Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 349

With Orochimaru's death and Dou joining Akatsuki's organization, the defense system of the village of Ninja quickly collapsed under the onslaught of the allied ninja army.

The seriously wounded Junmarou had to move a few elites, including the four, to other bases, and the rest were used as cannon fodder to delay the enemy's pursuit.

As for the rebels who came from all over to be reformed and trained, they successfully hid with the help of Dou, Heijue and Obito.

When the commander-in-chief Jiraiya entered the underground laboratory, all the precious research materials, records and equipment had disappeared, leaving only some worthless garbage.

Especially for those prisoners, who basically asked three questions and three things they didn't know, even using ninjutsu to read the memories in their brains would not help.

Looking at the messy scene around, this toad immortal, who has been exhausted recently, finally couldn't help sighed, and asked in a rather helpless tone: "We failed, right? Whether it is Neither Orochimaru, nor those high-ranking rebels, were caught."

"Yes! We failed." Gaara's glowy face, who had just become the fifth Kazekage, was elected.

"It seems that the sound ninja village is much more complicated than we thought. Especially the guy who used space ninjutsu and claimed to be a member of the Xiao organization who appeared at the last minute blocked all of them with his own power. Joinin's siege." Da Wang, the representative of Yunnin, irritably rubbed his messy hair.

Obviously, he was also one of the people who was toyed with applause by Obitodivine might.

If it wasn't for the lack of interest in killing people, at least half of the ninja coalition forces participating in this operation today would have died here.

In the face of yin and yang, no matter whether it is the limit of blood and formidable power, or the huge ninjutsu of formidable power, it doesn't really make much sense.

This is also the reason why the first Hokage's Mudun and the Uchiha family's Sharinyan are so famous in the ninja world.

Just when Jiraiya wanted to say something, a scream suddenly came from a room not far away, followed by two squids that were searching around, and were directly hit by some invisible force. The force was thrown from the room, and the fiercely mounted on the back wall fainted on the spot.

Because of the speed, others didn't even have time to react.

Then, three people and two wolves came out of the house.

You don't need to ask to know that they are Alan, Neji and Xianglin, as well as Lubos and Lubos II, who have just been sent from the copy.

"What is this fellow Orochimaru doing? Even the old nest has been breached by the enemy." Xianglin complained angrily.

At this moment, she looks a little battered and exhausted, and there is still a lot of ice residue on her body and face. It is obvious that she has only finished the last two bosses of Naxxramas.

"He It shouldn't be against Sasuke, but he was killed accidentally, right?" Neji touched the chin speculated.

Their no one else's attitude undoubtedly made the allied ninja army who heard the abnormal noise rushing over, furious.

But the opposite of these people's reactions are the high-level people including Jiraiya and Gaara.

Especially the former, almost immediately tense every nerve in the whole body, and asked very vigilantly: "Didn't you disappear? Why did you come back suddenly? Do you still have a relationship with Orochimaru? Is there some secret covenant we don't know about?"

"Don't get me wrong, Orochimaru's life or death has nothing to do with me, and I won't avenge anyone for his death.

Just to correct one point, I have never left, but I have been busy with researches that I am interested in recently, so I rarely show up. made the sound ninja village like this , it really makes me a little embarrassed.

After all, although the strength of those Orochimaru's subordinates is not very good, they are still very good in intelligence collection and logistics.

Many times With a single command, they can bring what I want in a very short period of time.

But now, you have destroyed this place for no reason, do you need to make some appropriate compensation? ?"

When he said this remark, Alan's tone revealed a naked and undisguised threat, completely ignoring the surrounding coalition forces from the three major ninja villages.

"You bastard! You have made the entire ninja world like this, and you still have the face to compensate?" Gaara finally couldn't help roaring.

Although he lost one tail, he was finally able to sleep peacefully and his mental state was much more stable.

But due to the lack of guidance from Naruto, the MLM and mouth escape Master, the character has not changed much, and it is still so irritable, bloodthirsty and cruel.

Alan was not angry when he heard this, but he couldn't help laughing: "hahahaha! Is it really me who made the Ninja world like this now? No! I just keep those who have always existed. The problems and contradictions of the peasantry have been completely put on the table, so that even illiterate farmers can understand why they have been suffering and why they have not had the opportunity to change their own destiny. It was never me who really messed up this world, but you These ninjas and ninja villages that shouldn't exist in the first place, and those daimyo and nobles who only know luxury and enjoyment, but are unwilling to take responsibility."

"But you are using Yinnin to help those who resist. It's always true that you provide training, right?" Da Wang asked, narrowing his eyes.

"sorry, this really doesn't concern me, it's Orochimaru and Yaoshidou who are using the people sent by the rebels to carry out some secret human transformation experiments. I've never seen any rebels. people, and I have not talked to or cooperated with them. Because what I want to say to them has been recorded in that book." Alan gave a meaningful answer.

"So you just dropped a fire star on a pile of dry wood, then just let it go, and sat on the sidelines watching the fire set the entire world on fire? It seems you're more dangerous than rumored. " Da Wang's eyes flashed with angry rays of light.

Not only him, but most of the ninjas around him reacted similarly.

In their opinion, the current chaotic situation in the ninja world and the increasingly difficult financial situation of their ninja village are all caused by the culprit in front of them without exception.

What a wonderful life before!

As long as you wear a forehead guard, you can scare off most thieves and robbers with no difficulty. Often you don't even need to fight, and you can easily earn high rewards from your clients.

Even if it's the lowest one, it's basically able to live without food and clothing, and even save a little bit of money.

But now?

Don't talk about doing quests, and even leaving the village will be in danger of dying at any time.

Maybe the money earned from one mission is not enough to pay the dead ninja a pension.

And the psychics in the resistance army also began to snatch the market in an organized and planned way. They not only charge cheaper, but also provide market and order in the areas they occupy.

Combined with the large amount of property seized from the nobles, these guys from the original commoner background are becoming more and more competitive.

gradually, some businessmen began to abandon Ninja Village and throw themselves into their arms...

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