Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 359

"The little devil of the Hyuga's house! Your chakra seems to be a little special!"

The fourth Raikage felt the tingling pain from his arm, and finally realized why his subordinates were only being shot. In the middle, it will instantly turn into a blood mist in the sky, and even the hardest bones will not be spared.

These chakras gushing out from the acupoints are not a whole as the eyes see, but are composed of countless very thin but extremely sharp lines.

When these chakra lines like steel needles pass through the body, they will naturally tear the muscles and even the skeleton, and then cause that kind of strong visual impact.

If it weren't for the defensive power of the Thunder Armor, his fate would not be much better.


Extremely dangerous!

Since the fight against Fengshui Sect in the third battle, this is the first time that the fourth Raikage has smelled Death Aura.

"Trifling a frog in well and stop being pretentious. In my eyes, you're no different from those dead guys." Neji sarcastically said in a condescending tone.

He can now basically confirm that he is absolutely capable of killing one of his father-killing enemies here, so that Yun Ren can also feel what pain and despair are.

"You are too arrogant! Little devil!"

Ai was obviously provoked, and instantly raised the armor of thunder to the maximum limit. People disappeared instantly.

The next second...


He appeared directly above his head, raised one of his legs high, and used the gravitational acceleration generated by falling to Strengthen destructive power.

Although this is just a very conventional body refinement action, but with the blessing of the Thunder Armor, it has an effect comparable to the forbidden technique.

If you are kicked from the front, it is estimated that the steel plate of the armored vehicle will be smashed in an instant.

But Neji stood there calmly, and with the help of countless chakra lines gushing out from the acupoints of his body, he easily forced his opponent back.

In addition, the sharp chakra also pierced the skin and muscles on the legs of the fourth-generation Raikage. Although the wound was not very serious, it also oozes a lot of blood, and it took just a few seconds. All trouser legs are dyed red.

After all, it's not the hair that turns yellow and stands up to become a Super Saiyan.

The fourth Raikage is only a slightly stronger mortal, and its strength is far inferior to the previous Raikage.

At this moment, Neji is like a hedgehog who can't keep his mouth shut, possessing a more perfect defensive power than the secret technique of soft boxing - Huitian.

At the same time, these chakra lines also have the characteristic of being almost impossible to defend when attacking.

To a certain extent, he is more qualified to call himself "the strongest spear" and "the strongest shield" than the three generations of Raikage.

Admiring the opponent's battered and exhausted appearance, as well as the horror in his eyes, Neji immediately laughed and said with a smile: "Is that all you have, a frog in well? Maybe with Without Alan's action, I can wipe out the entire Yun Ninja Village by myself. No wonder he looked down on you Ninja Village and Ninja from the beginning to the end, because your level is too low in terms of strength and vision."

"Bastard! Kirabi! Come and help me! Let this brat from Hyuga's house see our Yun Ninja AB combination!"

After Raikage realized the difficulty of his opponent , decisively called his good partner.

After all, the AB combination is originally the tradition of Yun Ninja, and it is also to maximize the use of the eight-tailed rank 2nd among the nine-tailed beasts - Niugui.

However, when Kirabi's non-mainstream dress and humming, dancing, and rap pose on the stage, the original tense and serious style of painting suddenly changed.

Seeing that his sworn brother was so out of character, Raikage couldn't help covering his face and scolded: "Hey! Stop making trouble! Now is the enemy! This kid seems to have developed something we've never seen before. If you don't get rid of him, the entire Yun Ninja will be threatened. And he has a deep blood feud with us, so he will not give up easily."

"You stupid-ass, you You bastard! Got it!"

I don't know if it's a language disorder or too obsessed with rap, but Kirabi still goes his own way, even pulling out the seven knives behind his back. .

"AB combination? I think it's more appropriate to call it a fool combination." Neji was undoubtedly amused by the performance of Yawei Ren Zhuli.

However, since Yun Ninja's two strongest battle strengths have already entered the field, he has also raised a little bit of vigilance, focusing on the body based on the original chakra line mode based on Alan Strength of Six Paths Inside each acupuncture point.

"Little devil! If you underestimate the AB group, you will die!"

tone barely fell!

The fourth generation of Raikage took the lead in taking the initiative to attack again with the advantage of its own speed.

And Kirabi also followed closely from behind, with a very strange and unusual posture, he actually swung the seven knives up.

"Interesting! Is this also one of the side powers of the Ya-Tails Juri?"

Ningji had apparently never seen someone use more than two weapons at the same time before, and there was no such thing as Inconsistency occurs.

"Ultrasonic shock thunderbolt sword!"

Qirabi instantly injected thunderbolt chakra into each of his a saber.

In the blink of an eye, these chakras trigger high-frequency vibrations of the blade, making a strange sound.

Then, he turned like a spinning top, forcibly cutting off the dense, tenacious, and sharp chakra lines one by one.

The Fourth Raikage took advantage of this opportunity to concentrate a large amount of chakra on a few fingers, and suddenly rushed forward, trying to use this move to directly penetrate the opponent's heart.

But at the moment of his hand, a playful smile suddenly appeared on Neji's face, and he suddenly opened his arms to release the linear chakra stored in other acupoints.

Innumerable dazzling blue Chuck lines are like light, covering the entire area of hundreds of meters around you on the spot.

No refunds!

It is inevitable!

Under this intensive attack, all defenses and dodges are in vain.

Unless you can blur your whole body like Obito, then obediently and honestly wait to be torn to shreds.

In a short period of time, the fourth Raikage undoubtedly realized this, and immediately crossed his hands to protect the vital parts such as the head, eyes, and heart, and at the same time concentrated all the armor of the Thunder Escape to the front. Prepare to hardwire.

But he obviously underestimated the terrifying destructive power of Neji's full outburst!

In less than one tenth of a second, that black sturdy body has endured thousands of penetrating attacks.

Although at the beginning, the armor of Thunder Dun could barely resist for a while.

Accompanied by the terrifying tearing, the armor of Thunder Dune was quickly smashed into pieces, and even the follow-up supplements could not keep up with the speed of destruction.

In desperation, the fourth-generation Raikage had no choice but to give up the protection of his limbs, intending to talk about it as if he was saving his own life.

When a round of explosions was completely released, all the calves and forearms turned into blood mist and floated in the air, and fell directly from the in midair to the ground, with unbelievable expressions all over their faces.

He couldn't believe that, with his defensive power, he couldn't even stand a single face-to-face and became completely disabled.

Especially losing both hands and feet at the same time can basically declare the end of Hyundou.

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