Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 353

When a high reward is offered, brave men will come forward!

This is the principle that Alan has always believed in!

In his opinion, there are only two reasons for a person to devote all his life to achieve a certain goal, one is for lofty ideals, and the other is to obtain rich rewards.

Now that he has put two things in front of each other, as long as this famous swordsman from the Iron Country has the ability to do it, he will definitely not refuse.

"It's an incredible masterpiece! Are you sure you want to use it to create a saber sword?" The blacksmith Uncle's tone was full of regret and remorse.

Because in his eyes, this is the lifelong effort of a craftsman, and it is Supreme's artwork, which should be well preserved and passed down to future generations.

But Alan nodded without the slightest hesitation: "That's right! The hammer isn't my weapon of choice, so it's useless to me right now. Remember, my request is to keep this When the attributes of the hammer do not change significantly, make it into a saber sword, instead of simply dissolving it and reforging it."

The most important weapons and equipment produced by the copy are what is it?

The answer was its accompanying attributes and various hit effects!

Without these, their value would be greatly reduced.

Although the blacksmith uncle did not know this, he also understood the important role of those strange symbols and lines on the hammer, and solemnly assured: "Please rest assured! Easily destroy anything on the hammer."

"In that case, I'll leave it to you to forge the Divine Item."

Speaking, Alan gave the fragrance to the behind. winked.

The latter understood, immediately brought all the materials and the uncle, and went straight to the place specially used for forging ninja tools in the sound ninja village.

Watching the two leave completely, Xiao Nan came back to his senses and asked in an uncertain tone: "Where did you get that hammer? As far as I know, the ninja world seems to be There are no rumors about weapons like the Flaming Hammer. As long as such precious treasures appear, they must be impossible and unknown."

"No, you are wrong. The reason why weapons are famous, Usually it's not because of them, but because of the person who uses them. A good weapon is just a dead thing without a proper powerhouse to wield them." Alan replied casually.

"So... in your opinion, people are more important than weapons?" Xiao Nan showed a surprised expression on his face.

Alan responded with a smile: "That's right! The same weapon shows different formidable power in the hands of different people. Because the moment the weapon is forged, its value is It has been fixed in a state that will never change. Only the moment someone picks it up, its value changes again. Also, to thank you for bringing the knifemaker I need most, I One of your wishes can be granted."

"Wish?" Xiao Nan blinked his eyes in confusion.

Although this is not the first time the two have met, she still feels a little bit unable to keep up with each other's thoughts.

"Yes! I'm a grantful and seeking to repay the kindness, anyone who helps me, I will give back in my own way. Whatever you want, give it back. It can be said that as long as I can do it, I will not refuse." Alan explained actively.

"Sorry, I can't think of any wish to be fulfilled for the time being." Xiao Nan declined this kind of pie that fell out of thin air.

She has a cautious personality and completely distrusts the youngster, who is known as the most dangerous person in the ninja world, just as she has never trusted Obito who claims to be Madara.

Of course, this attitude of being skeptical about anything is not something you have at first, but a habit that you were forced to develop after that betrayal.

In the ninja world, especially ninjas who are not from the five major countries, if you don't develop this habit, you will soon die in an unfathomable mystery.

"It's okay! You can take your time, my promise is always valid." Alan assured without hesitation.

"Thank you! I'll tell you if I think of it. Here, this is something Nagato asked me to hand over to you."

Speaking, Konan kept one secret. The information scroll was handed over.

Alan immediately took it over and glanced at it, with a very surprised expression on his face: "Let the ghost shark pretend to betray the Xiao organization, and then sneak to the side of the pocket? Is this necessary?"

Alan took it and glanced at it immediately. p>

"Yes! I've seen Dou, and he exudes a kind of gloomy and cold aura unique to Orochimaru. He is by no means the kind of person who is willing to be manipulated. Even more how, compared to us, he More willing to trust Hei Jue. In order to be safe, there must be a person watching him 24 hours a day. Originally the most suitable person for this task is Obito, but Obito is still staring at Hei Jue, so he can only let the ghost The shark has come to do it." Konan blunt said Nagato's intention.

Although most of the core members of the entire Xiao organization have been guarding each other from the original, and gradually moved towards work with a common purpose to deal with the development of the black absolutely.

The addition of Kedou has changed the situation a little bit.

Especially, this guy also holds the army of reincarnation from the dirty earth that Orochimaru researched, and his strength and potential should not be underestimated.

Not to mention, the first and second Hokage lying in the coffin alone, once the firepower is fully activated, it is estimated that even Nagato himself may not be able to win.

"Okay, then do as he wants, I have no opinion." Alan shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Compared with this kind of intrigue, he is more concerned about when the three tails will be resurrected.

After this period of research and testing, Vernarasas has found the key to extracting the medium from the tailed beast, and has begun to plunder these medium silently.

It's just that due to the relatively slow speed, the tailed beasts haven't noticed it yet.

After about 90% of the draw, the one-tailed guard crane can be directly sealed into the outsider golem to prepare for the resurrection of the ten-tailed Divine Tree.

Xiao Nan obviously didn't know what Alan was thinking, each minding their own business continued: "Apart from this, Nagato also asked me to ask you, what do we know about the regimes established by the rebels? What kind of attitude should the organization have?"

Alan hesitated for a few seconds, and immediately replied: "Don't pay attention!

Neither sign any covenant, nor Interfere in their internal affairs and conflicts with each other.

The period when the old order is overthrown and the new order is about to be established is actually the process of selecting the future upper ruling class.

In this process, countless unqualified people or forces will be eliminated, and only a few groups that gain the support and support of most civilians can win the final victory.

Although it sounds a little cruel , but can get a better future.

If we intervene artificially, then many unqualified people and organizations will be retained, thus making the future new era carry a heavy history on its back Burden."

"Understood! I will pass on your words to Nagato as is. If there is nothing else, I will go back now. I hope next time we meet, this world can It's a bit like what you described."

After saying this, Xiao Nan turned into confetti scattered without a trace, leaving only the faint scent of flowers in the air.

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