Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 365

There is no doubt that the emergence of the flame demon sword has cleared the final obstacle to killing the aliens who invaded this world.

Although it still takes at least half a month to grind and find suitable materials for the handle and scabbard, for Alan, who has countless special materials, all this is not a problem.

He even threw a few pieces of molten dog skin and dragon skin that could perfectly block the flames to the swordsmith uncle, and then let it go.

It is the best way to leave professional things to professional people.

And as the strength continues to increase, the benefits that engineering can bring are getting smaller and smaller. Alan has even begun to consider washing out engineering to learn more profitable businesses such as forging, enchanting, and alchemy. Skill.

Just when he was struggling with how to match his new business skills, Xianglin, who had disappeared for a long time, finally came back with the two people on his back.

As soon as we met, the red-haired girl immediately asked for credit happily: "Sir! I got the person you wanted back."

"You did good! By the way, why are you the only one who came back, Neji?" Alan asked with interest immediately after encouraging him.

In his impression, Neji has always been a very mature and reliable helper.

Under normal circumstances, the two should come back together.

Xianglin heard this sentence, the smile immediately solidified on his face, and he stammered and explained in a rather embarrassed tone: "Ningji...Ningji stayed alone to snipe Yun Ren's pursuit. Troops."

"Anyone?" Alan subconsciously frowned.

Because this kind of adventurous behavior is definitely not something that Neji can do.

But the next second, he immediately recalled that it was because of Yun Ren's filthy actions that he was forced to commit suicide to quell the storm, and sighed with a wry smile: "Ai, okay, I I think I understand what's going on. Neji, this guy, normally looks calm and rational, but he has always been depressed inside. As the saying goes, the longer the depression, the more terrifying the outbreak. It seems that this time Yun Ren is going to It's extremely unlucky."

"Hehe, you guessed it right. Erwei's Ren Zhuli was cut off his spine alive by him. Neji's hatred for Yun Ren is not ordinary." Xiang Phosphorus casually threw the teak man on the ground.

Alan lightly nodded: "Understandable! If it were me, I would directly kill the entire Yun Ren regardless of gender, age, or child, slaughtering it in the most cruel way, and killing the last person. Before, Raikage would never be killed, but he would let him watch his relatives, subordinates and Disciple one by one die in despair. Revenge is never a rational act, it is a catharsis of extreme emotions I just hope that after Ningji completes his revenge, he can let go of his past obsessions, face up to himself, and face the path of the future."

"Is it also because of this that Ningji's eyes have not been able to evolve? ' Fragrant asked in an uncertain tone.

"I don't know! I only know that Tenseikan is the ultimate evolutionary form of White Eye. Like Samsara Eye, it is the highest level pupil technique. Normally, the higher the pupil power of White Eye, The greater the probability of evolution. As Hyuga's most outstanding talent in nearly several decades, Neji should have such an innate talent. And I've given him enough Strength of Six Paths." Alan touched the chin ambiguous explanation road.

In his opinion, if Hinata has such potential, then Neji, who is a cousin, is absolutely impossible.

After all, the bloodline between the two is only a generation apart, and the caged bird spell that originally limited the power of the bloodline has also been completely eliminated. In theory, after combining with Strength of Six Paths, it should be able to quickly Just complete the evolution.

I don't know why, but Neji's body and chakra have both begun to make a leap from quantity to quality, and even created a move that shoots a lot of chakra lines from the acupuncture points, whether it is forbearance. The technique is still body refinement, and once it is poked by the wire, it will be torn apart instantly.

To a certain extent, he, like Xianglin, has reached or even surpassed the level of the first Hokage Senju, and he is only one step away.

"What about me? When can I get Samsara Eye?" Xianglin blinked curiously.

Since she learned her identity and surname, she has been learning sealing techniques from the two vortex powerhouses reincarnated from the dirt. Now it can be said that she is the best at living in the entire ninja world. Sealed person.

"I don't know! The yang chakra in your body has been fully awakened and obtained the so-called Body of Immortal. As for the next step, it is natural to find a way to master the yin and yang. When the yin and yang are combined to control the Sen Luo myriad forms Power, you can naturally open Samsara Eye like me. Some time ago, didn't I inject the genes of the Uchiha family into your body? The next thing you have to do is to feel it. Existence, little by little will lead it out. Also, don't worry too much, we all have enough time before the three tails are resurrected."

Speaking, Alan extended the hand and touched the girl lightly 's brain.

Xiang Lin undoubtedly likes this kind of intimate gesture very much, closing his eyes like a kitten and showing an expression of enjoyment, and a faint blush appeared on his face.

For her who has suffered and suffered since childhood, this young man is her last relative and support in the world.

But this slightly ambiguous atmosphere didn't last for too long, so Dou walked in from the outside, with a fake smile on his face, respectfully gave a salute: "Congratulations, Lord Alan .I heard that the weapon you built is finished?"

"en! Yes! From now on those troubled ninjas and rebels should be able to sleep well." Alan faint smile responded.

"That's really good!" Kazuo complimented casually, and then turned his attention to the motionless two-tailed man Zhuri lying on the ground. "This is... Yun Ren's teak man?"

"Ah! I have nothing to do recently, so I let Neji and Xiang Lin go. After all, Yun Ren was so arrogant last time, and it was time to give They took a look. These simple-minded idiots must understand who is the real Sovereign in the entire ninja world."

With the last word, Alan lifted the teak man off the ground. He got up and stared at the other's eyes full of fear and hatred: "You must be very unwilling now, right?"

"Bah! Raikage-sama will definitely not let you go!" Teak Man fiercely spat.

Unfortunately, her saliva did not touch Alan, but was blocked by the entanglement wrapped around her body halfway through the flight.

I have to say that Yun Ren's temper is quite irritable, far from being full of stubborn bones like Sand Ren, and if he is a little scared, he will all shrink back, not even a woman.

Not to mention that at the end of the first ninja war, golden horn and silver horn were dissatisfied with the village and admitted defeat, so they launched a coup d’etat to kill Raikage and then Hokage. , known as the most vicious and brutal criminal in the history of ninja.

Although these two guys died in the end, their spirits still remained deep in the mountains surrounded by clouds.

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