Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 358

"What?! The teak man was captured?"

When the Fourth Raikage received the news, he immediately slapped the desk with an angry slap, and his two eyes even burst into pieces. Shoots fierce rays of light.

The irritable man didn't even think about it, he roared and ordered: "Let the Ray Shadow Guard team and Anbu dispatch with me immediately! This time, no matter what, give that guy some color. Look, let him know that Yun Ren is not easy to mess with."

"Ah? Are you going to dispatch yourself? What a joke!" An elderly consultant sternly discouraged.

Although Yun Ren's shadow has always been known for his strong personal strength, there is no reason to directly dispatch the shadow of a village whenever he encounters a problem.

Otherwise, if this is the case, no matter how strong Raikage is, it will not be enough to die.

This is the best lesson for the three generations of Raikage, who claim to have the strongest spear and strongest shield, forcibly being exhausted to death by Ten Thousand Rocks.

"Why can't I be dispatched in person! Look at how rampant that brat, Hyuga Neji has become? He actually dared to take our Erweiren Zhuli directly in the street! If he doesn't show any more, Yun Ren will It will become the joke of the entire ninja world!" Ai clenched his fists and cursed loudly.

Although both Sand and Mist have become a joke to some extent, he will never allow Yun to become like this.

Because Yun Ren itself relies on a tough external strategy to unite people's hearts.

If this is lost, it will not take long for the entire village to gradually weaken and even eventually die in the absence of spirit.

Maybe there will be dissatisfied guys who will launch a coup to assassinate themselves!

Several decades ago, the second Raikage was killed by two brothers, golden horn and silver horn.

It can be said that among the five major countries, the Kingdom of Thunder is the one that cannot accept defeat and humiliation emotionally.

This is why, from the three generations of Raikage and his successor, they are all carved out of the same mold.

Only in this way can it meet the appetite of most ninjas.

"Da Wang! You've met that guy and Neji Hyuga. Tell me, is there anything worth noting about this kid who judged Konoha and Hyuga's house?"

The consultant couldn't persuade Raikage, so he had to ask the only one insider present for information about the enemy.

Like the battles between hunters and world minds, ninjas are also a group that relies heavily on intelligence to fight.

Especially when facing enemies with unknown abilities, no matter how careful you are.

After all, there are so many kinds of blood, ninjutsu, sealing and forbidden techniques in the ninja world. .

When the fourth Raikage faced Sasuke's Kaleidoscope Shaker for the first time in the original plot, he was accidentally ignited by Amaterasu and had to amputate on the spot.

Da Wang explained with a wry smile: "Sorry, Your Excellency Advisor, I have never seen Alan make a move, nor have I seen that red-haired girl make a move, so I don't know how to evaluate the strength of these two people. . But Neji Hyuga once killed several of my subordinates in an instant, many of them veteran Junin. His moves are very strange, like soft fists, but not completely soft fists. And that kind of terrifying The speed of the shot may only be comparable to the Thunder Plough Hot Knife."

"The Thunder Plough Hot Knife?! Is it that fast?" The fourth Raikage Ai showed a very rare expression of surprise.

"en! It's an attack that is almost impossible to dodge. Even I may parry once or twice at most, and then I'll be knocked to the ground." Da Wang was rather helpless.

"Call Kirabi! This time the AB group is dispatched together, I don't believe that Hyuga Neji is really that powerful." The fourth Raikage made a decision immediately after hesitating for a while.

Yun Ren must not lose!

Especially at a time like this, throw up and throw in the towel!

Otherwise, the entire country of thunder will be over!

Soon, under his personal leadership, a squad of elites left the village and launched a pursuit at great speed.

It took about a day or two for these people to meet Neji, who was alone on the road.

Looking at the young silhouette in the white shirt, Ai finally couldn't help but ask: "Hey! Little devil! Where did you hide Zhuli, the person from our village? Hand it over quickly!"

"Sorry! The teak people have been away from here for two days, and if nothing else happens, they should be able to reach Yinin Village in a few hours. Also, if I guess correctly If so, you should be Raikage, right? You should have arranged the plan of trying to win the Hyuga Sect's White Eyes in Konoha back then, right."

When talking about this remark, Ning said The unscrupulous releaser's own thoughts, forcibly overwhelmed many Yun Ren's experts, and some even showed expressions of shock and fear.

They have all dealt with the psychics of the rebel army, and they understand that when the energy that naked eyes cannot see reaches a certain level, it will form some kind of substantial oppression.

But it's the first time I've encountered it today.

On the basis of this oppression, it can be determined that the strength of this youngster in front of him is absolutely terrifying.

"Ah! That's right! That's what I decided! Why, do you want to avenge your dead father?"

Although the fourth Raikage is grumpy, it is always Not a fool, thinking of the relationship between Neji and the victim, he immediately realized the other party's true intentions.

That is to retaliate against Yun Ren!

Kill all the people involved in this incident!

"Yes! Alan once said that this world doesn't need forgiveness, it needs everyone to be held accountable for their actions. Now, it's time for you to pay for your actions. And the price is death. You will die here today!"

tone barely fell!

Ningji rushed out at a very fast speed, waving his arms and continuously spewing out the chakra that seemed to be materialized from the acupuncture point.

"Kill me? You are so arrogant! Little devil!"

Raikage is obviously not one of those idle people, and immediately wrapped his body in the armor of Thunder Escape to greet him go up.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! !

The two finally collided!

The terrifying chakra and mind ability erupted, collapsing all the ground around 30 to 40 meters, forming a concave semicircle.

The chakra spewing out of Neji's acupuncture point is like a line, spreading out all around along this semicircle.

There were four Yun Ninjas who were too late to dodge and were hit on the spot, turning into a blood mist all over the sky and blowing away with the wind.


It was just the aftermath of Raikage and Neji's fight that killed four Jounin.

The disparity in strength like a chasm suddenly made the remaining guys who wanted to go up and help give up their thoughts.

This is not a battle they can get into at all!

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