Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 363

"Are you sure you just watched Nagato kill Jiraiya?"

Looking at the middle-aged and elderly fatty who was hanged by Payne Six Paths until he couldn't take care of himself, Alan finally couldn't help it He asked a question.

To be honest, he couldn't figure out how the teacher-disciple relationship in the Naruto world could become so weird, and almost every outstanding Disciple tried every means to kill his teacher.

Orochimaru and Sandai Hokage are like this, so are Po Fengshui Sect and Obito, even Jiraiya and Nagato have not escaped this law.

But Xiao Nan asked calmly: "Otherwise? Do you think people like Jiraiya teacher will accept our thoughts and ideas, and then betray Konoha? Even more how, If you kill him here, it will greatly damage Konoha's morale and prestige. Especially the fifth Hokage Tsunade, she will be sad and cry, and even have a mental breakdown again."

"From the point of view of interests, this is really understandable. But I think it would be too cruel for Disciple to kill its own veteran. Maybe... we can make use of this toad immortal." Alan suggested with a smile .

"Use?" Xiao Nan turned around and stared at the other party's violet eyes.

Alan lightly nodded: "That's right! How do you think Konoha will react if you reveal a little bit of information about the Collector Tailed Beast to him? How will the big ninja villages react?"


"It depends on how much is revealed. If it is only the ten tails in the legend of the resurrection of the tailed beast, then the remaining four major powers should immediately conclude an alliance, and then hesitate to declare war on our Xiao organization. But if Madara Uchiha and Kurojue's plans are revealed, then they will probably at all costs to prevent this from happening."

After thinking for a while, Xiaonan immediately gave her own judgment.

After all, only Hei Jue and the core members of Akatsuki, including Obito, are holding this secret information right now.

First of all, Hei Jue will definitely not reveal his true purpose, so he can be excluded first.

This also means that how much other Ninja villages in the entire Ninja world can know basically depends on how much the organization wants the other party to know, and how much is most beneficial to the entire plan.

"It's better... let's tell Jiraiya about the Tou-tails. I want to see if these big ninja villages will join forces to wage war against Akatsuki, or will they pretend to be something I don't know, continue to use the strength at hand to stop the expansion of the rebel army and safeguard the interests of those big names and nobles."

When he said this remark, a playful smile appeared on Alan's face.

You don't need to ask to know that he's playing the hard game of choosing one of the full-time hunter world again.

It seems to give the other party a chance to choose, but in fact, no matter which one is chosen, the final result will not have any change.

Xiao Nan undoubtedly realized this, and immediately couldn't help but ask: "Have you ever had family members and friends killed by ninjas before?"

"en? Why? So ask?" Alan unfathomable mystery blinked.

"If not, why would you come up with such a vicious idea to torture them?"


In Xiao Nan's eyes, this is completely cruel torture to the enemy.

Because if those grown-up villages declared war on Xiao, they would lose a lot of living power, and thus lose the qualification to compete with the rebels for the dominance of this world. In the end, like the warrior group of the year, they gradually declined, and even finally went perish.

But if they turn a blind eye and wait for Madara to respawn and cast infinite moon reading, the first wave of deaths will be ninjas with a lot of chakra.

As for the resistance army, although some of them have undergone human transformation in Yin Nin and can use chakra and mind power at the same time, most of them are still pure mind power users, and they don't have to worry about being wiped out.

"No, this is not to torture them, but to let them choose whether to be a tragic hero or one nailed to the pillar of shame when they withdraw from the stage of history, and will be pulled from time to time. The vicious dog who came out to whip the corpse. Besides, if you don't want Jiraiya to die by Nagato's hands, then hurry up, or he will really die."

After saying, Alan ignored anyone and directly performed Space Ninjutsu disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the black hole that was torn apart and then closed again, Xiao Nan finally sighed slightly, went directly to Nagato's wheelchair, and said in a low voice, "Enough! Let's stop there. Alan said just now, we can use Jiraiya and let him bring back some news about the resurrection of the ten tails, and then see what choice those Shinobi villages will make."

"Oh Is this asking us to officially start the fourth ninja war?" Nagato showed a surprised expression on his face.

"Not good! With the current situation, God knows what choices those Ninja villages will make."

Xiao Nan stared at Jirai, who was already lying on the ground and couldn't get up with a complicated expression. also explained.

You must know that now is not the kind of five kingdoms in the original plot that rule the entire ninja world.

If they dared to do this now, then as soon as the main force on the front foot left the village, the rebel army on the back foot would launch an attack and take the old nest directly.

After all, this is a class contradiction. It is a complete confrontation from the root, and there is no possibility of any compromise.

Nagato looked thoughtful nodded: "I know what to do. That's fine, at least I don't have to kill Jiraiya teacher, even let him live to see the truth of this world and complete the change The post-new era."

"Do you need me to come forward?" Xiao Nan asked softly.

"No! No need, just leave it to me." Nagato refused without thinking.

He understands that Xiaonan's heart has always been very gentle, and he doesn't want to hurt anyone, especially a teacher like Zilai who has deep feelings.


At the same time, far away in the underground secret room of Yinin Village, Dou was immersed in a liquid as viscous as oil.

It is not difficult to see from the distorted expression on his face that he is currently suffering from this great pain.

To be precise, it is fighting against the phagocytosis of the body by Orochimaru cells.

In order to cultivate the immortal mode of Longdidong, this spy-turned-genius has completely sacrificed himself.

But judging from the speed at which he absorbs natural energy, he has clearly succeeded.

It's just that the cells created by Orochimaru through the power of mind and the limit of phagocytosis have not been completely transformed into their own.

If the cells continue to be devoured, Baobuqi Dashewan will be revived on Dou's body.

And what he is doing now is to force his own will to infiltrate and control through these special black liquids.

When Immortal Technique chakra was injected into those tragic white muscles and skin tissues, the residual will of Orochimaru was finally eliminated and defeated by little by little.

Waiting for the moment when all this was finally completed, Dou finally opened his eyes, raised his mouth slightly and said excitedly: "Success! I finally succeeded in surpassing Master Orochimaru! Now, whether it is this body , or the immortal mode of Longdidong, has completely become my bag..."

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