Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 352

"Lord Alan, I will be in charge of Oninin Village from now on. If you need anything, please let me know. Although I am not as good as Mr. Orochimaru in some aspects, I will never let you feel Disappointed."

After returning from the Land of Rain, the first thing I did was to clearly express my attitude.

Because he knew that if it wasn't for the person who is called the most dangerous person in the ninja world, those coalition forces would have retreated so easily, and they would not have sent a large amount of compensation in a foolish way. will completely raze it to the ground.

So if you don't put yourself in the right position, you might be killed in minutes.

"You're welcome! You should know that I don't like management, and I hate trouble, so it's best for Yinin Village to entrust people like you to manage it. But one thing, I hope that in the Orochimaru era. This ruthless approach to talent selection can be stopped and something a little more gentle," Alan blunt demanded.

How did the sound ninja village in the Orochimaru era select the lower, chunin and upper ninjas?

The answer is very simple!

Release the people who intended to participate in the selection directly from the cage, and then let them fight each other, and the last one who survives is the winner.

Almost every selection is accompanied by foul wind and bloody rain.

If it wasn't for Orochimaru to help solve the problem that chakra and Nian ability could not coexist, Alan would definitely kill this guy who has long since lost his humanity, and raise his ashes.

Now, with Orochimaru being killed by Sasuke, these rules should also be changed.

Nodded without thinking: "Understood! I will follow your wishes and carry out a comprehensive and three-dimensional reform of the sound forbearance. If there is no other order, I will go to work first. After all Now the village is in ruins, and there are still a group of people sent by the rebel army to undergo body modification and training."

"Go! I'm optimistic about you."

Alan gently patted each other's shoulders in encouragement.

Staring at the receding back of the pocket, Xianglin finally couldn't help but ask: "This guy is the key you picked out?"

"Ah! How? Excellent, isn't it? With the pocket as the key and Madara Uchiha as the door, we will start an unprecedented war in the ninja world. In this war, we will not only destroy the ninja village and ninja, but also kill the root cause of the turmoil in the world. ' Alan replied with a smile.

Through his keen perception of life energy, he found that this guy had transplanted Orochimaru's soulless body cells, and was still learning the immortal mode of Longdidong.

It won't be long before this neglected genius gains enough power.

"What a terrifying lunatic! How dare you do such a dangerous transformation on yourself."

Neiji, who has white eyes, undoubtedly saw those abnormal things in the other party, and his tone With a hint of admiration.

After all, there are many people who are ruthless to the enemy, but very few of them are so ruthless to themselves.

"No effort, no reward! When a person is determined to embark on the path of pursuit of strength, giving up life is the most basic awareness. In addition, the two of you should be about the same for your recent cultivation, and it's time to go out. Activities, put a little pressure on those big ninja villages, and save them the trouble of coming to me when they have nothing to do all day." Alan touched the chin and said meaningfully.

Although the attack was proposed by Obito and planned by Hei Jue, he still has a new understanding of the courage of these Shinobi seniors.

I have to say!

Although their strength is not very good, they always have a heart that keeps dying.

And everyone is an opportunist!

I knew that there was a nuclear deterrent hanging over my head, but when I learned that Alan had not shown up for a long time and was suspected to have left Yin Nin, he immediately launched an attack without the slightest hesitation.

If it weren't for the direct extermination of the remaining major powers, which would have a serious impact on the next plan, he would definitely use Yun Ren or Konoha to make a knife, and then kill the chicken and the monkey again.

"You mean... let the two of us go out to find trouble in those Great Ninja Villages?" Neji widened his eyes with a surprised expression.

"Yes! This time the target is Yun Nin! Bring back the two-tailed traveler's ren Zhuli. I want to see if the fourth Raikage is like the legend, and there is no tolerance in the eyes.

" A little sand."

Alan's eyes flickered with cold light as he said this remark.

This time, he wants to bury the seeds of fear deep in Yun Ren's deep in one's heart.

As soon as I hear my name in the future, I will hide under the bed shiver coldly in fright.

"Got it! It just so happens that I'm going to find a sturdy opponent to try out the recently developed moves." Neji agreed without the slightest hesitation.

Xianglin also echoed: "Don't worry! Even if the entire cloud ninja is dismantled, we will bring the two tails back alive. But you are sure that you only need the two tails, not even the eight tails. Would you like to bring it back with you?"

"Don't worry! I need to eat one bite at a time, and one thing at a time..."

Before Alan finished speaking, he Xiao Nan, who has long light purple hair and a paper flower on his head, suddenly appeared out of thin air and said in an emotionless tone, "The knife maker you want has already brought me."

"Oh? Where is he?" Alan asked, eyes shining.

"I'm here!"

Speaking, a man in his fifties with unusually developed arms and chest muscles took the initiative to stand up.

Especially the calluses on both of his hands are so thick that even if they are cut by a sword, they will not easily see blood. It is obviously a condition that only occurs after long-term heavy physical labor.

"I heard that you want to make a Divine Item? If you don't mind, can you show me the raw materials?" The blacksmith uncle asked directly without saying a word.

From the rays of light full of excitement and anticipation in his eyes, it is not difficult to see that the reason why he originally came here, in addition to the high commission, is more to create a real person that can be handed down to the world. name sword.

In fact, this is what most craftsmen pursue throughout their lives, a work that can be passed down to future generations, and when everyone sees this work, they will think of their own name.

"Of course! This is the raw material I prepared for you."

Alan took out the orange hammer from his pocket without saying a word, as well as a lot of arcane ingots and black iron Ingots, Thorium Ingots, Lava Cores, Elemental Cores, etc. materials that this world does not have at all, and finally a large piece of refined chakra metal.

"This...this hammer?!!!!"

In just one glance, the blacksmith uncle was "Sulfras, the hand of flame demon Ragnaros" The rough and wild shape and the red flames that radiate all around all the time are deeply attracted.

Not only him, but also Xiao Nan's pupils dilated instantly, and his heart was full of shock.

Because even a layman can see at a glance that the hammer itself is a Divine Item with formidable power.

"My request is simple! Reforge the hammer into an extremely sharp sword without destroying the structure of the hammer. Whatever you need, you can tell me directly, and I'll give it to you when it's done. You are paid one hundred million taels..."

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