Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 350

Alan pretended to be indifferent to Da Wang's accusations and comments, and blunt asked Jiraiya, "Are you going to make compensation, or are you going to let these people die here?"

"Is the must do so amazing?" Jiraiya asked back with a very ugly face.

As someone who has seen the formidable power of a nuclear warhead explode with his own eyes, he doesn't want to provoke this terrifying lunatic before the development of the sealing technique is completed.

Because that is not in Konoha's interest, it will even drag the whole village into a situation signed to eternal damnation.

But if the sealing technique is developed and can seal up that terrifying explosion in an instant, then this war will still be fought.

In fact, anyone who has seen the formidable power of a nuclear explosion and has a clear mind knows that if they want to reverse the current passive situation, they must first disarm the sharp sword hanging over their heads.

Most recently, almost all Ninja villages are secretly developing ninjutsu and sealing techniques to defend against nuclear explosions.

Among them, Konoha, which inherited the sealing technique of the vortex family, has the fastest research and development speed, and has almost entered the final stage.

So the more at this time, the more Jirai understands that he has to be patient.

"It's not what I'm going to do, but you've crossed the line. As a punishment, I have to teach you ninjas a lesson, so that no one thinks I'm weak and can be bullied."

Having said that, Alan glanced at the few Yun Ren who started to stir behind him.

Maybe it's been influenced by the fighting spirit for a long time, or maybe it's because they haven't experienced the desperate strength gap, so these guys from the depths of the mountains have always been very restless, and there are even several people. He tried to launch a sneak attack many times, but was finally stopped by the leader of the team, Shang Ninda Wang.

As one of the very few sensible people in Yun Ninja who uses their brains to avoid using their muscles, this guy is very aware of the horror of this youngster in front of him.

If nothing else, just the kaleidoscope Shaker and Wood Dun are enough of a headache, even more how and the terrifying weapon that can make an entire village disappear from the map with one shot .

"Then what kind of compensation do you want?" Zilai also squinted and probed.

"It's very simple! First, you should withdraw from the land of the land immediately and release all the captives. Second, pay a sum of money to rebuild Yinin Village. I'm not the kind of unreasonable person. , as long as you do these two things, then I will let go of what happened today. But if there is another time, then I will treat it as a declaration of war. When the time comes, you and I will be irreconcilable, Iwanin happens. The scene that happened will also fall on you." Alan casually offered the condition.

There is no doubt that this is like a fiercely slap in the face for the coalition forces.

After all, they were the winners of the show off one's military strength just a few minutes ago, and are planning to completely destroy what was seen as a thorn in the side.

But who would have thought that a few minutes later, the situation would take a 180-degree turn just because of the sudden appearance of one person.

Obviously have an absolute advantage in numbers, but they have to pay compensation like a loser.


A few guys in Yun Ren, who has always been known for being irritable and unruly, couldn't hold back, and they all attacked with their most uncomfortable ninjutsu.

But in the next second...

Ningji disappeared in place.

Following at a speed that naked eyes can't distinguish, Chakra is transformed into some kind of entity, and instantly sends out an indiscriminate covering blow to these act recklessly guys.

Accompanied by the loud sound of the air being trapped, all the hands of Yun Ninja's body burst open in an instant, turning into a dazzling blood mist, and even the hardest bones turned into bone meal. tiny particles.

This scene not only made the rest of Yun Ren stunned, but also the Commander Jirai who came to Konoha.

Because as far as he knows, there is absolutely no such terrifying move in Hyuga's soft boxing.

No direct physical contact required!

Just the chakra sprayed directly from the acupoints can already shake the enemy into slag, such an amazing destructive power, let alone soft boxing, even steel boxing is difficult to achieve.

Killing all the idiots who dared to do it, Neji shook the dust that didn't exist on his body and turned back to Alan's side.

There is no doubt that this move is the body refinement technique he figured out during the dungeon.

And as the bloodline hidden in the body is gradually awakened by Strength of Six Paths, the strength of the whole person increases at an incredible speed.

Although Baiyan still has no sign of evolution, it is beyond the reach of ordinary ninjas who rely on ninjutsu to fight.

"Damn! Are you declaring war on Yun Ren?" Da Wang drew out his saber, his eyes flashing with anger.

"Declaration of war? No! Of course not! Neji just crushed a few nasty flies. If you have to think it's a signal to declare war, it doesn't matter, at worst go to Yun Ren tomorrow. The village was blown up. Anyway, for me, this has never been a difficult thing." Alan didn't mean to get used to the other party's problems, and sneered and sneered back.

He won't be accustomed to the stinky problems of this group of belligerent cloud ninjas like the old fogey of the three generations of Hokage.

If Raikage and the guy in front of him are not sensible, he wouldn't mind turning the remaining four countries into three.

The longer he spends in this twisted and sick world, the more Alan feels that the way to deal with savagery is to be more savage than the other.

To kill to kill, to use violence to control violence.

No ninja and ninja village are innocent!

It would be better for the world not worse for them to disappear.

"Enough! Stop making trouble for your village. He's not joking, but he's really going to take action."

Before Da Wang could speak, Just grabbed it.

Although the hatred between Konoha and Yun Ren is not small, it is already a relationship between lips and teeth. He doesn't want his allies who have finally gathered together to suddenly disappear overnight.

"Damn! One day I have to collect this account myself!"

After Da Wang said a cruel sentence, he immediately took the rest of Yun Ren to choose Leave.

Watching these dark-skinned guys completely disappear at the end of the underground tunnel, Xianglin then taunted in a tart and mean tone: "This is the Yun Nin Village that claims to be in power of the martial arts faction? How about it! Didn't you run away like a mouse."

"Or else? Stay and die? Or do you think these so-called allies will risk their lives for them? Remember, every ninja village is extremely selfish, and they even kidnap the entire country for their own benefit. Because of this, the people at the bottom hate them and want to kill all the ninjas."

Alan opens up their bloody wounds in front of Konoha and Sand Shinobu.

After hearing this remark, all the ninjas present had embarrassed and painful expressions on their faces.

Because this hits everyone's sore spot.

Before the rebels appeared, they always considered themselves to be the guardians of the country, heroes who were willing to risk huge risks and even sacrifice their lives for the interests of the majority.

But now, they find that they are just vicious dogs kept by big names and nobles, deeply hated and disgusted by countless people.

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