Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 367

Land of Fire, Wood Leaf Village.

As the fifth Hokage's Tsunade, he is standing in the ward of Konoha Hospital, watching that Jiraiya who was beaten and bruised and still in a coma and doesn't know when he will wake up. Also, there was a gloomy and bleak look all over his face.

As the best medical ninja in the entire ninja world, she can basically be sure that although Jiraiya saved her life, she has been unable to participate in any battles in a short period of time.

The Wood Leaf Village has lost a very important commander and pillar.

However, no matter how difficult the day is, we have to make do with it.

Especially as a shadow of a village, the more difficult it is, the stronger it is.

If even she falls, who can stand up to save Konoha?

Has Kakashi lost his wheel-eye?

Or the yellow-haired boy who shouts to be Hokage all day long?

Just when Tsunade felt helpless about the current bad situation, an Anbu ninja suddenly appeared out of thin air and reported in a low voice: "Lord Naruto! The information brought back by Lord Jiraiya has been interpreted. It's out, please take a look."

"Oh? So fast!"

Tsunade was obviously startled, so he hurriedly glanced at the result.

I didn't know the result, but I was shocked when I saw it.

Not to mention anything else, just collecting the ten tails in the legend of the resurrection of the tailed beast is enough to make her feel scared witless.

even more how, as well as Nagato's terrifying Samsara Eye ability, and Payne's Six Paths' powerful and bizarre power, neither of which can be dealt with by Konoha, who is currently short-handed.

But before Tsunade came back to his senses from the shock of this information, another ninja walked in from outside and reported with a solemn expression: "Lord Naruto! Uchiha That guy Sasuke, with a lot of Orochimaru's remnants, is heading towards us. They are aggressive, and they are probably planning to declare war on us."

"What?! This damn brat! At this time !" Tsunade clenched his fists in anger.

If this wasn't a ward, she would definitely destroy something to vent her depression.

"How many are there?" Kakashi asked helplessly, holding his forehead.

"There are about a hundred people! Many of them are high-level cadres. And there are rumors that Sasuke Uchiha killed Orochimaru. This means that his pair of The eyes may have evolved to the level of a kaleidoscope." The ninja who broke in shook out all the information at hand.

"Is it a kaleidoscope writing wheel again... This is troublesome!" Kakashi subconsciously touched the black eye patch on his face.

Since Divine Might's writing wheel was taken back by Obito, he has switched from a front-line fighter to a clerical job.

Just in time for the fifth Hokage Tsunade, he is not someone who has the patience to deal with a large number of documents, so he was pushed up to the top of the tank.

Just as Tsunade was preparing to arrange countermeasures, vortex Naruto suddenly burst in from the outside and asked loudly in an impatient tone: "Kakashi teacher! Granny Tsunade! I heard that Sasuke is coming back! Is this true?"

"Hehe, yes, he also brought more than 100 Orochimaru's men. Get ready, Naruto, maybe only you can Stop him." Kakashi replied with a wry smile.

If it wasn't for the loss of an eye that greatly reduced his strength, he would be more than willing to stop his Disciple with his own hands.

"Don't worry! I'll stop him!" vortex Naruto solemnly vowed assured.

"Forget it! You'd better stay in the village obediently and honestly, and don't go anywhere. Sasuke probably already has the legendary kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. Once the nine tails are controlled by him, Then you can't stop him, you will become his accomplice."

Tsunate decisively stopped the yellow-haired boy who was eager to have a try to play.

It is estimated that in her opinion, letting the nine-tailed man Zhuli fight against the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye is simply a downright enemy.

Let's not say anything else, the damage to the village caused by the Nine Tails Rampage is definitely more serious than the damage caused by Sasuke Uchiha himself.

The current Konoha is not as rich and imposing as before!

As the land controlled by the daimyo and nobles of the land of fire is getting smaller and smaller, the funds and budget in the village are getting tighter and tighter. If there is another wave of reconstruction, I am afraid that even the pension will not be issued .

"Damn! Just give me a chance! Granny Tsunade! I swear I will stop Sasuke." Naruto roared unwillingly.

Because of Alan's impetus, the changes in this world are much faster and more dramatic than the original plot, so that the protagonist has no time to grow at all.

In addition, Miaomu Mountain was completely closed to the outside world, and Jiraiya was knocked into a coma by his own Disciple Nagato, and Naruto completely lost the opportunity to learn the immortal mode.

"No! As Hokage, I can't expose the village to danger, and I can't make any unsure decisions. Vortex Naruto, are you still a Konoha ninja? If so, then Obey the order." Tsunade directly took out his identity to suppress Naruto.

She understands that ordinary methods won't work at all to deal with this stubborn and stubborn boy, and it might even sneak away.

She couldn't help shivering when she thought of the scene where the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli was controlled by the kaleidoscope writing wheel pressure, and then opened a killing ring in Konoha.

To know the current Konoha, there is no Po Fengshui Sect, the fourth-generation Hokage who masters the art of flying thunder gods. When the time comes, the whole village will be lost.

There is no doubt that for Naruto, the identity of the Konoha ninja is his weakness, and in the end he can only choose to obey in indignation.

But he did not give up, but hid in the dark and waited patiently for the opportunity.

Once the battle spreads to the surrounding area, he will immediately jump out and fight with his former comrade, and even persuade him to give up his hatred and return to the warm and happy time in the past of the seventh class.

I have to say that Naruto is really naive, and he is also the biggest MLM boss in the entire ninja world, always trying to force his own thoughts and values into others.

In the original plot, if someone does not agree with him, then he will use his fist to convince the other party first, and then force others to agree.

After all, the ninja world is a place where whoever has the bigger fist is justified.

This method is exactly the same as the one used by Western colonists in the era of great seafaring.

Obviously, Tsunade didn't know what was in Naruto's mind, and immediately announced that the entire village was in a state of war, all Formations were turned on, and at the same time, the ordinary person and the elderly and weak women and children were sent to take refuge.

For a while, the village was busy hugging each other inside and out. Since

Since the Nine-Tails Rebellion more than ten years ago, this is the second time that Wood Leaf Village has been invaded by foreign enemies. Many residents and businessmen have expressed panic, and some began to curse the group. hide and root.

Because after Konoha's collapse plan, the truth of Uchiha's genocide was also announced to the public.

Everyone knows that if it wasn't for Danzo's selfishness, things wouldn't have developed to such an unmanageable level.

Now, it is completely reasonable for Uchiha's orphan to put this account on Konoha's head, so that no one can fault it.

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