Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 354

ding ding dong dong...

Since the arrival of the famous swordsman from the Iron Country, he has completely occupied the place used to repair and forge weapons in the entire Yinin Village. The sound of beating iron felt and the rustling of sharpening swords are often heard day and night.

Although these sounds are very disturbing to the people, it even makes many Orochimaru's original subordinates and the rebels who have come from afar to receive human body modification and training miserable.

But no matter how uncomfortable it was, no one dared to express opinions or complain about it.

Because the new leader of Yinin Village, Yao Shidou, has made it clear that no matter who dares to approach that place, he will kill without mercy.

Although he was smiling when he was overwhelming the majority, he looked kind and close, but anyone who knew a little bit knew that the left and right hands of this Orochimaru were actually a Typical smiling tiger.

One second you can call you brother with a smile, and the next second you will insert a sharp chakra scalpel into your heart.

Compared to Orochimaru, who is only obsessed with studying blood and ninjutsu, Kao is obviously more dangerous.

Uncle, a swordsman in his fifties, used the materials provided by Alan to forcibly create a dozen swords that could be called Divine Weapon in just three months under his intimidation.

There are not only Taiye swords and giant swords with a length of more than 1.8 meters, but also short blades with a length of only 40 to 60 centimeters.

Apparently, he was forging these swords to test the properties of metals and materials he had never seen before, while trying to understand the dwarf runes on the orange hammer that were used to enhance the formidable power of the weapons.

This is the only way to ensure that the most valuable attributes and characteristics within are not destroyed when turning a hammer into a sword.

Of course, these weapons ended up in Alan's collection.

After all, these materials, especially Arcanite Bars, were bought from the Auction House system at a high price.

And all weapons are enchanted with materials like elemental fire, lava core, etc.

In addition to being sturdy and sharp on its own, there are additional hit effects.

For example, a weapon named "wind thunder sword" adds a lot of wind breath and air purification, which can be covered with dazzling silver lightning by injecting chakra, Whether it is the visual effect of the appearance or the formidable power, Alan feels amazing.

Similarly, he also began to look forward to the appearance of the orange hammer after being transformed into a long sword.

However, he did not rush to urge the uncle, who had already devoted himself to his professional field, but continued to dispose of those originally belonging to the ten-tailed Divine Tree without the tailed beasts noticing it at all. The medium of little by little is extracted and stored in the body of himself and the red dragon.

As the number of these mediums increases, so does the rate at which nature's energy is drawn from the surrounding environment, even to a rate that exceeds human limits.

There is no doubt that these media are the core part of alien biotechnology.

It is precisely because of so many media that Kaguya can, after becoming the Ten-Tailed Human Pillar, be able to recover in an instant no matter how serious the injury is, and even continue to recover from the The entire world draws more energy and condenses the second chakra fruit.

Six Paths immortal is probably aware of this, so in his later years he split the ten tails into nine tailed beasts with independent consciousness to prevent a second person from having similar thoughts.

It's a pity that, in order to kill and devour Kaguya completely, Alan can't extract all the five tailed beasts sealed in his body, but can only extract about 90%.

Because this is the result of Verna Lazas's repeated tests and calculations.

If you draw a little more, the form of the tailed beast will not be maintained, and it will even collapse instantly, releasing all the gathered chakras at once.

Just when Alan was thinking about when to go to Yuren Village and seal the out-of-use Ichi-shou crane into a foreign golem, Neji and Xianglin finally came to the country of Thunder. of a small town.

Looking at the place that has been occupied by the rebels, Xianglin asked in a very uncertain tone: "The man of Erwei is really here?"

"If the information If nothing goes wrong, she should be lurking in this town, looking for an opportunity to kill the top of the rebel army."

Ningji carefully pulled the hat on his head to prevent himself from using the white eyes. The resulting changes are perceived by others in the cycle.

"Interesting! Yun Ren actually rushed at this time and sent Ren Zhuli out on a mission. I really don't know whether to praise them for their courage, or laugh at them for acting recklessly." The corners of the mouth are taunted.

Ningci followed with a smile and spread out his hands: "No way! Yun Ren's character is like this. Before he was beaten, he was always so arrogant. But compared to Sand Ren and He Mist Ninja, they do have the qualifications to be arrogant, and they even successfully killed the second-generation Hokage who is known as the fastest ninja world."

"hmph! It's just a low-level ninjutsu battle, in In front of Yin Yang Dun and Strength of Six Paths, their so-called power is like a fortress on the beach, it only needs a wave to break down." Xiang Phon's tone was filled with strong disdain.

Because she is now, she has fully activated the Body of Immortal derived from Asura in her genes, that is, the wooden escape with the sun shield, plus the immortal mode, its strength is close to that of the ninja of the year. God Thousand Hands Pillar Room.

If nothing else, getting the Samsara Eye and the full Strength of Six Paths should not be a problem when the final program kicks in.

Because she stands so high, this red-haired girl has enough confidence to despise those powerhouses that once stood at the top of the ninja world.

In contrast, Neji's progress is a little slower, and more than that, every time Baiyan is about to evolve, he is interrupted by an unfathomable mystery.

It was as if there was some kind of force that prevented him from piercing the last barrier.

Thinking of this, Neji couldn't help but sighed slightly: "This world is like a well, and most ninjas are like frogs under the well, and they can only see a small piece of sky above their heads. So for them to come It is said that whoever can jump as high as possible is naturally stronger. And from the moment we met Alan, we have been standing next to the wellhead, not only can see the vast and endless sky, but also Know the sadness of those a frog in well below."

" pity them?" Xiang phosphorus asked with a faint smile.

"no! I may pity anyone else, but I will never pity Yun Ren. Because they are the culprits and culprits that killed my father. If one day Alan decides to destroy this village, I will definitely do my part to take over the task."

During this remark, Neji's eyes flickered with chilling rays of light.

If it weren't for his more mature and stable personality, he would have rushed into Yun Ren to kill all those who were involved in this matter when he had gained powerful power, and by the way, he would also let these people who advocate martial power. The offal tastes the loss of a loved one.

The hatred of this thing will not disappear easily until death.

Anyone who can casually say the word forgiveness from their mouths either has not tasted real pain and hatred, or is too weak to easily expose their inner thoughts.

But Neji no longer needs to be patient now, nor does he need to hide his true intentions.

He wanted only one thing, and that was to taste revenge with his own hands.

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