Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 361

Rainbow Village, just like its name, rains almost all year round, and the sky is always dark, giving people a feeling of depression and dullness.

At this moment, Alan and Nagato stood in front of the Outlander Golem, slowly pulled out a Shoukaku from his body, and resealed it into the body of this huge bio-energy collection device.

If it weren't for this thing, he would definitely take it apart to see what the structure was inside and how it worked.

But unfortunately, the outer shell of the outsider golem is too hard, and there is still a lot of amazing life force left.

So it's basically impossible to pry it open by ordinary methods, unless destructive force is used.

And once the destructive power is used, it naturally means that it will be scrapped in an instant, and the impossible will be repaired.

Just when Alan was thinking about how to take apart the ten-tailed Divine Tree and study it after he killed Kaguya, the one-tailed extraction finally ended.

With the help of the Red Dragon, this process did not take away a shred of his own life force.

"Phew! It's finally done! Now with a chakra with a tail, the outsider golem is finally no longer just a decoration, but a war machine not just in name only, but also in reality ." Nagato said slightly relaxed.

"Save it! The current one is not the one you think it is. Once the chakra loses too much, it won't make up for it for a long time." Alan reminded meaningfully road.

Because after 90% of the medium was taken away, the recovery speed of all tailed beast Chakra was only one tenth of the previous one.

This also means that they are no longer the legendary natural disaster with endless chakra, and if they die accidentally now, the resurrection time will be ten times longer than before.

"Oh? Did you do anything to it?" Nagato asked in surprise.

Alan chuckled and shook the head: "Don't ask so much, you just need to know that I left a lot of surprises for that chakra ancestor. If there is nothing else, I will echo first. Ninja Village. After all, there is still another two-tailed person Zhuri waiting for me to take over."

But before he could turn around and take two steps, Nagato was yelled behind: "Wait! I Recently, it has been discovered that many rebels have been fighting for power and profits. Don't you think these people should be dealt with?"

"Clean up? How could you have such a ridiculous idea?" Alan stopped. A strange expression appeared on his face.

"Shouldn't those opportunists be disposed of and the rebels remain pure?" Nagato as it should be replied by rights.

"No! Of course not! You have to understand that a pure idealist cannot achieve anything. Only when ideals and reality compromise each other and are driven by the most basic human desires, the so-called reform It is the innate nature of human beings to fight for power and profit. Even if you kill one batch, there will definitely be a second batch. Although it is a bit rude to say this, you are actually a typical person who can’t achieve anything. Idealist. Your thoughts are too naive, too naive, and too ridiculous. So I really advise you not to get too involved in this kind of thing."

I don't know if it's advice after this meal , If it is still suggested, Alan disappears at the end of Yuren Village without looking back.

On the other hand, Nagato was stunned in place by himself, without came back to his senses for a long time.

After being a god for so long, it was the first time he heard someone say that his thoughts were simple, naive and ridiculous.

But after sitting down and savoring it carefully, he suddenly realized that he really didn't seem to understand politics and reform at all, and even the governance of Yuren Village was forcibly suppressed by his powerful personal martial power.

It is impossible to establish a system at all, even if it can continue to operate at its own time.

After realizing this, Nagato smiled wryly and asked his companions behind him: "Xiao Nan, was our original idea really wrong?"

"I don't know! I believe that with this guy's plan at this time, we will succeed. Because in him, I see something that I can never see in other ninjas, and that is a detached attitude." Xiao Nan's expression was silent. 's response.

"Yes! Judging from the domination of the occupied areas by the rebels, it seems not difficult to see that the dawn of the dawn still appears. It's a pity that we haven't hit the most terrifying enemy yet." Nagato sighed slightly road.

As a child who was born and raised in the Ninja World War, he witnessed the most brutal war with his own eyes, and also tasted the taste of starvation and freezing.

Because of this, they chose to set up the Xiao organization, trying to build a bridge of communication between people, villages and villages, completely avoiding war and keeping peace forever.

At that time, they were naive and passionate, thinking that they could change the world with the strength of oneself.

It's a pity that Danzo and Hanzo, the two old yin Bs, taught them the sinister world with naked reality and the darkness of human nature.

But even so, Nagato never wanted to overthrow the rule and order established by the daimyo and the nobles, and only wanted to use the power of the tail beast to make the major ninja villages dare not act rashly.

But now, with Alan.

He didn't even personally participate in this drastic change. He just sowed some ideas and seeds, and the entire world set off a heaven overflowing giant wave.

The situation of the Five Great Powers, which was originally regarded as unshakable, came to an end.

What's even more terrifying is that these commoners were able to complete their own management of the occupied area after breaking away from the daimyo and nobles, and established a relatively fair system.

Some of the strongest of these are already qualified to form nations.

For Nagato, nothing was more exciting and overwhelmed by emotions than seeing this scene before his death.

Just as he was about to drive his wheelchair to see the scene outside, Alan suddenly came back from outside with a playful smile on his face.

“Why are you back?” Xiaonan asked subconsciously frowned.

"Guess who I met while eating out just now?" Alan asked meaningfully.


Xiao Nan woman's Sixth Sense came into play again, and she immediately realized that there were spies or spies in her territory.

Alan touched the chin and replied: "It's Jiraiya! That guy didn't even use the Body Transformation Technique, he just walked in from the outside, and also called two women to accompany him in the flower street next door. If If nothing else, he should have come to inquire about the details of the organization. Now please tell me, what are you two going to do with this former teacher and now the enemy?"

"Jiraiya...teacher Is it finally here?" Nagato's eyes flashed a complicated look.

Because for Jiraiya, he is actually quite respected and loved.

But unfortunately, Jiraiya is also a ninja of Konoha, and no one can change this.

And the person who killed Yahiko was also the root tissue of Konoha.

After a full minute, Nagato said in a decisive tone: "Since the teacher of Jiraiya is here, let me, the student, prepare a grand welcome ceremony for him, It's also a funeral."

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