Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 351

After a short negotiation, the ninja coalition led by Jiraiya quickly withdrew from the land of Tian and released all the prisoners in the village of Ninja.

And even paid a lot of war reparations for it!

Typical trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off.

As soon as I returned to the village, the toad immortal rushed into the Hokage office and asked Tsunade angrily, "How long will it take for the seal to be successfully researched? I can't bear it anymore! That The kid is too arrogant! It looks like he has decided on us! It must not go on like this! Otherwise, the demise of the ninja village and the ninja system is only a matter of time."

"Don't worry! Hold on! It's almost there It's about to be done. Also, our people have finally found out about Akatsuki's organization. Remember those strange Samsara Eye users who appeared on the battlefield not long ago? They are called Payne Six Paths, among them The guy in the lead calls himself Payne, he killed Hanzo of Yu Ninja a long time ago, and he claims that God will bring the whole country of rain under his control."

Speaking, Tsunade put a lot of information and information into his head. Photos are still on the table.

Let's not talk about the large number of manpower lost by Konoha in that battle, the eyes of the legendary Six Paths immortal are worthy of attention.

"This is... Yahiko?!!"

Jiraiya just glanced at it and immediately recognized his Disciple, with a very surprised expression on his face.

Similarly, he also recalled Nagato who really had Samsara Eye among the three children.

"Yahiko? Those little devils we met in the Land of Rain many years ago?" Tsunade obviously recalled such a scene, and his face suddenly became ugly.

Jiraiya smiled nodded: "Yeah! It is indeed Yahiko, I will not admit it wrong. And the one who really has the Samsara Eye should be Nagato, why does Yahiko also have these eyes? It seems that I have to personally go to the Xiao organization to investigate their situation."

"Wait! The last time this named Payne appeared, with no difficulty killed us all. Forty Genin, twenty Chunin and six Joinin. If you want to infiltrate the Land of Rain, please be careful, I don't want to hear the news of your death." Tsunade reminded, clenching his fists tightly.

With the death reports that keep coming in every day, the most painful memory in her heart rises again in the mind, for fear that a similar situation will happen again.

"hahahaha! I am a toad immortal! How can I die so easily. Don't worry, I will not only come back alive, but also bring back Akatsuki's information."

After saying this, Jiraiya laughed and jumped out of the window.


At the same time, far away in Yuren Village, Nagato was sitting in a wheelchair while admiring the scenery outside, while tasting the tea brewed by Xiaonan himself. There is completely the original anger and pain, only an inexplicable peace.

After a full minute, he asked without looking back: "Anything about the knife maker?"

"I have found a suitable He has already sent someone to send him to the country of Tian. Besides, are you sure that it is really the right choice to let someone like Dou join Xiao?" Xiao Nan asked with a frown.

"It's alright! Pocket is just a chess piece used to revive Madara. According to Alan, there must be a person who becomes the Ten-Tailed Human Zhuri, and uses this pair of Samsara Eyes to cast Reincarnation, Only then can Madara be resurrected. And after Madara is resurrected, he casts Infinite Moon Reading, the ancestor of Chakra, the only Goddess in this world will be released from the seal. So the role of the pocket is very important, but he will never know the truth." Nagato explained patiently.

"But you need to sacrifice your eyes, right?" Xiao Nan's tone was filled with strong resentment.

But Nagato smiled nonchalantly and shook the head: "no! You are wrong! He will copy a pair of Samsara Eyes, and then let Obito play a play with it. Wait until the play is over. , I will also re-install the Samsara Eye and appear on the final battlefield."

"Copy?" Xiao Nan keenly grasped a key word.

"Yes! Alan masters this very special ability, he can copy anything, and let the copy exist for twenty-four hours. For the resurrection of Uchiha Madara, twenty-four hours is enough. I just don't know what kind of expression the ninja Asura will put on when he finds that his eyes suddenly disappeared. It's really exciting."

Speaking, a look appeared on Nagato's face. A rare playful smile.

Since he knew Madara Uchiha and Kuro were absolutely in control of his own life, there was a fire of revenge burning in his heart.

It was this fire that made him forgive Obito, who also had a deep hatred with him, because to a certain extent, the two could be said to be sympathetic to each other.

Hearing this remark, Xiaonan immediately showed a sudden realization: "so that's how it is! But are you sure Obito is really trustworthy?"

"I never believed it. Obito! But I believe in the hatred in his heart! Remember how cruel we were to Hanzo and Danzo when Yahiko died? Now his hatred is only stronger than ours. According to Alan, for Obito , there is no person or thing in this world that has a higher status than Rin in his mind. So even if he sacrifices his life, Madara and Kuro will pay for their crimes." Nagato gave his original intention to accept The reason for bringing soil.

For those who have already fallen into the abyss, the driving force that drives them to continue to live has never been a good wish, but anger and hatred for the two secret masterminds.

"Okay! Maybe you're right. In two days, I'll go to Tianzhiguo Yininin Village in person. You'd better be careful during this time. As the whole Akatsuki gets involved It's only a matter of time before the war between the resistance army and the major ninja villages is targeted here."

After saying this, Xiaonan turned into confetti and dissipated in the air.

On the other hand, Nagato was sitting in a wheelchair and continued to look at the scene outside, not knowing what he was thinking.

After several minutes, the ghost shark in the uniform of the Xiao organization slowly walked out of the darkness, and blunt asked: "Boss, do you have any orders for you to call me back suddenly?"


"Of course there is!" Nagato turned around and looked at the weird-looking man from Kirinin. "Here is a secret mission for you to do."

"Oh? Is it a hidden mission again?"

Because he spent most of his life undercover, and every time he was more dangerous.

Nagato took a small sip of the steaming tea and replied in a low voice, "That's right! I heard Obito mention that you are the most professional in this area. And lurking around Dou, yes In order to ensure that he acts better according to the plan. Remember, what we are doing now is to protect this world, in order to make it move towards a better direction. I believe that after staying in the rebel army for a while, You should be able to feel the power that erupted from the awakening of the people at the bottom, right?"

"Understood! I will do this well."

Speaking of this For the sake of it, the ghost shark naturally refused, and he was not at ease when such an important task was handed over to others.

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