Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 362

"Ah hahahaha! Yuren Village is such a good place! There are so many beauties!"

In a custom shop in Huajie, Jiraiya was holding two scantily clad mature women, Showing a very happy smile.

The expression on his face at this moment is definitely not fake, but really excited, and even the wine in the glass is much better than usual.

After all, during this period of time, I was really depressed in Mu Leaf Village. I was busy dealing with messes every day, or kept in touch with the other three major countries, even peeping at women's bathrooms. Little time to do it.

To be precise, in front of the fifth Hokage Tsunade, he didn't dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool.

As a saying goes, desire is like a spring, the harder you suppress it, the stronger it will bounce back.

In addition, it is still public consumption, so it is natural to have a good time.

As for the mission, let's talk about it when the fun is over.

Anyway, they have already arrived at Yuren Village, and it is not too short of time.

But I am afraid I never dreamed that because I did not use the Body Transformation Technique, I would meet an acquaintance on the street by chance, and told the news to Yuren, the real ruler. door.

Just as he was getting better, a silhouette suddenly walked in from the outside and greeted in a tone without any emotion: "long time no see, Zilai also teacher."


After seeing the true face of the visitor clearly, Jiraiya’s originally high desire and a little bit of alcoholism suddenly disappeared without a trace, and put it directly. The woman beside Kai jumped up from the floor and asked in a deep voice, "Yahiko! It's really you! How could Nagato's Samsara Eye be on you? Did something happen between you?"

"Hehe, you're still the same as you were before, nothing has changed. Yeah! A lot has happened since you left, Yahiko is dead, at the hands of Danzo and Hanzo. Now, control him It's me, Nagato."

Different from the covert in the original plot, this time Nagato blunt revealed his identity and asked Penn Six Paths to open the store from the inside to the outside .

"What?! Yahiko is dead?" Jiraiya stared wide-eyed in surprise.

"Yes! Not only is he dead, but the members of the first Akatsuki organization who followed him, almost each one is almost dead. Please tell me why Konoha in your mouth is like justice incarnate, Do such dirty and despicable things in secret? Why is this world always good people who get hurt, but those who are shameless can live well?"

Nagato rudely put forward a series of questions doubt.

In the beginning, due to Jiraiya's relationship, his sense of Konoha was quite good, but since he met Danzo, the whole thing has made a 180-degree turn.

In addition to being influenced by Alan, he finally realized that no one in Shinobi Village is clean, and each one's hands are stained with the blood and lives of countless innocents.

Especially in wars and secret missions, in order to ensure that their whereabouts will not be exposed, it is common for them to kill villages and towns.

Otherwise, there would not be so many low-level civilians who would immediately go to trouble with ninjas as soon as they obtained the ability to read, and even risked their own lives in order to kill them.

"I...I don't know."

Sighed, who was helpless, also realized that the Akatsuki organization was obviously a group of ninjas, but why did they choose to stand in the rebel army? side.

But Nagato didn't want to let go of his former teacher easily, each minding their own business continued: "You don't know, but I know. Because of ninjas and Ninja village, this thing was originally deformed. , twisted and morbid product. Without you, the rule of the daimyo and nobles would have collapsed long ago. As a representative of the decay of the old order, all Shinobi villages, including Konoha, will be destroyed. Now that you have come to Yu Shinobi Village, It must be to inquire about our information? If so, then stay."

As the last word blurted out, Payne Six Paths unanimously chose to shoot.

Asura Path, with its monstrous powers, didn't say a word, rushing up and tearing at the opponent's arm.

Jilai also obviously didn't know the abilities of these puppets. He almost broke his entire arm, and in the end, he was lucky enough to escape by relying on the avatar technique.

Beast Dao also not to be outdone, summon out a large number of Spirit Beasts at an extremely fast speed, and conducts indiscriminate coverage attacks on the area where Jiraiya is located.

"It looks like you've become stronger! Nagato!"

Jiraiya, who was besieged by Payne's Six Paths, finally realized that he was still estimating the danger of this mission. Grand Guardian defended.

Especially the strange ability of Samsara Eye makes you can't guard against it.

Even his own chakra is being devoured by the opponent's Hungry Ghost Path.

If it goes on like this, it is estimated that it will really take a few minutes to die.

"Stop struggling, Jiraiya teacher, that doesn't make any sense. Because I already know all about you, and you don't know anything about me. The result of this battle, from the Very beginning is doomed." Nagato said casually.

"What? You know all about me!" Jiraiya stared wide-eyed in surprise.

Nagato controlled Heavenly Dao and gently nodded: "That's right! Because Alan is also a member of Akatsuki's organization! All your cards have already been seen through by him. Not only you, including The remaining four great powers, in our eyes, are just a group of lambs to be slaughtered. It's just that you are still useful now, so you can still struggling on whilst at death's door for a while. Otherwise, this world will end sooner than later. It's completely changed."

"Damn it! That guy again!"

When he heard Alan's name, Jiraiya's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

You must know that since Alan threatened to nuclear Miaomushan, all the toads, including the toad Great Immortal, have cut off contact with the entire ninja world,

even him I can't help myself to enter immortal mode with summon Fukasaku and Shima now.

"Hehe, it seems that he really gave you an unprecedented headache. I'm curious, when the Warrior Group was cornered by you, was it similar to the current situation?"

Nagato asked with great curiosity while controlling Penn Six Paths to continue besieging his teacher.

But Jiraiya no longer has the extra energy to speak.

In fact, without being able to absorb natural energy, he can't even handle the devouring ability of Hungry Ghost Path, not to mention the abilities of Heavenly Dao Samsara's eyes "myriad forms 天氣" and "God". Luo Tianzheng".

Now, everything he did was just his last struggle before he died, and he didn't even have time to record the information, let alone send it out.

For a while, this unrestrained one of the three ninjas finally realized that this was his Land of Buried Bones, and his face showed infinite sadness.

Because Orochimaru killed his teacher with his own hands not long ago, he is about to perform the same scene now, as if Disciple killing the teacher is like some kind of curse and tradition...

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