Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 356

Not as expected, there are not many ornamental plants such as rockery, trees and flowers in this former aristocratic mansion. No cleanup has been done.

Just as Neji was about to open his eyes and search for the enemy's location, he suddenly found that the teak man who came in first from the front door was hiding in the corner, staring at him with two sharp eyes.

【Has she found me? ! ]

A surprised expression appeared on Neji's face.

You must know that he blocked all of his chakra and breath, and he also drank the invisibility potion he got from Alan when he came in. Normally, even a scout-type telepath wants to find out. are very difficult.

"White eyes? Are you from Konoha Hyuga's family?" The two tailed man Zhuli teak man was also startled.

The two stared at each other for about a few seconds, until Xianglin also followed over the wall to break the silence.

"Red hair? White eyes? Ah! I see! You are the two sidekicks around the most dangerous elements in the ninja world. Has he finally started hitting on me?" Teak Man is obviously not a fool, Instantly realized the true identities of the two youngsters in front of him.

As a matter of fact, since the last time a coalition was formed to besiege Yinnin Village, which returned in low spirits after failing, Raikage called all the two people in the village, Zhuri, to the office, and repeatedly warned that if they encountered him outside. These three people, must be extra careful.

After all, there are a total of nine tailed beasts in the ninja world, and Alan captured five of them by himself. Second tail.

"Look, what did I just say? You are wasting your time. Now that your identity has been exposed, let's do it directly."

Speaking, Xianglin instantly Unleash all the hidden chakras and thoughts.


With a loud bang, an indescribable terrifying aura spewed out of her body.

Whether it's chakra or anger, it has caused terrifying damage to the surrounding ground and walls.

Such an astonishing power release is naturally impossible not noticed by the psychic powers of the rebels around.

In less than ten seconds, at least twenty minders rushed over and activated their abilities to enter the battle state.

Especially an uncle with an unshaven beard who looked almost 40 years old, stood directly in front of Zhuli Erwei, narrowed his eyes and asked, "Who are you? Why are you trespassing on us? 's headquarters, and also intends to kill Aiko?"

"Aiko? hahahaha! Uncle! Don't you even know the true identity of this woman? She is not Aiko, but Yunren Erwei Ren Zhuli - Teak Man." Xianglin couldn't help laughing.

No way!

It's so funny!

It is not difficult to see from the concern in the other person's eyes that this is definitely a toad who wants to eat swan's meat.

"What? Human... human pillar?" The middle-aged uncle subconsciously turned his head.

It turned out that the teak man had already entered the state of a tailed beast, and he was covered in a deep blue chakra coat. A queen gesture of aloof and remote.

Without any hesitation!

The exposed person, Zhu Li, raised his arms and used the sharp claw formed by the two-tailed chakra to directly open the intestines of the high-level rebels.

"Damn! She killed the leader! This woman is really a spy sent by Yun Ren!"

"Kill him! Avenge the leader!"

"Yun Nin's bastard! Only use this base and shameless method!"


For a while, all the rebels who saw this scene changed their minds Furious.

Several of the grumpy reinforcements rushed over with their fists raised, trying to kill this vicious and merciless enemy.

It's a pity that they were facing Er-Tail's Ren Zhuli, and most of their attacks couldn't even wear the deep blue tailed beast coat.

As a result, after a few rounds, not only did the revenge fail to pay off, but on the contrary, there were several more.

Because almost all the dead were torn apart by the cat's claws condensed by chakra, the scene looked extremely bloody and brutal, and the air was filled with a disgusting pungent smell.

Compared to those rebels who have been frightened by the terrifying strength of Renzhuli, Xianglin still maintains a rather relaxed demeanor and asks without looking back: "Are you coming or I?"


"Of course it's me! After all, I have an account to settle with Yun Ren."

Speaking, Neji took off the hat that was used to cover his eyes and face, and stepped on it. The viscous bloodstains approach step by step forward.

"hmph! Are you finally willing to take action?"

The teak man obviously hadn't realized how big a crisis he had encountered, and his tone was still full of confidence.

Seeing the slightly arrogant face of the other party, Neji's mind instantly flashed the picture of the Yun Ninja envoy forcing his father to commit suicide in Konoha, and the fire of hatred in his heart suddenly became more intense. exuberant.

He didn't even say a word of nonsense, and rushed forward at a speed that naked eyes couldn't tell.

The next second...

Countless chakras spewed out of his acupuncture points, tearing apart Ren Zhuli's tailed beast coat with ease in a near-substantial form.

The teak man didn't even have a chance to react, he felt like his body and internal organs were smashed by a big hammer, Fiercely, the whole person flew backwards, and Fiercely hit a wall .

As soon as she landed, the severe pain made her kneel on the ground and start vomiting blood. The pain was not something that a human being could endure, as if every rib had been shattered.


The tail beast itself is a large battery for Ren Zhuli.

As long as the battery's power doesn't run out, no matter how badly Ren Zhuli is injured, as long as he doesn't die on the spot, he can quickly recover.

The strength of the two tails ranks last among the nine tailed beasts, so it took the teak man two 3 minutes to get up from the ground, his face full of horror: "You just now What is that used? The soft fist from the Hyuga family?"

"no! That's a move I created! Now, repent in pain and despair, this is what Yun Ren must do for you. The price paid for the despicable actions of the past."

Although Neji's voice was very calm, his eyes were so terrifying that even Xianglin couldn't help shivering.

She dared to swear that this was definitely the first time since the two of them met that she had seen Neji so angry, and even completely forgot her rationality.

After all, the murder of the father is absolutely irreconcilable!

After learning all the details before and after the father's suicide from Hyuga Hizu, the teenager who broke the seal of the caged bird completely transferred all his hatred from the Zong family and Konoha to Yun Ren.

Now, this revenge will finally begin slowly starting from the capture of the two tails.

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