Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 357

"You travel again! I need your help!"

After realizing how terrifying the two enemies in front of him were, the teak man immediately turned to the tailed beast in his body for help.

I have to say that Yun Ren is indeed unique in dealing with tailed beasts. Almost every generation of Zhuli can control tailed beasts almost perfectly after going through the initial awkward stage.

In addition, the two tails are the last of all the tailed beasts with the most polite, tempered and gentle character, so he responded immediately: "Take all my chakras!"


A large amount of deep blue demon fire spewed out of Ren Zhuli's body. In just a few seconds, the teak man turned into an oversized cat.

To be exact, it is a complete tail beast!

Looking at the blue-and-white creature in front of him, whose theme was composed of some kind of special chakra flame, instead of showing a hint of timidity, Neji raised his arms in a cruel smile. Put on a very strange starting posture.

Although at first glance it looks similar to the secret technique in Rouquan—Bagua Kongzhang, it is actually quite different in terms of steps and movements.

Especially Rouquan's attack moves are often the most consistent. As long as you get hit once, all the following combos will basically be eaten again.

But his actions are closer to the one strike certain kill of Steel Fist!

The chakra hit in the right hand acupuncture point has almost reached the level of substantiation. Even after seeing the fragrance of the Body of Immortal, I can't help but feel my scalp tingling and whispering. He sighed: "Ningji is really just like Mr. Alan said. On the surface, he is rational and calm, but in the bones is full of madness, and he has unconsciously developed this move."

On the other side , Erwei Yulu couldn't help but remind his people Zhuli: "Be careful! This boy's strength is a little unusual! The chakra concentrated in his hand is amazing, once you get hit, even you will die. The danger."

"What? You mean..." There was a trembling in the teak man's tone, obviously frightened.

"Yes! This youngster is very strong! He Danger Land has the ability to kill me!" Youlu gave an affirmative answer without thinking.

As a saying goes, whether you are strong or not depends on the reference.

In the eyes of most ordinary persons and ninjas, tailed beasts are undoubtedly powerful and even invincible.

But for those powerhouses standing at the peak of the ninja world, it is not too difficult to kill or even subdue the tailed beast.

This is also why, since the nine-tailed beasts were all captured, there have been basically no waves.

Even if it's Konoha's Nine-Tails Rebellion, it's not the power of the Nine-Tails, but the power of the Uchiha family's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

If you want to think of the era of Madara, you even treat the nine tails as a Spirit Beast, come with my call lingering, and make the so-called strongest nine tails have no temper or face at all.

It is estimated that it was at that time that Nine Tails suffered from the phobia of Uchiha and Shaker.

Staring at Zhuli, who was standing still and didn't dare to move, Neji said with a cold laugh: "Aren't you going to attack? Then I'll be rude! It may happen next. It hurts a lot, so please bear with me a little, don't die. Otherwise, I will be very embarrassed."

tone barely fell!

He flew out like a white light.

"Damn it! It's so fast!"

Although the teak man was already on guard, it was too late to react, and he could only watch the hand that gathered a large number of chakras. , lightly pat yourself on the abdomen.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

With a deafening airburst!

Her entire spine was fractured in an instant, and her upper body was turned upside down and fell straight back.

After a sharp pain, the lower body even lost consciousness.

As for the intestines, liver, gallbladder, kidneys and other organs in the stomach, they were shattered on the spot, and even the tailed beast Chakra wrapped outside did not play a defensive role in the slightest.

Such terrifying destructive power, let alone those rebels who still lack expert support, even Xianglin's mouth widened in surprise.


This blow is not just pure chakra, but also incorporates the power of Yang Dun.

And Yang Dun happens to be the biggest nemesis of the tailed beast!

" is this possible!"

The teak man who fell in the pool of blood had round eyes, as if he couldn't believe himself, who had completely turned into a beast. He didn't even have the strength to fight back, so he was instantly killed.

"Huh? It's really not dead! Human Zhuli is as expected as Human Zhuli, and life force is really tenacious."

Ningji bends down so he has tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex picked up the completely paralyzed teak man from the ground and threw it to the companion behind him: "I'll give it to you! Chakra, who seals the pillar-tailed beast with a seal, I don't want to make any trouble along the way."

"No problem, leave it to me. But it shouldn't be so easy to go, right?"

Xiang Lin used her skilled movements, Quickly use the sealing technique of the vortex clan to completely cut off the connection between the human column force and the tail beast, while asking with great interest.

Ningji lightly nodded: "Of course! Now that we have captured the second tail's Ren Zhuli, how could it be so easy to admit it with Raikage's character. They will definitely send a rescue team to try to get back to us. Take this woman back before I get to Yinin Village. And what I want to do is to keep these rescue troops back and forth."

"Ha! I didn't expect you to have such a strong revenge mentality. For the sake of our normal relationship, I'll help you. But remember, you owe me a favor, and you'll have to pay it back when you go back." Xianglin blinked playfully.

"No problem!"

Ningci agreed without thinking.

In order to avenge his father, he had already given up everything, and he had to make Yun Ren pay a painful price no matter what.

As for the favors...

Just to help create some time alone with Fragrant and Alan.

However, as an "experienced person", Neji knew very well that Xianglin's pursuit would have no results.

Because Alan has stated very clearly from a long time ago that he is pursuing a path of strength, and he will never stop before reaching the end.

This also means that no matter what kind of people or scenery you meet on the journey, you will not change your original intention.

In this way, as the two formally reached an agreement, Xianglin soon took the teak man with only half his life left to the direction of Yinin Village.

Neiji stayed behind, patiently waiting for the arrival of Yun Nin's pursuit troops.

He believes that since Ren Zhuli is in this small town occupied by the rebels, there must be Yun Ren's spies lurking around.

In a day or two at most, Raikage will get the news and come to the rescue as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, once Ren Zhuli was brought into Yinin Village, everything would become irreversible.

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