Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 364

If you are alive, you must find a goal for yourself, whether it is short-term or long-term, or you will become a walking corpse, a complete waste.

But the problem is, in the real world, in many cases, you will not be able to see the rewards if you work hard and pay.

So in the process of hard work, most people gradually lose the motivation to move forward because they can't get reward for a long time.

This is why so many people are addicted to the game world!

After all, no matter what kind of game, it will always give players a timely feedback.

For example, if you kill a monster or complete a task, then various EXPs will be displayed immediately, so that each player can see the distance level of their game characters Ascension one step closer.

But unfortunately, there is no such timely feedback in the real world, let alone EXP.

All things can only be learned and accumulated little by little. Before finding a suitable opponent to compete, even the learner himself is not quite clear about his own level.

There is no doubt that the pharmacist is in such a state right now.

With the Orochimaru cells, the immortal mode of Longdidong, and the ability to develop the mind secretly without telling everyone, all of this made his strength begin to expand rapidly after the death of Orochimaru, and even began to have a little own mind.

As a former spy, he is more sensitive than anyone, and can feel that the Xiao organization does not want to be completely led by Payne as he originally imagined.

On the contrary, in this organization, there are actually two forces.

One of them is naturally the titular leader Payne, and the other is of course Kurojue and the guy who calls himself Madara Uchiha.

Although on the surface, the two forces are for the same goal, but he always feels that when the latter speaks, he always seems to be implying something.

"There must be some hidden secrets in Akatsuki's organization..." The pocket touched the chin, who came out of the secret room after changing his clothes, muttered to himself.

The more he understands these dangerous elements, the more he understands why Orochimaru was full of fears about the Xiao organization at the beginning, and he didn't even dare to confront each other head-on.

Just when he was thinking about how to meet him next time and get some more words out of the other person's mouth, a dark figure suddenly appeared from the ground, it was Hei Jue himself who had disappeared for a long time.

The two looked at each other for about two or three seconds, before Dou was the first to ask, "Is there a mission?"

"en! We need you to reincarnate a person with dirt. ." Hei Jue blunt expressed his intention.


Double is obviously a smart person, and he immediately realizes that this person's identity is definitely not ordinary, otherwise he will not go there in person.

"Don't ask so many questions, you just need to be prepared. In addition, this time, you don't need to bury the spell." Hei Jue put forward all the requirements at once.

Because what he needs is a spot with autonomous consciousness, not a puppet that is manipulated.

"Got it!" Dou Lian agreed without thinking.

As the only two remaining people in the entire ninja world who have mastered the ninjutsu of reincarnation in the dirt, he already knows that Hei Jue is avoiding and guarding against Alan.

This also proves from a certain perspective that his previous inference is correct, the Akatsuki organization is not monolithic, and both parties have their own plans.

When Hei Jue wanted to say something, a deafening roar suddenly came from the place where the sound ninja was specially used to build and repair ninja tools.

A lot of dust fell from the top of the head, and those ninjas and the rebels who came to receive training and body modification also rushed out of the resting place, trying to find out what happened.


This sound lasts for a very short time, disappeared without a trace in less than ten seconds.

Following, a ninja in charge of security appeared out of thin air, one-knee kneels reported: "Master Dou, it's not the invasion of foreign enemies, but the swordsman from the country of iron. The movement came out. However, you have told no one to approach easily, so we don't know what happened, and we can only confirm from a distance that there are no casualties."

"Knifesmith?" Dou's eyes There was a flash of color.

"Yes! And... Lord Alan was there too." The Ninja Reported Truthfully.


On the other side, in the collapsed ruins, the uncle in his fifties was holding a fiery-red hand that was constantly emitting into the air. With a fiery straight knife, excited smiles and tears appeared on his face, and he shouted like crazy: "Success! I finally succeeded in creating a Divine Item in my lifetime!"

Although his hands were severely burned by the terrifying temperature of the blade, his mood was extremely happy and comfortable.

"Amazing achievement! Now, I finally have a weapon that can kill gods." Alan took the still-hot long knife from the swordsmith's hand, with a satisfied smile on his face.

12 points of strength, 12 points of stamina, 30 points of fire resistance, when hit, there is a certain chance to shoot a Fireball at the target...

Orange hammer almost all Properties are perfectly preserved!

Not only that!

After incorporating a large amount of chakra metal, it can also cause completely different effects by injecting chakra with different properties.

For example, the Wind Attribute Chakra can strengthen the tear, the Thunder Attribute can cause paralysis, and with the blessing of the ability of mind, Kaguya probably won't feel much better if he takes a knife.

"! Give it a loud name!" Uncle, the knife maker, reminded loudly in a very excited tone.

"Name? Let's call it flame demon sword!"

Alan is obviously not the kind of person who likes the sense of ceremony, so he abbreviated the name of the orange hammer very simply and rudely. , and then add a sword character at the end.

No way!

He doesn't even bother to name the abilities and moves he developed, even more how is a trifling weapon.

"flame demon sword? A good name! And it's also very appropriate!" The swordsmith Uncle was very pleased with the nodded, and seemed quite satisfied with the name.

Especially the look in his eyes, like when he saw his daughter getting married, full of nostalgia and reluctance, but also a little bit of relief.

After playing with it for a few minutes, Alan handed back the long knife that had not yet been opened, and said meaningfully: "Good people do it to the end! I'll leave it to you as well. I'm sure you won't let the second peer touch it."

"Hahahaha! Of course! This is my honor. Give me half a month. , I guarantee that you will see it in its most perfect and beautiful form."

The knifemaker uncle gently stroked the hot blade, his eyes revealing rays of light with excitement.

For him, this weapon is the Peak's work in his life, and it may even be the most powerful weapon in the entire ninja world.

Even if you risk your life, you must complete it completely before dying, and leave the name of the forger on the end of the hilt.

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