Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 360

"Ray... Raikage-sama?!"

"Damn it! Where's the medical ninja? Come and help!"

Yun Ren, who was watching the battle, saw this scene and immediately He rushed over like crazy, trying to save his leader.

But before they could get close, Neji suddenly raised his hand without warning and released countless chakra strings, killing all the hopes of Yun Ninja in the future in front of the fourth Raikage. , one does not stay.

After finishing all this, he raised his head and muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "father, did you see that? Yun Ren owes you a debt, and I will immediately I can get it back for you."

In contrast, the fourth Raikage, who fell to the ground and couldn't even get up, roared with extreme anger: "Ahhhhhhh!!!! I'll kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

You must know that those who died just now are the mainstays of the next generation, such as Azabuyi, Xi, and Samui.

But now, these youngsters have no chance to prove themselves on the battlefield, just like a little ant being crushed to death with no difficulty.

Their deaths were neither heroic nor worth anything.

For the first time, the fourth Raikage felt unprecedented pain.

Because if he hadn't made the decision to personally lead people to pursue him, there would not be such a desperate situation now.

In contrast, Ricky Rabbi, the eight-tailed human column, is slightly better. Although the injury is quite serious, it continues to regenerate with the special chakra of the bull and ghost, and finally slowly returns to a normal state. Panting heavily on the ground, his eyes widened as if he could not accept this huge gap in strength.

After all, he didn't lose so badly when he faced the famous golden flash Fengshui Sect.

"Cow ghost! What's the matter with that kid named Hyuga? Why can the chakra he released easily penetrate the tailed beast's coat?" Kirabi asked with gnashing teeth.

Among those Yun Ren who died just now, there were several Disciples that he trained by himself, but now all of them are dead, and not even the complete corpse remains.

"Be careful! In him, I feel a power very similar to old fogey." There was a hint of fear in the voice of the eight tails.

As a special lifeform born after the war that decided the future of the world, it obviously doesn't know that Six Paths immortal has a younger brother and a mother.

So in its eyes, old fogey is the most powerful person in this world, as well as the creator and father of all tailed beasts.

"Old fogey?!" Kirabi was clearly startled. "You mean...he might be a descendant of Six Paths immortal? Like golden horns and silver horns?"

"Ah! That's right! Those chakra lines should contain yin and yang escapes. The power of the beast, so even the tailed beast coat can't completely block it." Niu Gui gave the answer without thinking.

Just as the two of them were talking, Neji finally came back to his senses from the sadness, step by step, stepped on the blood on the ground and came to the fourth Raikage. The tone asked: "Do you have any last words?"

"Last words? I never need that kind of thing! Even if there is only one mouth left, I will bite a piece of meat from you!"

The fourth Raikage didn't feel ashamed of his tough guy image, he focused his chakra directly on his teeth, trying to stick his head out and bite the enemy's throat.

Unfortunately, he was so slow that he lost his limbs and forcibly screwed his head off before he could touch anything.


Seeing that his elder brother, Brother Yi, was killed, Kirabi was finally in extreme grief and anger. It turned into a cow with an upper body and an octopus with lower body.

He didn't even hesitate, opened his mouth and spewed out several tailed beast jades with amazing formidable power.

For a while, the entire valley was like an earthquake, with deafening loud noises and tremors.

Even several peaks have been forcibly cut to the ground.

Unfortunately, when these explosions dissipated, Kirabi didn't find or sense the opponent's trail at all.

Because from the moment the tail beast turned into a beast, Neji chose to leave directly instead of staying and doing some useless work.

After all, the mission given by Alan is to bring back the two-tailed man Zhuli, not the eight-tailed man Zhuli.

In addition, he has already killed Raikage to complete his revenge, so there is no need to continue wasting time with a crazy person, Zhuli.

In the end, Kirabi could only take the Raikage head that had been discarded in the corner, turned around and returned to Yunnin Village.

In any case, as the only survivor of the pursuit force, he must bring this news back to the village and help Elder and his advisors to choose the next Raikage to stabilize the situation in the Land of Thunder.

Otherwise, once the cloud endures civil strife, the final order of the entire country of thunder will disappear.


But neither Neji nor Kirabi had noticed that from the beginning to the end of the battle, two people were watching in the dark.

One of them is naturally Hei Jue from everywhere, and the other is Obito who accompanies him.

Looking at the places in the valley that were cut by the chakra lines, Hei Jue immediately commented in a rather emotional tone: "The current youngster is really terrifying! This kid named Neji Hyuga , he defected to Konoha for about a year, can he kill Raikage? It seems that the guy named Alan seems to be more troublesome than we expected."

"It's more than trouble! You Have you seen those chakra lines that are almost indistinguishable by naked eyes? They are no longer ordinary ninjutsu, but a product of yin and yang escape. Maybe even if Madara is resurrected, it may not necessarily be the opponent of this kid." Soil deliberately mystifying hints.

"Alan's strength has begun to exceed our expectations a bit, and he collects tailed beasts faster than we imagined. I think it's time to revive Spots through the reincarnation of the dirty earth to discuss Let's take a countermeasure."

Black Jue made a big circle, and finally came up with the resurrection of Madara Uchiha to test Obito's reaction.

According to his judgment, Obito is definitely a chess piece that is not very easy to control, and he has even shown several times that he wants to complete the Moon Eye plan by himself, instead of following the original plan. .

But now, Obito already knew the truth, not only did he not mean to stop it, but it was the nodded of the full of smiles: "Agree! I also think we should resurrect Madara and let him take over and advance the Eye of the Moon. plan. But are you sure that Dou is credible? He is a spy from the root organization, and he will not be loyal to anyone at all, but will only be loyal to himself."

"Don't worry! Just rely on the pharmacist's bag, and control it No Madara. Also, Madara's strength is enough to overwhelm the entire ninja world even if the filth is reincarnated. Even that little monster named Alan will definitely back down in front of Madara. When the time comes as long as you have collected all the tailed beasts, He can be discarded like the other pieces."

Hei Jue is undoubtedly quite confident in Madara's strength.

Because he knows that once Madara takes back his Samsara Eye and becomes the Ju-Tails, only the dead Six Paths immortal in this world can match it.

But what he didn't know was that Alan also had Strength of Six Paths and Samsara Eye at the moment, and he was still licking the wool of the tailed beasts, and one of the guard cranes was about to be bald. ...

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