasuke has really grown up, and has become stronger...]

Itachi, who was hiding in the dark, saw Orochimaru being instantly killed by that terrifying sword, and his face suddenly changed. A happy smile appeared.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly found that his younger brother had appeared behind him at some point, and at the same time he asked, "Are you here to protect me? "

"no! I'm just here to see, you don't need my protection anymore." Itachi replied softly.

From the indifferent attitude in his eyes, it is not difficult to find that he never expected to be forgiven, but just kept his head down and did what he thought was right.

"I heard that you have an incurable disease and are going to die soon?" Sasuke's tone contained mixed emotions.

Itachi nodded lightly: "Yes! I'm running out of time. If you want revenge for father, mother, and the innocent dead clansman, make an appointment with Place it. But I have one condition, no matter what the final result is, you must replace my eyes. Because only in this way, the kaleidoscope will be promoted to the eternal kaleidoscope, and there will be no danger of blindness.”

"hmph! What is this? Compensation from guilt? Or as you have always been doing, hiding everything in your heart and then arranging my fate without authorization?" Sasuke asked with a cold face road.

After going through so much and being influenced by Alan's modern thinking, he began to dislike the path arranged for him by his big brother.

"no! You can understand that this is the last gift from a big brother to the younger brother. I have already started to try to change, and will not make any arrangements for you without authorization, because you already have enough The power to determine his own life."

Speaking of this, Itachi deliberately paused, turned and glanced at the white-scaled snake on the ground: "I have to say, you just killed Orochimaru. That trick is indeed very difficult to deal with. There are absolutely not many people in the entire ninja world who can escape. Is this what you learned from that person?"

"Ah! Including this The eyes and this sword were all thrown to me by him. Although this guy's personality is sometimes a little bad, he really doesn't like to play with and manipulate other people's lives like you do. On the contrary, he will always give The opponent leaves at least two choices, even the enemy." Sasuke responded with a slightly sarcastic attitude.

But he obviously didn't know that the two choices Alan gave the enemy was usually not to give him a chance, but to torture his spirit and heart.

"Yes, it looks like you have found a good mentor. If you don't mind, can you tell me where he is? I want to talk to him privately."

After playing around for a long time, Itachi finally showed his true purpose.

That's right!

He wanted to have a face-to-face with Alan, and get to know the maniac who wanted to kill the gods.

After all, Sasuke has only been around so far Alan's origin, character and purpose remain a mystery to him.

Although the last time when all members of the Xiao organization were dispatched, the two sides met briefly.

The problem was that there were too many people at that time, and it was not convenient to ask many questions.

And itachi also has another Heavenly God writing wheel eye that belongs to Shishui.

If Alan has any bad intentions against Sasuke, he will choose to use this eye to modify his memory and consciousness, to ensure that Sasuke can survive the upcoming war, and marry and have children. The bloodline is passed down.

"Sorry, this guy disappeared from the unfathomable mystery a few months ago, and I'm not quite clear where he's been, just that he's working on tailed beasts, yin and yang, and all that shit. "

Sasuke didn't try to hide anything, and gave the answer generously.

To be precise, he has never followed Alan in and out of the dungeon as many times as Xianglin and Neji, so he has no idea of the whereabouts of the three at all.


Itachi immediately subconsciously frowned upon hearing the news.

But soon, with his strong heart, he recovered to a calm state, pretending to be casual and saying: "If that's the case, then let's end our conversation today. If you see When you arrive at him, tell him that I have something to tell him. In addition, I suggest that you better get this place as soon as possible, otherwise it may be troublesome for those ninja coalition forces outside to find out."

After finishing this sentence After the words, Itachi quickly turned into a flock of crows disappeared without a trace.

Seeing where the big brother disappeared, Sasuke was silent for a long time, and then he opened the door and walked out of the room.

I had been waiting in the pocket at the door to see this scene, stared wide-eyed in surprise, and asked in an uncertain tone: "Are it Master Orochimaru, or..."


"Orochimaru is dead! His ugly body is in the house, you can go in and see for yourself."

Sasuke gave the other party a slightly playful and mocking look, and then It also disappeared into the depths of the underground tunnels extending in all directions in Yinin Village.

When I saw the white-scaled snake that had been roasted until only a pair of black carbides remained, Dou fell into a state of confusion and collapse, and kept saying "this How is that possible?" etc.

In his eyes, people like Orochimaru who have countless trump cards and can even achieve Eternal and Undying to some extent, how can they die in a teenage brat like Sasuke Uchiha hand.

But the cruel reality told him that it was all true.

"Master Orochimaru is finished...what should I do now..."

Double staring at the carbonized corpse in his hand, the whole person looks sad and sad. resignedly.

At this time, Hei Jue suddenly emerged from the ground and asked in a seductive voice, "If you don't know what to do next, why not join us?"


"You?" Tou suddenly became vigilant.

"Yes! Join us! In fact, we've been looking for someone to replace Orochimaru, and you're the best candidate. Trust me, Akatsuki won't let you down." Black Jue blunt revealed his identity.

Because he knows that Dou is the double agent of Orochimaru and Scorpion, but compared to Scorpion, Dou agrees more with Orochimaru's behavior and philosophy.

But all this became irrelevant with the death of Orochimaru.

After all, in this world, except for Xiao's organization, there is no place for the pocket.

Double is not a fool, and he undoubtedly understands this. He stood on the spot and quickly thought about the benefits and losses, and finally gritted his teeth and nodded: "Yes! I can join you. But there is one condition, that is, Master Orochimaru's Everything has to be inherited by me. Whether it's his research, or those powerhouses reincarnated in the dirt."

"No problem! That's what we want you to do too. And...I'll be more than happy to help you resurrect A man who can rival the god of ninja Senju." Hei Jue said meaningfully.

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