Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 355

In a small town with a population of tens of thousands of people, it is undoubtedly not an easy task to find out who is lurking in the dark.

After all, although Baiyan's reconnaissance ability is very strong, but after all, to avoid the search of those who resist the military sense ability, there is no way to keep it open.

Especially when entering the center of the town, almost every other distance, you can see people with telepathy wrapped around their bodies checking pedestrians.

If it wasn't for Neji and Xianglin who had blocked all the aura and energy in their bodies before entering, someone would have come forward to ask them about their identities.

"It's unbelievable! A few months ago, these guys who only knew how to vent their dissatisfaction by killing and destroying lunatic, now they have established a decent rule. If nothing else, light It's those who are hidden in the shadows, and they are no worse than most of the patrols in Shinobi Village." Xianglin sighed in a slightly surprised tone in a low voice.

"You don't know yet, since the Xiao organization fully intervened in the war, several fierce battles broke out between these independent rebels for territory. It is no longer simply resisting the nobles, daimyo and Shinobi villages, but trying to build a new ruling system. According to Alan, these guys will eventually change this world permanently." Neji responded meaningfully. road.

There is no doubt that the internal composition of the Resistance is quite complex.

Although most of the first batch were ordinary persons who had blood feuds with daimyo, nobles and ninjas, they even had the idea of killing one to earn enough money and killing two to earn one when they joined. It never occurred to me that I would live to the end.

As the rebels continue to expand, they even have a stable territory.

A number of ambitious, businessmen and speculators have also joined in, trying to gain a favorable position before the wave completely overturns the old interests, and then divide power and wealth after the eventual victory.

Ningji is very concerned about the future of the ninja world, so he often talks with Ailu about the rebels.

So he knew that the addition of these speculators actually had advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, most of the speculators have considerable governance skills, and it is with their participation that the top rebels who do not know how to manage can effectively govern the towns and villages they occupy, and A certain amount of tax is drawn to meet daily needs, and it is no longer completely dependent on killing nobles to obtain wealth supplies as before.

On the other hand, the addition of these people made the rebels no longer as pure as before, but began to generate various ideas and selfishness.

The martial power annexation between several rebels is the best example.

During this process, some who mastered effective governance methods gradually began to become stronger and stronger, until they became a country that could confront the remaining four major ninja villages head-on.

And those who lack the means to rule will naturally become weaker and weaker, and will either be eliminated or annexed.

In addition, the ability of reading itself does not rely on bloodline to inherit, so the barriers of class will inevitably be broken, so the new era must be hundreds of times better than the old era.

Xianglin is obviously not interested in these, and shrugged his shoulders with a nonchalant expression: "This has nothing to do with us, why bother. I just want to find Zhuli who is Erwei as soon as possible. , and then knock her out and take her back."

"You want to do something in this town?" Neji raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"What are you afraid of! I promise that woman will never have a chance to release the tailed beast jade, let alone a tailed beast." Xianglin squeezed her knuckles, her eyes full of confidence. rays of light.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, the tailed beast is a rather terrifying monster, not only can not be really killed, but can often cause amazing damage with a single blow.

But she, who has thoroughly understood the nature of the tailed beast, has completely ignored this special lifeform created by humans.

Especially after mastering the seal of a large number of vortex clan, the tailed beast is at best a pet that can be kneaded casually, even the so-called strongest nine-tailed is no exception.

Just when Neji wanted to say something, a beautiful woman in a black kimono with golden hair suddenly passed by the two of them.

Although only for a moment!

But Xianglin still keenly felt the flow of chakra, and immediately winked at his partner.

The latter understood and rolled his eyes instantly, and he saw the violent chakra that was sealed in his body to symbolize the tailed beast.

"Ha! Looks like we're lucky." Xianglin licked his lips eagerly to have a try.

You don't need to ask to know that she couldn't hold back her life and wanted to capture him alive to claim credit to Alan.

"Don't worry! Let's see what she wants to do first." Neji hurriedly grabbed the red-haired girl who was becoming more and more violent.

"Is this necessary?"

Xiang Lin stared at the enemy's back and asked in an uncertain tone.

"Of course! Don't you think it's strange for a ninja to dress like this?" Neji reminded with a faint smile.

Xianglin looked thoughtful nodded: "so that's how it is! If you don't tell me, I really didn't pay attention. Her clothes are just like those women in Huajie who sell their colors in exchange for money."

"If I'm not mistaken, she should be using a fake identity and is approaching, or seducing a certain high-level rebel army. So don't rush to do it, maybe there are more clouds Shinobu is lurking in this town. Since we have to do it, then pull them all up by the roots."

When he said this remark, Neji's tone was naked and unremarkable. A disguised killing intent.

From the moment he accepted this task, he had made plans to make Yun Ren pay the price for his actions back then, the price of blood and death.

"Listen to you! Let's hide in the dark and see what the hell this woman is up to."

Xiang Lin is undoubtedly very aware of the deep blood feud between Neji and Yun Ren. , didn't mean to stop it at all.

In this way, the two of them followed far behind the teak man, and finally came to a luxurious mansion with a huge area.

From the decoration and furnishings in front of the main entrance, it is not difficult to see that this place used to be the home of a powerful noble.

But now...

The entire noble family has long been slaughtered, and the house has become the residence of the high-level resistance army. There are more than a dozen powerful minders, and it is very difficult for anyone to break in.

I saw the teak door stroke his hair in a very seductive posture, and then said something to the guard at the door, and then he was released.

"Damn! Is that guard blind? Can't even the strong tailed beast Chakra feel it? How did you put her in?" Xianglin asked dumbfounded.

"I don't know! Maybe there's a lack of sentient and detective minds here. Let's go, let's go in too."

Speaking, Neji took out a bottle of invisibility I drank the potion, then avoided the two dark whistles with no difficulty, and easily fell into the inside of the huge courtyard.

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