Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 366

"Sorry, the fourth Raikage you mentioned is dead! I unscrewed his head with my own hands. Besides, the rest of the chasing force, except for Rabbi Yatai, all died. Yun Ren, There is no future to speak of."

Accompanied by a familiar voice, Neji, dressed in white cloth, finally slowly walked out of the darkness, with a chilling smell of blood all over his body.

Although his hands were as white as ever, he was extremely sensitive to the breath and could sense that these hands must have crushed a lot of fresh life not long ago.

"What... what? Raikage-sama is dead?! This is impossible! You are lying!" The teak man retorted excitedly.

But Neji didn't talk nonsense, and threw a yellow metal belt on the ground, making a muffled sound.

Seeing this thing, the teak man's pupils instantly enlarged countless times, and the expression on his face changed from the original fierceness to despair: "no! No! No! This is not true! This is It's not true! How can Raikage-sama die! He is so powerful!"

There is no doubt that this belt is one of the iconic items on the fourth generation Raikage, and it is worn on the wrist. The golden wristbands on it are also proof of identity.

If these two distinct things appear in the hands of the enemy, it means he is dead.

Bone hard?

It's okay!

With a hammer, you smash one by one!

"Powerful?." Neji taunted in a slightly contemptuous tone.

However, he didn't pay too much attention to the dejected reaction of the two tails, and said to Alan in a slightly apologetic tone: "I'm sorry, I couldn't control my emotions for a while and accidentally killed Raikage. , and almost wiped out Yun Ren's elite, sabotaging your plan."

Accidentally killed Raikage?

Is this an apology or a naked show?

The corners of his mouth twitched inadvertently, and at the same time he secretly increased Neji's risk factor several times.

Although he didn't quite know what the whole process was like, it's not hard to tell from the white suit that wasn't stained with any stains or bloodstains, the fight was definitely crushing.

The Yun Ren, who claims to have the soul of martial arts, could not even resist, and directly suffered an unprecedented fiasco, and even the shadow of a village got in.

But Alan smiled and shook the head: "It's okay! I was negligent, I shouldn't let you face the enemy who killed your father. If it were me, Yun Ren probably even has one alive now. There are no mice left. Tell me, how does revenge feel?"

" seems to be not bad. I can feel that when Raikage died, the restless heart actually gained A trace of peace. It's a pity that you didn't order to bring Yawei back, otherwise I wouldn't let Kirabi go." Neji's face showed a rather regretful expression.

"Looks like you've let it go. That's great! Let's go for a good cultivation. Don't forget, I'm looking forward to your performance in the future."

says After this sentence, Alan patted Neji's shoulder comfortably, and then directly ordered to start extracting the tailed beast from the teak man.

Because this woman was Yun Ren's die-hard loyalist, he didn't mean to be polite at all, he just pulled out at the fastest speed, and didn't mean to leave Zhuli's life at all.

And after the pumping, he threw the corpse into the pocket, making it a member of the army of reincarnation of the dirty earth.

When treating the enemy , Ailu will never have the slightest sympathy.

Getting the body of a powerhouse for no reason, Dou immediately made a nasty compliment, then turned around and retire.

At this moment, he realized why Orochimaru likes to cooperate with each other so much.

Because without touching the bottom line, Alan is definitely a very generous person.

As long as you confirm that it is not what you need, no matter how precious it is, it will be thrown aside immediately.

At this time, whoever is closest to him will be the beneficiary.

Watching the pocket, which looked more and more like Orochimaru, leave completely, Neji subconsciously frowned and reminded: "There's something wrong with that guy! He's using us!"

"Ah! I know." Alan nodded casually. "But I'm not taking advantage of him. Tou is a very poor guy. He has been searching for his true self and a family that can accept him all his life. It's a pity that he followed the wrong person and chose the wrong one. The road."

"You mean..."

Ningji clearly realized something, and decisively opened his eyes to inspect the entire underground part of Yinin Village.

As a result, he found a trace of Hei Jue in a dark corner.

"That's right! This fool doesn't know that he has been targeted by Obito and Kurojue at the same time. And what these two guys want him to do is to let Madara Uchiha reincarnate through dirty soil. Resurrection. Our power is so powerful that Heo Jue has fear and vigilance. He hopes to resurrect Madara Uchiha to make the entire Moon Eye plan on track." Alan gave the answer with a chuckle.

You have to know that during this period of time, the wool of the tailed beast is very cool. When the nine-tailed beast is smashed from head to tail, what if the ten tails are resurrected.

Whether it's Madara or Kaguya who is reincarnated in someone else's body, they will find that the ten tails are not as strong as they expected.

"What about Konoha? I heard that Sasuke, who gathered a group of Orochimaru's remnants from somewhere, was planning to attack Konoha, and put that dirty, The evil village is completely destroyed."

For Uchiha Sasuke, Neji's initial attitude was disgust, but since he knew that the night of the genocide really wanted to, he began to turn into sympathy.

No way!

No matter from that point of view, Sasuke's life is too miserable, and it was arranged properly by Itachi.

If it hadn't been for Alan's appearance out of thin air, he would have spent his entire life staying with the real murderer who killed his parents, or even working for each other.

But now...

The Erzhuzi who just killed Orochimaru is full of confidence, and plans to use the methods of A Tooth For A Tooth and Blood For Blood to let Konoha be The nasty things he did in those days paid the price, the price of blood and death.

He didn't care whether the Uchiha clan planned to rebel or not, he only knew that the contradiction between the two sides had existed since the establishment of Konoha.

And the second and third generations of Hokage are sparing no effort to attack the Uchiha family, and Danzo, who inherited the second-generation Hokage thought, wants to kill every Uchiha.

So Konoha can't be washed clean at all on this matter!

There is no need to wash!

I have to say that Konoha has done so much wickedness that Nagato did not attack Konoha, and Sasuke Uchiha attacked Konoha in an attempt to bring this Ninja world together. The first largest village was wiped off the map.

Alan has been paying attention to Sasuke's actions, touched the chin and said, "Let him go! As I said, people are responsible for their own actions, and Shinobu Village is the same. Since If you've done it, then you have to be prepared for revenge. How about we go to Konoha to watch the fun together? I want to see how the five generations of Hokage Tsunade will deal with the seeds of hatred planted by the grandfather himself. ..."

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